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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Management Science

ПВ 1540


Linthicum, Maryland
Ключови думи
Техника. Промишленост
Тип Заглавие
Списание "Bi-Matching"
Списание A Belief-Based Account of Decision Under Uncertainty
Списание A BRANCH-FIRST, Cut-Second Approach for Locomotive Assignment
Списание A Combinational Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service
Списание A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems
Списание A Continuous-Time Yield Management Model with Multiple Prices and Reversible Price Changes
Списание A Decomposition-Based Pricing Procedure for Large-Scale Linear Programs
Списание A Discrete-Time Approach to Arbitrage-Free Pricing of Credit Derivatives
Списание A Dynamic Globally Diversified, Index Neutral Synthetic Asset Allocation Strategy
Списание A Flield Study of Scale Economies in Software Maintenance
Списание A General Additive Data Perturbation Method for Database Security
Списание A Minimax Portfolio Selection Rule with Linear Programming Solution
Списание A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Solving a Layout Problem in the Fashion Industry
Списание A Model-Based Framework to Overlap Product Development Activities
Списание A Multi-Agent Framework for the Coordination and Integration of Information Systems
Списание A New Algebraic Geometry Algorithm for Integer Programming
Списание A Note on Approximating Peak Congestion in M/G/ Queues with Sinusoidal Arrivals
Списание A Note on Asset Proportions, Stochastic Dominance, and the 50% Rule
Списание A Periodic Review Inventory Model with Demand Influenced by Promotion Decisions
Списание A Portfolio Approach to Risk Reduction in Discretely Rebalanced Option Hedges
Списание A Predictive Model of Sequential Iteration in Engineering Design
Списание A Probabilistic Decision Model for Entity Matching in Heterogeneous Databases
Списание A Punctuated-Equilibrium Model of Technology Diffusion
Списание A Quantile Regression Approach to Generating Prediction Intervals
Списание A Simulated Annealing Algorithm with Constant Temperature for Discrete Stochastic Optimization
Списание A STRUCTURE-Exploiting Tool in Algebraic Modeling Languages
Списание A Supplier's Optimal Quantity Discount Policy Under Asymmetric Information
Списание A Survey of Algorithms for Convex Multicommodity Flow Problems
Списание A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
Списание A Theoretical Study of Organizational Performance Under Information Distortion
Списание A Time-Oriented Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with Generalised Precedence Constraints
Списание Accounting for Endogeneity When Assessing Strategy Performance
Списание Accounting Information, Aggregation, and Discriminant Analysis
Списание Active Nonlinear Tests (ANTs) of Complex Simulation Models
Списание Adaptation on Rugged Landscapes
Списание Adaptive Memory Tabu Search for Binary Quadratic Programs
Списание Admission Policies in Loss Queueing Models with Heterogeneous Arrivals
Списание Advertising Fee in Business-Format Franchising
Списание ALGORITHMS for the Simple Equal Flow Problem
Списание An "Alternating Recognition" Model of English Auctions
Списание An Algorithm for Single-Item Capacitated Economic Lot Sizing with Piecewise Linear Production Costs and General Holding Costs
Списание An Analysis of Product Lifetimes in a Technologically Dynamic Industry
Списание An Approximate Method for Sampling Correlated Random Variables from Partially-Specified Distributions
Списание An Empirical Analysis of Process Industry Transformation Systems
Списание AN EMPIRICAL Analysis of Productivity and Quality in Software Products
Списание An Empirical Study on Intertemporal Decision Making Under Risk
Списание AN EXACT Algorithm for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Based on a New Mathematical Formulation
Списание An Optimization Based Heuristic for Political Districting
Списание Analytical Valuation of American-Style Asian Options
Списание ANTICIPATING the Consequences of School Reform
Списание Applying Robust Optimization to Capacity Expansion of One Location in Telecommunications with Demand Uncertainty
Списание Approval Voting, Borda Winners, and Condorcet Winners
Списание Aspiration-Based Search Algorithm (ABSALG) for Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problems
Списание Assembly System Design
Списание Assessing Dependence
Списание Assessing the Construct Validity of Risk Attitude
Списание Assessing the Importance of Design Through Product Archaeology
Списание Attribute Conflict and Preference Uncertainty
Списание Attribute Conflict and Preference Uncertainty
Списание Batch Construction Heuristics and Storage Assignment Strategies for Walk/Ride and Pick Systems
Списание Behind the Learning Curve
Списание Breeding Competitive Strategies
Списание Bridging Behavioral and Economic Theories of Decline
Списание Broadly Decreasing Risk Aversion
Списание Bundling Information Goods
Списание Calculating the Reserve for a Time and Usage Indexed Warranty
Списание Capacity Allocation Using Past Sales
Списание Capacity Choice and Allocation
Списание Capacity Expansion and Replacement in Growing Markets with Uncertain Technological Breakthroughts
Списание CAPITAL Budgeting, the Hold-up Problem, and Information System Design
Списание Centralization of Stocks
Списание Clearance Pricing and Inventory Policies for Retail Chains
Списание Closed - Loop Advertising Strategies in a Duopoly
Списание Combining Expert Judgment by Hierarchical Modeling
Списание Communication and Uncertainty in Concurrent Engineering
Списание Competing in Product and Service
Списание Competing with New Product Technologies
Списание Competitive and Cooperative Inventory Policies in a Two-Stage Supply Chain
Списание Computationally Manageable Combinational Auctions
Списание Contracting Structures for Custom Software Development
Списание Convex Input and Output Projections of Nonconvex Production Possibility Sets
Списание Coordinating Investment, Production, and Subcontracting
Списание Correlations and Copulas for Decision and Risk Analysis
Списание Creativity Enhancement in Problem Solving
Списание Cross-Functional Influence in New Product Development
Списание Cross-Utilization of Workers Whose Capabilities Differ
Списание CUSTOMER Satisfaction for Financial Services
Списание Daily Aircraft Routing and Scheduling
Списание DEA Duality on Returns to Scale (RTS) in Production and Cost Analyses
Списание Decentralized Multi-Echelon Supply Chains
Списание Decentralized Supply Chains Subject to Information Delays
Списание Decentralizing Cross-Functional Decisions
Списание Decision Analysis by Augmented Probability Simulation
Списание Decision Bias in the Newsvendor Problem with a Known Demand Distribution
Списание Decision support for Target-Based resource Allocation of Public Services in Multiunit and Multilevel Systems
Списание Decomposed Versus Holistic Estimates of Effort Required for Software Writing Tasks
Списание Delays in New Product Introductions and the Market Value of the Firm
Списание Design of Communication Networks with Survivability Constraints
Списание Designing a Firm's Coordinated Manufacturing and Supply Decesions with Short Product Life Cycles
Списание Deterrence, Reputations, and Competitive Cognition
Списание Differences in Subjective Risk Thresholds
Списание DISCLOSURE Detection in Multivariate Categorical Databases
Списание Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling by Batch Sequencing
Списание Distribution Channels
Списание Do Corporate Global Environmental Standards Create or Destroy Market Value?
Списание Domestic Competitive Position and Export strategy of Japanese manufacturing Firms
Списание Dynamic Asset Allocation in a Mean-Variance Framework
Списание Dynamic Economic Lot Size Model with Perishable Inventory
Списание Dynamic Pricing for Network Service
Списание Dynamic R&D Investment Policies
Списание Dynamic Routing and Operational Controls in Workflow Management Systems
Списание Dynamic Type Mating
Списание Economics of Product Development by Users
Списание Effects of Color as an Executional Cue in Advertising
Списание Effects of Process Maturity on Quality, Cycle Time, and Effort in Software Product Development
Списание Effects of the User Participation Process and Task Meaningfulness on Key Information System Outcomes
Списание Efficient Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Control Charts Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Списание Elicitation and Context Effects in Judgments
Списание Endogenety in Brand Choise Models
Списание Equilibrium Play in Large Group market Entry Games
Списание Estimating the Cost of Capital Through Time
Списание Estimation Risk in Pertfolio Selection
Списание Evoking Information in Probability Assessment
Списание Evolutionary Patterns of Flexible Automation and Performance
Списание Exact and Heuristic Solutions for a Shipment Problem with Given Frequencies
Списание Exact Solution of the Two-Dimensional Finite Bin Packing Problem
Списание Executive Compensation in the Information Technology Industry
Списание Externalities, Tangible Externalities, and Queue Disciplines
Списание Fairness and Social Risk II
Списание Fast Approximation Methods for Sales Force Deployment
Списание Financial Asset-Pricing Theory and Stochastic Programming Models for Asset/Liability Management
Списание Firm Asymmetries and Sequential R&D
Списание Flexible and Risk-Sharing Supply Contracts Under Price Uncertainty
Списание Forecasting a Cumulative Variable Using Its Partially Accumulated Data
Списание FOUNDATIONS 2025
Списание Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers
Списание Garbage Collection in Chicago
Списание GENERATING Pareto Solutions in a Two-Party Setting
Списание GOAL-BASED Construction of Preferences
Списание Guidet Local Search with Shifting Bottleneck for Job Shop Scheduling
Списание Heuristic Computation of Periodic-Review Base Stock Inventory Policies
Списание Hierarchical Bayes Methods for Multifactor Model Estimation and Portfolio Selection
Списание How Decision Makers Evaluate Alternatives and the Influence of Complexity
Списание How the Incumbent Can Win
Списание IDEA and AR-IDEA
Списание Identifying Controlling Features of Engineering Design Iteration
Списание Imitation of Complex Strategies
Списание Improved Moment-Estimation Formulas Using More Than Three Subjective Fractiles
Списание Improved Rolling Schedules for the Dynamic Single-Level Lot-Sizing Problem
Списание Improving Decision Making by Means of a Marketing Decision Support System
Списание Improving Manufacturing Performance Through Process Change and Knowledge Creation
Списание Improving Service by Informing Customers About Anticipated Delays
Списание Incomplete Information, Task Assignment, and Managerial Control Systems
Списание Information Aggregation and Communication in Organizations
Списание Information and Organization for Horizontal Multimarket Coordination
Списание Information Distortion in a Supply Chain
Списание Information Technology and Productivity
Списание Information Technology and Screen-Based Securities Trading
Списание Information Technology and Time-Based Competition in Financial Markets
Списание Information Technology Effects on Firm Performance as Measured by Tobin's q
Списание Information Technology Impact on Process Output and Quality
Списание Information Tehnology and Organization Design
Списание Information, Contracting, and Quality Costs
Списание Innovations in Financial Services, Relationships, and Risk Sharing
Списание Integrating Routing and Inventory Decisions in One-Warehouse Multiretailer Multiproduct Distribution Systems
Списание Introduction to the Special Issue on the Information Technology Industry
Списание INVENTORY Control in Hybrid Systems with Remanufacturing
Списание Inventory Rationing in a Make-to-Stock Production System with Several Demand Classes and Lost Sales
Списание Inventory Reduction and Productivity Growth
Списание Investigating Dynamic Multifirm Market Interactions in Price and Advertising
Списание Investment Strategies for Flexible Resources
Списание JIT Manufacturing
Списание Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple Experts
Списание Knowledge Driven Quality Improvement
Списание Leasing and Selling
Списание LEOS - Optimal Satellite Launch Policies
Списание Likelihood Ratio Derivative Estimation for Finite-Time Performance Measures in Generalized Semi-Markov Processes
Списание Localization of Knowledge and the Mobility of Engineers in Regional Networks
Списание Lot-Sizing with Start-Up Times
Списание Lotsizing and Scheduling on Parallel Machines with Sequence-Dependent Setup Costs
Списание Making a Case for Robust Optimization Models
Списание Management of Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection
Списание Managing a Distribution Channel Under Asymetric Information with Performance requerements
Списание Managing Experimentation in the Design of New Products
Списание Managing New Product Definition in Highly Dynamic Environments
Списание Managing Supply Chain Demand Variability with Scheduled Ordering Policies
Списание Managing the Delivery of Dialysis Therapy
Списание Market Information and Firm Performance
Списание Market Information and Firm Performance
Списание Maximizing the Effectiveness of a Preventive Maintenance System
Списание Measures of Perceived Risk
Списание Measuring Efficiencies and Returns to Scale of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone in Production and Cost Analyses
Списание Measuring the Effectiveness of Overlapping Development Activities
Списание Measuring the Robustness of Empirical Efficiency Valuations
Списание Metadraphs in Hierarchical Modeling
Списание Methadone Maintenance and HIV Prevention
Списание Methadone Maintenance and HIV Prevention
Списание Metrics for Managing Research and Development in the Context of the Product Family
Списание Middle Management Downsizing
Списание Modeling Emergency Supply Flexibility in a Two-Echelon Inventory System
Списание Modeling Information Manufacturing Systems to Determine Information Product Quality
Списание Modeling Intercategory and Generational Dynamics for A Growing Information Technology Industry
Списание Modeling the Domestic Distribution Network for Illicit Drugs
Списание Modeling the Impact of an outcome-Oriented Reimbursement Policy on Clinic, Patients, and Pharmaceutical Firms
Списание Modelling the Costs and Benefits of Delayed Product Differentiation
Списание Modifying Customer Expectations of Price Decreases for a Durable Product
Списание Moral Hazard in Corporate Investment and the Disciplinary Role of Voluntary Capital Rationing
Списание Multinational Logit Market Share Models
Списание Network Competition and the Timing of Commersials
Списание New Bounds and Heuristics for (Q, r) Policies
Списание New Firm Survival
Списание New Product Development Structures and Time-to-Market
Списание Nonlinearities in the Relation Between the Equity Risk Premium and the Term Structure
Списание Nonparametric Estimation of the Cumulative Intensity Function for a Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process from Overlapping Realizations
Списание Note
Списание Note
Списание Note
Списание Note
Списание Note. An Acquisition Policy for a Single Item Multi-Supplier System
Списание Note. Optimal Balancing of U-Shaped Assembly Lines
Списание Note. Optimal Storage Assignment Policies for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems with Stohastic Demands
Списание Note. Periodic Review (s, S) Policies for Joint Replenishment Inventory Systems
Списание NOTE. Satisfying Due Dates in Large Job Shops
Списание Note. The Role of Returns Policies in Pricing and Inventory Decisions for Catalogue Goods
Списание On Pooling in Queueing Networks
Списание On the Determination of Subjective Probability by Choices
Списание On the Equivalence of General and Specific Control in Organizations
Списание On the Relationship Between Inventory Costs and Variety benefits in Retail Assortments
Списание Operations, Quality, and Profitability in the Provision of Banking Services
Списание Optimal Batch Provisioning to Customers Subject to a Delay-Limit
Списание OPTIMAL Control of Drug Epidemics
Списание Optimal Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Assets with Nonhomogeneous Demand
Списание Optimal Lead Time Policies
Списание Optimal Operating Policies in the Presence of Exchange Rate Variability
Списание Optimal Parallel Inspection for Finding the First Nonconforming Unit in a Batch-An Information Theoretic Approach
Списание Optimal Pricing Strategy for New Products
Списание Optimal Production and Inventory Policy for Multiple Products Under Resource Constraints
Списание Optimal Updating of Forecasts for the Timing of Future Events
Списание Optimizing an International Network of Partially Owned Plants Under Conditions of Trade Liberalization
Списание Organizational Architecture and Success in the Information Technology Industry
Списание Organizational Form and Efficiency
Списание Organizing Distribution Channels for Information Goods on the Internet
Списание Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Списание Performance Evaluation of General and Company Specific Models in Software Development Effort Estimation
Списание Performance in Principal-Agent Dyads
Списание Periodic Pricing of Seasonal Products in Retailing
Списание Perishable Asset Revenue Management with Markovian Time Dependent Demand Intensities
Списание Personnel Tour Scheduling When Starting-Time Restrictions Are Present
Списание Planning Electric Power Systems Under Demand Uncertainty with Different Technology Lead Times
Списание PORTFOLIO Optimization Under a Minimax Rule
Списание Predecisional Distortion of Information by Auditors and Salespersons
Списание Predicting Queueing Delays
Списание Preference Factoring for Stochastic Trees
Списание Prescribing Tactical Response for Oil Spill Clean Up Operations
Списание Price Promotions and Trade Deals with Multiproduct Retailers
Списание PRICE Protection in the Personal Computer Industry
Списание Price Versus Production Postponement
Списание Pricing Patterns of Cellular Phones and Phonecalls
Списание Probabilistic Analysis of a Combined Aggregation and Math Programming Heuristic for a General Class of Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems
Списание Process Range in Manifacturing
Списание PROCESS Variation as a Determinant of Bank Performance
Списание Processes and Their Frameworks
Списание Production Quotas as Bounds on Interplant JIT Contracts
Списание Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks
Списание Profits and Productivity
Списание PROJECT Scheduling Under Partially Renewable Resource Constraints
Списание Prudent Margin Levels in the Finnish Stock Index Futures Market
Списание Quality, Class, and Competition
Списание QUANTIFYING the Bullwhip Effect in a Simple Supply Chain
Списание Quick Response in Manufacturer-Retailer Channels
Списание R & D and Global Manufacturing Performance
Списание Real Options and Product Life Cycles
Списание Reducing Buyer Search Costs
Списание Repetitive Testing Strategies When the Testing Process Is Imperfect
Списание Replenishment and Stocking Policies for Inveventory Systems with Random Deal Offerings
Списание Reply to "Comments on 'Fortune Favors the Prepared Firm' "
Списание Retrieving and Transferring Embodied Data
Списание Revenue Management Without Forecasting or Optimization
Списание Risk-Constrained Dynamic Active Portfolio Management
Списание Scheduling Resource-Constrained Projects Competitively at Modest Memory Requirements
Списание Sensitivity Analysis of Efficiency Scores
Списание Sensitivity Analysis of Insurance Risk Models via Simulation
Списание Sequential Product Positioning Under Differential Costs
Списание Shifts of Reference Points for Framing of Strategic Decision and Changing Risk-Return Associations
Списание Short- or Long-Duration Coupons
Списание Short-Term Variations and Long-Term Dynamics in Commodity Prices
Списание SIMULATING Project Work Processes and Organizations
Списание Simulating Weights restructions in Data Envelopment Analysis by Means of Unobserved DMUs
Списание SIMULATION-Based Optimization with Stochastic Approximation Using Common Random Numbers
Списание Single-Stage Resource Allocation and Economic Lot Scheduling on Multiple, Nonidentical Production Lines
Списание Software Development Practices, Software Complexity, and Software Maintenance Performance
Списание SOLVING Semi-Markov Decision Problems Using Average Reward Reinforcement Learning
Списание SPOT
Списание Stability and Chaos in Input Pricing for a Service Facility with Adaptive Customer Response to Congestion
Списание Staffing and Allocation of Workers in an Administrative Office
Списание Standardized Time Serie Lp-Norm Variance Estimators for Simulations
Списание Stochastic Prediction in Multinomial Logit Models
Списание Stochastic Shortest Path Problems with Piecewise-Linear Concave Utility Functions
Списание Stock Replenishment and Shipment Scheduling for Vendor-Managed Inventory Systems
Списание Strategic Growth Options
Списание Strategic Transfer Pricing
Списание Structural Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis and Multiple Objective Linear Programming
Списание Supply Chain Inventory Management and the Value of Shared Information
Списание Supply Chain Inventory Management and the Value of Shared Information
Списание Survival-Enhancing Learning in the Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898 - 1980
Списание Synchronous Unpaced Flow Lines With Worker Differences and Overtime Cost
Списание Tabu Search and Ejection Chains - Application to a Note Weighted Version of the Cardinality-Constrained TSP
Списание Technical Note
Списание Technical Note
Списание Technological Forecasting - Model Selection, Model Stability, and Combining Models
Списание Technological Resources and the Direction of Corporate Diversification
Списание TELECOMMUNICATION Node Clustering with Node Compatibility and Network Survivability Requirements
Списание Testing New Direct Marketing Offerings
Списание The Analysis of Assumptions in Model Bases Using Metagraphs
Списание The Assimilation of Software Process Innovations
Списание The Data-Correcting Algorithm for the Minimization of Supermodular Functions
Списание The Effects of Coefficient Correlation Structure in Two-Dimensional Knapsack Problems on Solution Procedure Performance
Списание The Effects of Human Resource Management Systems on Economic Performance
Списание The Effects of Low Inventory on the Development of Productivity Norms
Списание The Effects of R&D Team Co-location on Communication Patterns among R&D, Marketing, and Manufacturing
Списание The Effects of Selling Packaged Goods on Inventory Decisions
Списание The Feasibility of an Index - Contingent Trading Mechanizm
Списание The Impact of Adding a Make-to-Order Item to a Make-to-Stock Production System
Списание The Impact of Discharge Decisions on Health Care Quality
Списание The Impact of Product Variety on Automobile Assembly Operations
Списание The Importance of Organizational Structure For The Adoption of Innovations
Списание The Influence Prism in SMEs
Списание The Internalization of Exports
Списание The Inverse Newsvendor Problem
Списание The Lagged PSA for Estimating Peak Congestion in Multiserver Markovian Queues with Periodic Arrival Rates
Списание The Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio Under Stochastic Interest Rates
Списание The Missing Link in Budget Models of Nonprofit Institutions
Списание The Multi-Item Setup-Reduction Investment-Allocation Problem with Continuous Investment-Cost Functions
Списание The Newsvendor Problem in a Global Market
Списание The Optimal Choice of Promotional Vehicles
Списание The Performance Effects of Process Management Techniques
Списание The Quantity Flexibility Contract and Supplier-Customer Incentives
Списание The Relationship Between a Firm's Level of Technological Innovativeness and Its Pattern of Partnership Agreements
Списание The Road to "Root Cause"
Списание The Stochastic Modeling of Purchase intentions and Behavior
Списание The Substitution of Information Technology for Other Factors of Production
Списание The Use of a Neural Factory to Investigate the Effect of Product Line Width on Manufacturing Performance
Списание The Use of Information System Technology to Develop Tests on Insider Trading and Asymmetric Information
Списание The Value of Information Sharing in a Two-Level Supply Chain
Списание The Value of Internet Commerce to the Customer
Списание THE ZERO-Condition
Списание Third Degree Stochastic Dominance and Mean-Risk Analysts
Списание Three Scheduling Algorithms Applied to the Earth Observing Systems Domain
Списание Time Versus Market Orientation in Product Concept Development
Списание Toward a Theory of Continuous Improvement and the Learning Curve
Списание Tree Diversity, Landscape Diversity, and Economics of Maple-Birch Forests
Списание Turning Datamining into a Management Science Tool
Списание Unanticipated Side Effects of Successful Quality Programs
Списание Use of Convex Cones in Interactive Multiple Objective Decision Making
Списание Using Computers to Realize Joint Gains in Negotiations: Toward an "Electronic Bargaining Table"
Списание Using Feature Construction to Improve the Performance of Neural Networks
Списание Using On-Line Sensors in Statistical Process Control
Списание Validation in Simulation
Списание Validation of Trace-Driven Simulation Models
Списание Variability Reduction Through Operations Reversal
Списание Variance Reduction Techniques for Estimating Value-at-Risk
Списание Variance Reduction via Lattice Rules
Списание Variavce vs. Standard Deviation
Списание Variety Seeking, Purchase Timing, and the "Lighting Bolt" Brand Choice Model
Списание Venture Capitalists' Assessment of New Venture Survival
Списание What Price Fairness ? A Bargaining Study
Списание What's Experience Got to Do With It? Sources of Cost reduction in a Large Speciality Chemicals Producer
Списание When Does Forced Idle Time Improve Performance in Polling Models ?
Статус Брой
Хранилище - периодика 16
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2000 7-12 46
2000 1-6 46
1999 1-12 45
1998 7-11 44
1998 1-6 44
1997 7-12 43
1997 1-6 43
1996 7-12 42
1996 1-6 42
1995 7-12 41
1995 1-6 41
1994 7-12 40
1994 1-6 40
1993 1-4 39
1993 9-12 39
1993 5-8 39
