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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Journal of Marketing Research

ПС 968


Ключови думи
маркетинг, изследване на пазара, маркетингови изследвания
Техника. Промишленост
Тип Заглавие
Списание "Pie Sharing" in Complex Collaboration Contexts
Списание A Bargaining Theory of Distribution Channels
Списание A Career Between Theory and Practice
Списание A Characterization of Retailer Response to Manufacturer Trade Deals
Списание A Cognitive Model of People's Usage Estimations
Списание A Comparison of Multidimensional Scaling Methods for Perceptual Mapping
Списание A Comparison of Segment Retention Criteria for Finite Mixture Logit Models
Списание A Connectionist Model of Brand-Quality Associations
Списание A Direct Approach to Predicting Discretized Response in Target Marketing
Списание A Dynamic Model of Customers' Usage of Services
Списание A Feature-Based Approach to Market Segmentation Via Overlapping K-Centroids Clustering
Списание A General Choice Model for Bundles with Multiple-Category Products
Списание A Hierarchical Bayes Model for Assortment Choice
Списание A Household-Level Television Advertising Exposure Model
Списание A hybrid Choice Model that Uses Actual and Ordered Attribute Value Information
Списание A Learning-Based Model for Imputing Missing Levels in Partial Conjoint Profiles
Списание A Meta-Analysis of Relationships Between Ad-Evoked Feelings and Advertising Responses
Списание A Meta-Analysis of Satisfaction in Marketing Channel Relationships
Списание A Methodology for Linking Customer Acquisition to Customer Retention
Списание A Miltiple-Layer Model of Market-Oriented Organizational Culture
Списание A Mixture Model for Internet Search-Engine Visits
Списание A Model of Customer Satisfaction with Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery
Списание A Model of Web Site Browsing Behavior Estimated on C
Списание A Multiple Ideal Point Model
Списание A Multipurpose Shopping Trip Model to Assess Retail Agglomeration Effects
Списание A New Dimension Reduction Approach for Data-Rich Marketing Environments
Списание A Note on Ramaswamy, Chatterjee, and Cohen's Latent Joint Segmentation Models
Списание A Parametric Multidimensional Unfolding Procedure for Incomplete Nonmetric Preference/Choice Set Data in Marketing Research
Списание A Parsimonious Model of Stockkeeping-Unit Choice
Списание A Relationship Between Market Share Elasticities and Brand Switching Probabilities
Списание A Simulated Annealing Heuristic for a Bicriterion Partitioning Problem in Market Segmentation
Списание Absence Makes the Mind Grow Sharper
Списание Advantages of Time-Based New Product Development in a Fast-Cycle Industry
Списание Advertising Frequensy Decisions in a Discrete Markov Process Under a Budvet Constraint
Списание Affect, Framing, and Persuasion
Списание Alternative Models for Capturing the Compromise Effect
Списание An Anatomy of a Decision-Support System for Developing and Launching Line Extensions
Списание An Anchoring and Adjustment Model of Purchase Quantity Decisions
Списание An Empirical Analysis of Firms' Product Line Decisions
Списание An Empirical Analysis of Umbrella Branding
Списание An Empirical Comparison of Logit Choice Models with Discrete versus Continuous Representations of Heterogeneity
Списание An Empirical Investigation of Ex Post Transaction Costs in Franchised Distribution Channels
Списание An Empirical Investigation of the Spillover Effects of Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding
Списание An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Price-Matching Refund Policies
Списание An Exploratory Investigation of Organizational Antecedents to New Product Success
Списание An Information Search Cost Perspective for Designing Interfaces for Electronic Commerce
Списание An Integrated Approach Toward the Spatial Modeling of Perceived Customer Value
Списание An Investigation of Reference Price Segments
Списание Analyzing Brand Competition Across Subcategories
Списание Are Consumer Survey results Distorted? Systematic Impact of Behavioral Frequency and Duration on Survey Response errors
Списание Are the Parts Better Than the Whole? The Effects of Decompositional Questions on Judgments of Frequent Behaviors
Списание Artificial Neural Network Decision Support Systems for New Product Development Project Selection
Списание Attribute-Task Compatibility as a Determinant of Consumer Preference Reversals
Списание Audence Characteristics and Bundling
Списание Brand Counterextensions: The Impact of Brand Extension Success Versus Failure
Списание Brand Eguity Dilution
Списание Brands as Beacons
Списание Building Store Loyalty Through Store Brands
Списание Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets
Списание Buyer-Supplier Contracts Versus Joint Ventures
Списание BUYING Modular Systems in Technology - Intensive Markets
Списание Can Advertising Copy Make FSI Coupons More Effective ?
Списание Can Repeating a Brand Claim Lead to Memory Confusion? The effects of Claim Similarity and Concurrent Repetition
Списание Cast Demographics, Unobserved Segments, and Heterogeneous Switching Costs in a television Viewing Choice Model
Списание Choice Menus for Mass Customization
Списание Choosing What I Want Versus Rejecting What I Do Not Want
Списание Competitive Dynamics and the Introduction of New Products
Списание Consideration
Списание Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods
Списание Consumer Choise Process for Experience Goods
Списание Consumer Processing of Product Trial and the Influence of Prior Advertising
Списание Consumer Response to Negative Publicity
Списание Consumers' Perceptions of the Assortment Offered in a Grocery Category
Списание Control Mechanisms and the Relationship Life Cycle
Списание Controlling Measurement Errors in Models of Advertising Competition
Списание Coordinating Price Reductions and Coupon Events
Списание Coupon Attractiveness and Coupon Proneness
Списание Coupon Value
Списание Creating Local Brands in Multilingual International Markets
Списание Cross-Functional Product Development Teams, Creativity, and the Innovativeness of New Consumer Products
Списание Cross-Selling Sequentially Ordered Products: an application to Consumer Banking Services
Списание Cultural Differences in Consumer Impatience
Списание Cultural Variations in Country of Origin Effects
Списание Curvilinear Effects of Consumer loyalty Determinants in Relational Exchanges
Списание Deliberate Product Definition
Списание Designing Conjoint Choise Experiments Using Managers' Prior Beliefs
Списание Designing Loyalty-Building Programs for Packaged Goods Brands
Списание Determinants of Product-Use Compliance Behavior
Списание Determining Segmentation in Sales Response Across Consumer Purchase Behaviors
Списание Determining the Appropriate Depth and Breadth of a Firm's Product Portfolio
Списание Determining Where to Shop
Списание Developing Synergies Between Promotions and Brands in Different Price-Quality Tiers
Списание Diagnostics, Expectations, and Endogeneity
Списание Dimensions of Brand Personality
Списание Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Drug Therapy Compliance
Списание Distance Representations of Consumer Perceptions
Списание Distinguishing Between the Meanings of Music
Списание Divide and Prosper
Списание Do Strategic Conclusions Depend on how Price Is Defined in Models of Distribution Channels?
Списание Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions
Списание Do We Really Know How Consumers Evaluate Brand Extensions? Empirical generalizations Based on Secondary Analysis of Eight Studies
Списание Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility
Списание Does It Make Sense to Use Scents to Enhance Brand Memory?
Списание E-Customization
Списание Earning the Right to Indulge
Списание Econometric Models for marketing Decisions
Списание Effects of Implicit Memory on Memory-Based Versus Stimulus-Based Brand Choice
Списание Emotional Trade-Off Difficulty and Choice
Списание Entrenched Knowledge Structures and Consumer Response to New Products
Списание Estimating a Stockkeeping-Unit-Level Brand Choise Model That Combines Household Panel Data and Store Data
Списание Estimating Irregular Pricing Effects
Списание Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-Based Priors
Списание Examining the Impact of Destructive Acts in Marketing Channel Relationships
Списание Expanding to the Internet
Списание Exploring the Determinants of Broadway Show Success
Списание Extending Discrete Choice Models to Incorporate Attitudinal and Other Latent Variables
Списание Factor Analysis and Missing Data
Списание FROM Uncertain Intentions to Actual Behavior
Списание Global Diffusion of Technological Innovations
Списание Heterogeneous Conjoint Choice Designs
Списание Hierarchical Bayes Versus Finite Mixture Conjoint Analysis Models
Списание HINoV
Списание Historical Method in Marketing Research with New Evidence on Long-Term Market Share Stability
Списание How and When Factual Ad Claims Mislead Consumers
Списание How Brand Names Affect the Demand for Twin Automobiles
Списание How Do Intentions Affect Loss Aversion?
Списание Impact of a Late Entrant on the Diffusion of a New Product/Service
Списание Impact of Product-Harm Crises on Brand Equity
Списание IMPLEMENTING Quality Improvement Programs Designed to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Списание In Search of Diversity
Списание In Search of Negative Customer Feedback
Списание Incentive-Aligned Conjoint Analysis
Списание Incidential Prices and Their Effect on Willingness to Pay
Списание Incommensurate Resources
Списание Inferring Latent Brand Dependencies
Списание Informants in Organizational Maarketing Research
Списание Information Acceleration
Списание Information Asymmetry and Levels of Agency Relationships
Списание Integrated Product Design for Marketability and Manufacturing
Списание Integration of Discrepant Sales Forecasts
Списание Interdependence and Its Consequences in Distributor - Supplier Relationships
Списание Interdependence, Punitive capability, and the Reciprocation of Punitive Actions in Channel Relationships
Списание International Market Segmentation Based on Consumer-Product Relations
Списание Internet Recommendation Systems
Списание Interpreting Consumers
Списание Investigating Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain
Списание INVESTIGATING Consumers' tendency to Combine Multiple Shopping Purposes and Destinations
Списание Investigating Household State Dependence Effects Across Categories
Списание Investigating Purchase Timing Behavior in Two Related Product Categories
Списание Is a Company Known by the Company It Keeps? Assessing the Spillover Effects of Brand Alliances on Consumer Brand Attitudes
Списание Is the First to Market the First to Fail? Empirical Evidence for industrial Goods Businesses
Списание Issues and Opportunities in New Product Development
Списание Justification Effects on consumer Choice of Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods
Списание Kalman Filter Estimation of New Product Diffusion Models
Списание Late Mover Advantage
Списание Learning and Performance Orientation of Salespeople
Списание Linking Customer Management Effort to Customer Profitability in Business Markets
Списание Longitudinal Shifts in the Drivers of Satisfaction with Product Quality
Списание Making Complementary Choices in Consumption Episodes
Списание Managing Customer-Initiated Contacts with Manufacturers
Списание MARKET Motives, Distinctive Capabilities, and Domestic Inertia
Списание Market-Level Effects of Information
Списание Marketing Mass-Customized Products: Striking a Balance Between Utility and Complexity
Списание Marketing Models and the Lucas Critique
Списание MARKETING the Unfamiliar
Списание Marketing-Mix variables and the Diffusion of Successive Generations of a technological Innovation
Списание Measuring Consumers' Willingness to Pay at the Point of Purchase
Списание Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude
Списание Measuring the Influence of Individual Preference Structures in Group Decision Making
Списание Misleading Heuristics and Moderated Multiple Regression Models
Списание Model of Brand Choice with a No-Purchase Option Calibrated to Scanner-Panel Data
Списание Modeling Behavioral Regularities of Consumer Learning in Conjoint Analysis
Списание Modeling Fuzzy Data in Qualitative Marketing Research
Списание Modeling Hedonic Portfolio Products
Списание Modeling Interdependent Consumer Preferences
Списание Modeling Preferences for Common Attributes in Multicategory Brand Choice
Списание Modeling Purchase Behavior at an E-Commerce Web Site
Списание Multicriterion Clusterwise Regression for Joint Segmentation Settings
Списание Multivariate Analysis of Multiple Response Data
Списание Negative Consequences of Dichotomizing Continuous Predictor Variables
Списание New Empirical Generalizations on the Determinants of Price Elasticity
Списание New Product Introduction and Incumbent Response Strategies
Списание New Products, Upgrades, and New Releases
Списание On the Heterogeneity of Demand
Списание On the Use of Econometric Models for Policy Simulation in Marketing
Списание Optimal Design for Multinomial Choice Experiments
Списание Optimizing Television Program Schedules Using Choice Modeling
Списание Organizing for Radical Product Innovation
Списание Overcoming the Early Entrant Advantage
Списание PARAMETER Bias from Unobserved Effects in the Multinomial Logit Model of Consumer Choice
Списание Patterns of Affective Reaction to Advertisements
Списание Perceptions of Price Unfairness
Списание Performance of Store Brands
Списание Pie-Expansion Efforts
Списание Pleasant Surprises
Списание Polyhedral Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
Списание Predecisional Distortion of Product Information
Списание Price Competition Under Stockpiling and Flexible Consumption
Списание Pricing of Conspicuous Goods: A Competitive Analysis of Social Effects
Списание Product Development Cycle Time and Organizational Performance
Списание Psychometric Methods in Marketing Research
Списание Pulling the Plug to Stop the New Product Drain
Списание Recapturing Lost Customers
Списание Recovering Stockkeeping - Unit - Level Preferences and Response Sensitivities from Market Share Models Estimated on Item Aggregates
Списание Relatedness, Prominence, and Constructive Sponsor Identification
Списание Reliability Assessment and Optimization of Marketing Measurement
Списание Remote Purchase Environments
Списание Resources for Research and Pedagogy on New Product Development Processes
Списание Response Latencies in the Analysis of Conjoint Choice Experiments
Списание Response Modeling with Nonrandom Marketing-Mix Variables
Списание Response Styles in Marketing Research
Списание Retailer, Manufacturers, and Individual Consumers: Modeling The Supply Side in the Ketchup Marketplace
Списание Rethinking Market Research
Списание Satisfaction, Repurchase Intent, and Repurchase Behavior
Списание Search and Alignment in Judgment Revision
Списание Seasonal Marketing and Timing New Product Introductions
Списание Signaling Strategies in Competitive Interaction
Списание Signaling Unobservable Product Quality Through a Brand Ally
Списание Simulation Experiments in Choise Simplification
Списание Simultaneous Signaling and Screening with Warranties
Списание Social Dimensions of Consumer Distinctiveness
Списание Social Factors Influencing Export Initiation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Списание Software Tools for New Product Development
Списание Some New Methods for an Old Problem
Списание Specific Investment in Marketing Relationships
Списание Statistical Data Fusion for Cross-Tabulation
Списание Stereographic Visual Displays and the Three-Dimensional Communication of Findings in Marketing Research
Списание Stickier Priors
Списание Sticky Priors
Списание Strategic Fit in Industrial Alliances
Списание Strategic Management of Expectations
Списание Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance
Списание Structural Modeling and Policy Simulation
Списание Subscale Distance and Item Clustering Effects in Self-Administered Surveys
Списание Surprising Robustness of the Self-Explicated Approach to Customer Preference Structure Measurement
Списание Sustained Spending and Persistent Response
Списание Temporal Differences in the Role of Marketing Comminication in New Product Categories
Списание The Advantages of Entry in the Growth Stage of the Product Life Cycle
Списание The Better They Are, the More They Give: Trade promotions of Consumer Durables
Списание The Boundaries of Loss Aversion
Списание The Contingency Value of Complementary Capabilities in Product Development
Списание The Customer Orientation of Service Workers
Списание The Customer Relationship Management Process
Списание The Dark Side of Long-Term Relationships in Marketing Services
Списание The Determinants of Japanese New Product Successes
Списание The Determinants of Pre- and Postpromotion Dips in Sales of Frequently Purchased Goods
Списание the Differential Impact of Goal Congruency on Attitudes, Intentions, and the Transfer of Brand Equity
Списание The Distribution of Survey Contact and Participation in the United States
Списание The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure
Списание The Effect of Conceptual and Perceptual Fluency on Brand Evaluation
Списание The Effect of Forced Choice on Choice
Списание The Effect of Project and Process Characteristics on Product Development Cycle Time
Списание The Effect of Promotion on Consumption
Списание The Effects of Analyzing Reasons for Brand Preferences
Списание The Effects of Extensions on Brand Name Dilution and Enhancement
Списание The Effects of Incomplete Information on Consumer Choice
Списание The Emergence of Market Structure in New Repeat-Purchase Categories
Списание The Estimation of Pre- and Postpromotion Dips with Store-Level Scanner Data
Списание The Evolution of Brand Preferences and Choice Behaviors of Consumers New to a Market
Списание The Field Behind the Screen
Списание The Illusion of Delayed Incentives
Списание The Impact of Advertising Positioning Strategies on Consumer Price Sensitivity
Списание The Impact of Brand Extensions on Parent Brand Memory Structures and Retrieval Processes
Списание The Impact of Organizational Memory on New Product Performance and Creativity
Списание The Impact of the Internet on Information Search for Automobiles
Списание The Impact of the Prechoice Process on Product Returns
Списание The Influence and Value of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation
Списание The Influence of Consumer Distractions on the Effectiveness of Food - Sampling Programs
Списание The Influence of Loyalty Programs and Short-Term Promotions on Customer Retention
Списание The Joint Spatial Representation of Multiple Variable Batteries Collected in Marketing Research
Списание The Journal of Marketing Research
Списание The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice
Списание The Long-Term Impact of Promotions on Consumer Stockpiling Bahavior
Списание The Malleable Self
Списание The Moderating Effects of problem Characteristics on Experts' and Novices' judgments
Списание The Moderating Role of Commitment on the Spillover Effect of Marketing Communications
Списание The Reciprocal Effects or Brand Equity and Trivial Attributes
Списание The Recoverability of Segmentation Structure from Store-Level Aggregate Data
Списание The Role of Firm Resources in Returns to Market Deployment
Списание The Role of Issue Valence and Issue Capability in Determining Effort Investment
Списание The Role of Market Efficiency Intuitions in Consumer Choice
Списание The Role of Selling Costs in Signaling Price Image
Списание The Timing of Repeat Purchases of Consumer Durable Goods
Списание The Use of Visual Mental Imagery in New Product Design
Списание The Value Relevance of Brand Attitude in High-Technology Markets
Списание Threats to the External Validity of Brand Extension Research
Списание Three Cheers - Psychological, Theoretical, Empirical - for Loss Aversion
Списание To Buy or Not to Buy
Списание Too Little, Too Early
Списание Toward Extending the Compromise Effect to Complex Buying Contexts
Списание Toward Identifying the Inventive Templates of New Prodocts
Списание Transaction Decoupling
Списание Truth or Consequences
Списание Understanding Cooperative Advertising Participation Rates in Conventional Channels
Списание Understanding How Product Attributes Influence Product Categorization
Списание Understanding Reference-Price Shoppers
Списание Understanding the Role of Preference Revision and Concession in Group Decisions
Списание UNDERSTANDING What's in a Brand Rating
Списание Using Combined-Currency Prices to Lower Consumers' Perceived Cost
Списание Using Market-Level Data to Understand Promotion Effects in a Nonlinear Model
Списание Using Multimarket Data to Predict Brand Performance in Markets for Which No or Poor Data Exist
Списание Valenced Comparisons
Списание Valuing Customers
Списание VERTICAL Marketing Systems for Complex Products
Списание Visual Attention to Repeated Print Advertising
Списание Vital Dimensions in Volume Perception
Списание WAITING for the Web
Списание What Has Marketing Learned from Richard Johnson
Списание What We See Makes Us Who We Are
Списание When Absence Begets Inference in Conjoint Analysis
Списание When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster? A Convenience - Salience Framework of Postpurchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity
Списание When Corporate Image Affects Product Evaluations
Списание When Do losses Loom Larger Than Gains?
Списание When Do Price Promotions Affect Pretrial Brand Evaluations ?
Списание When Is It Worthwhile Targeting the Majorty Instead of the Innovators in a New Product Launch ?
Списание When Two Rights Make a Wrong
Списание Which Ad Works, When, Where, and How Often? Modeling the Effects of Direct Television Advertising
Списание Whose Culture Matters? Near-Market Knowledge and Its Impact on Foreign Market Entry Timing
Списание Why Some New Products Are More Successful Than Others
Списание Willful Ignorance in the Request for Product Attribute Information
Статус Брой
Хранилище - периодика 14
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2005 1-4 42
2004 1-4 41
2003 1-4 40
2002 1-2 39
2002 3-4 39
2001 1-2 38
2001 3-4 38
2000 1-4 37
1999 3.4 36
1998 1-4 35
1997 1-4 34
1996 1-4 33
1995 1-4 32
1994 1-4 31
