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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

International Political Science Review

ПВ 2102


SAGE Publications
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
политически изследвания
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание (Un) Democratic change and use of social sanctions for domestic politics: Council of Europe monitoring in Turkey
Списание A global analysis of how losing an election affects voter satisfaction with democracy
Списание A new approach to measuring legislators' activity
Списание A Quasi-Proportional Electoral System 'Only for Honest Men'? The Hidden Potential for Manipulating Mixed Compensatory Electoral Systems
Списание A reconciliation most desirable
Списание A whole of nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team
Списание Accountability through government alternation:Economic performance and the conditional role of political institutions in fifty countries, 1990 - 2015
Списание Agenda setting and the political economy of fear
Списание Analyzing ethnographic interviews: Three studies on terrorism and nonviolent resistance
Статия Are politically engaged citizens more democratic?
Статия Attack politics from Albania to Zimbabwe: A large-scale comparative study on the drivers of negative campaigning
Статия Attrition as a bottom-up pathway to subnational democratization
Статия Authoritarian elections, state capacity, and performance legitimacy
Списание Authoritarian emigration states: Soft power and cross-border mobility in the Middle East
Списание Autocratic welfare programs, economic perceptions, and support for the dictator: Evidence from African autocracies
Статия Back to Westminster model? The Brexit process and the UK political system
Списание Better workers, better elections? Electoral management body workforces and electoral integrity worldwide
Списание Big government sentiment and support for protectionism in East Asia
Статия Breaking up is hard to do: The Neil Sedaka theory of independence referendums
Статия Brexit and party change: The conservatives and labour at Westminster
Статия Brexit and the future of the UK constitution
Статия Brexit and the union: Territorial voice, exit and re-entry strategies in Scotland and Northern Ireland after EU exit
Списание Bribes and Ballots
Статия BRICS, G20 and global economic governance reform
Списание Building impartial electoral management? Institutional design, independence and electoral integrity
Статия Building the ship in dry dock: The case for pre-independence constitution-building in Scotland
Статия Campaign expenditures and electoral outcomes in Israeli legislative primaries - A financial gender gap?
Списание Can information campaigns impact preferences toward vote selling? Theory and evidence from Kenya
Списание Can we reconcile
Статия Can women dynasty politicians disrupt social norms of political leadership? A proposed typology of normative change
Списание Capacity building for proportionate climate policy: Lessons from India and South Africa
Списание Caught between nationalism and transnationalism
Списание Causes and Contexts of Tax Morale
Статия Changing responses to a frozen conflict: The republic of Cyprus soft balancing vis-a-vis Turkey
Списание Citizens' media use and the accuracy of their perceptions of electoral integrity
Списание Closer to the state, closer to the polls? The different impact of corruption on turnout among public employees and other citizens
Статия Coalition-making under conditions of ideological mismathch: The populist solution
Списание Cognitive Style and Foreign Policy: Margaret Thatcher's Black-and-White Thinking
Списание Comics, comics studies, and political science
Списание Competing Visions of Democracy and Development in the Era of Neoliberalism in Mexico and Chile
Списание Conceptualizing Islamic Movements: The Case of Turkey
Списание Conclusions: The new research agenda on electoral management
Статия Conflict shapes in flux: Explaining spatial shift in conflict-related violence
Списание Consensus and dissensus in comparative politics: Do comparativists agree on the goals, methods, and results of the field
Статия Conservatism, social isolation and political context: Why East Europeans would leave the EU in Exit referendums
Списание Corruption, fairness, and inequality
Списание Courts and informal networks: Towards a relational perspective on judicial politics outside Western democracies
Списание Crook!: The impact of perceived corruption on non-electoral forms of political behaviour
Списание Dangerous (Internal) Foreigners and Nation-Building: The Case of Canada
Списание Decentralization reforms in dictatorial regimes as a survival strategy: Evidence from Pakistan
Списание Deliberative democracy in the age of serial crisis
Статия Democracy in the prison of political science
Списание Democracy, ethnoicracy and consociational demoicracy
Списание Democrary in Croatia: From stagnant 1990s to rapid change 2000-2011
Списание Democratic Authority, public Islam, and Shi'i Jurisprudence in Iran and Iraq
Списание Democratic disillusionment? Desire for democracy after the Arab uprisings
Списание Democratic peace: Does ethnic inclusiveness reduce interstate conflict
Списание Democratizing dictators? Non-democratic regime conditions and the allocation of US democracy assistance, 1975 - 2010
Статия Depleting democracy? The radical right's impact on minority politics in Eastern Europe
Списание Dialogue or Compliance
Статия Different types of deficient democracies
Статия Direct democracy and equality: A global perspective
Списание Disability, perceived discrimination and political participation
Списание Discursive institutions in non-transitional societies
Списание Disjunctured Narratives
Списание Diversification and democracy
Списание Do discussions in like-minded groups necessarily lead to more extreme opinions? Deliberate democracy and group polarization
Списание Do perceptions of electoral malpractice undermine democratic satisfaction? The US in comparative perspective
Списание Do sancton types affect the duration of economic sanctions? The case of foreign aid
Списание Do the welfare benefits weaken the economic vote? A cross-national analysis of the welfare state and economic voting
Списание Does democratization lower consumer prices? Regime type, prices, and the consumer-producer tradeoff
Списание Does exposure to other cultures affect the impact of economic globalization on gender equality
Списание Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change
Списание Does the constitution matter? Semi-presidentialism and the origin of hegemonic personalist regimes
Статия Domestic legal traditions and international cooperation: Insights from domestic and international qualification systems
Статия Dynastic rule in Syria and North Korea: Nepotism, succession, and sibling rivalry
Списание Eclecticism and the future of the burden-sharing research programme: Why Trump is wrong
Списание Economic Development and Mass Political Participation in Contemporary China
Статия Economic development: How does it influence the survival of different types of autocracy
Списание Economic governance: Does it make or break a dominant party equilibrium? The case of India
Статия Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and during the Great Recession
Списание Education and trust: A tale of three continents
Статия Education, democratic governance, and satisfaction with democracy: Multilevel evidence from Latin America
Списание Electing women to new Arab assemblies: The roles of gender ideology, Islam, and tribalism in Oman
Статия Electoral authoritarianism and economic control
Списание Electoral management and the organisational determinants of electoral integrity: Introduction
Списание Electoral reform and partisan dealignment in Indonesia
Списание Endorsers, challengers or builders? Political parties' diaspora outreach in a post-conflict state
Списание Ethnic diviersity and social welfare provision in non-democracies: Evidence from China
Списание Ethnicity and religiosity-based prejudice in Turkey: Evidence from a survey experiment
Списание Ethnonationalism and attitudes towards same-sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland
Списание Evaluating electoral management body capacity
Списание Explaining Attitudes toward Genetically Modified Foods in the European Union
Списание Explaining disappearances as a tool of political terror
Списание Explaining high rates of political participation among Chinese migrants to Australia
Списание Explaining variation in the implementation of global norms: Gender mainstreaming of security in the OSCE and the EU
Списание Fear, hope and disappointment
Статия Female leaders and gendered laws
Списание Feminist reflections on discourses of (power) plus (sharing) in power-sharing theory
Fiscal Federalism and Soft Budget Constraints
Списание Four worlds of productivity growth
Статия Free market capitalism and societal inequities: Assessing the effects of economic freedom on income inequality and the equity of access to opportunity, 1990 - 2017
Списание Freedom of the press and perceptions about government corruption
Списание From Insurgency to Democracy: The Challenges of Peace and Democracy-Building in Nepal
Списание From polarisation to pluralisation
Статия From poverty to trust
Списание From State Feminism to Market Feminism?
Статия Gender and political financing
Списание Gender equality in politics at home and promotion of gender equality in politics abroad: The role of bilateral official development assistance
Статия Gender gaps in political participation in Asia
Статия Gendered patterns in candidates' campaign fundraising: The case of Italy
Списание Globalization and Human Well-being
Списание Got political Islam? Are politically moderate Muslims really different from radicals
Списание Hanging together or not? Impacts of social media use and organisational membership on individual and collective political actions
Списание Hegemonic Preservation or Horizontal Accountability
Списание Help or hindrance? The role of humanitarian military interventions in human security NGO operations
Списание Heterogeneity in voter perceptions of party competition in multidimensional space
Статия High capacity, low resilience: The "developmental" state and military-bureaucratic authoritarianism in South Korea
Списание How and why do political parties differ in their spending patterns? An empirical analysis of expenditure on party payroll staff
Статия How can we trust a political leader? Ethics, institutions, and relational theory
Списание How do countries of origin engage migrants and diasporas? Multiple actors and comparative perspectives
Списание How do different sources of partisanship influence government accountability in Europe
Списание How do radical right populist parties influence resurging debates over the stripping of citizenship
Списание How perceptions and information about women's descriptive representation affect support for positive action measures
Списание How power-sharing includes and excludes non-dominant communities: Introduction to the special issue
Списание Informal networks and judicial decisions: Insights from the Supreme Court of the Philippines,1986 - 2015
Статия Institutional foundations of global well-being: Democracy, state capacity and social protection
Списание Institutional interests and the politics of constitutional amendment
Списание Institutions, contexts, and ethnic violence in comparative perspective
Списание Integrating participatory institutions into the traditional representative and bureaucratic model of public governance
Списание Internally displaced persons and the Cyprus peace process
Статия Introduction: State capacity and elections in the study of authoritarian regimes
Статия Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002-2016
Списание Islam, Jihadism, and Depoliticization in France and Germany
Статия It's a rich man's world: How class and glass ceilings intersect for UK parliamentary candidates
Статия It's a total no-no
Списание Justices 'en Garde'
Списание Justifying the constitutional regulation of political parties: A framework for analysis
Списание Legitimation, regime survival, and shifting alliances in the Arab League: Explaining sanction politics during Arab Spring
Списание Liberal Democracy and beyond
Списание Life satisfaction and the conventionality of political participation
Списание Local-national political trust patterns: Why China is an exception
Списание Long-term impacts of parliamentary gender quotas in a single-party system: Symbolic co-option or delayed integration
Списание Looking beyond the district
Списание Majoritarian systems, rural groups, and (arrested) welfare state
Списание Mapping the drivers of negative campaigning
Статия Marginalized, but not demobilized
Списание Measuring Effective Democracy
Списание Measuring Presidential Powers
Статия Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals
Списание Minorities overlooked: Group based power sharing and the exclusion-amid-inclusion dilemma
Списание Mismatch between lower performance and higher trust in the civil service: Can culture provide an explanation
Статия Money matters: The impact of gender quotas on campaign spending for women candidates
Статия Multi-bilateral aid for disease control
Списание National interests and coalition positions on climate change: A text based analysis
Статия Nationalism and the strength of secessionism in Western Europe: Static and dynamic autonomy
Статия Natural resource wealth and the informal economy
Списание Neither unitary nor federal: Did Bolivians invent something new
Статия New insights into the psychology of individuals and large groups in a world of changing conflicts
Списание Non-governmental organizations and economic sanctions
Статия Off balance: Systematizing deformations of liberal democracy
Списание On the construction of identities: An autoethnography from Turkey
Статия On the volatility of transnational actor populations: What has access got to do with it
Списание Origins of the Movement 's Strategy
Статия Party competition on climate policy
Списание Patronal politics, judicial networks and collective judicial autonomy in post-Soviet Ukraine
Списание Personal vote, spatial registration rules, and party system nationalization in Latin America
Списание Pick Your Poison: Economic Crises, International Monetary Fund Loans and Leader Survival
Статия Policy styles, opportunity structures and proportionality
Списание Political Attitudes and Political Participation
Списание Political consumerism
Списание Political consumerism: A comparative analysis of established and developing democracies
Списание Political equality within the household? The political role and influence of mothers and fathers in a multi-party setting
Списание Political institutions, state capacity, and crisis management: A comparison of China and South Korea
Статия Political investorism: Conceptualising the political participation of shareholders and investors
Списание Political militaries in popular uprisings
Списание Political Participation and Regime Stability: A Framework for Analyzing Hybrid Regimes
Списание Political reconciliation in postcolonial settler societies
Списание Political values and extra-institutional political participation: The impact of economic redistributive and social libertarian preferences on protest behaviour
Списание Popular conceptions of democracy and democratic satisfaction in China
Списание Populism and political development in hybrid regimes
Списание Populism in South America
Списание Populism in world politics
Статия Populist attitudes and challenges towards liberal democracy
Статия Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain
Списание Power-sharing: A gender intervention
Списание Presidential survival in South America: Rethinking the role of democracy
Списание Problems in Paradise? Challenges to Future Democratization in Democratic States
Списание Psychological roots of political consumerism: Personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott
Списание Public Confidence in Government
Списание Public opinion in policy contexts. A comparative analysis of domestic energy policies and individual policy preferences in Europe
Списание Public spending, corruption, and income inequality
Списание Public Support for Regional Integration in Northeast Asia: An Empirical Test of Affective and Utilitarian Models
Статия Pulled in and pushed out of politics: The impact of neoliberalism on young people's differing political consumerist motivations in the UK and Greece
Списание Reassessing the relationship between elections and democratization
Списание Reconciliation, transformation, struggle
Списание Regime legitimation elite cohesion and the durability of autocratic regime types
Списание Regional organizations and democratic conditionality: Family resemblances and shaming
Списание Regional organizations and the politics of sanctions against undemocratic behaviour in the Americas
Статия Regional patterns of multilateral treaty cooperation
Списание Regional sanctions and the struggle for democrary
Списание Regional sanctions as peer review: The African Union against Egypt (2013) and Sudan (2019)
Списание Religion and foreign-policy views: Are religious people more altruistic and/or more militant
Списание Resisting gendered change
Списание Resonance of the Arab Spring: Solidarities and youth opinion in the Global South
Списание Revisiting the Islamist-Secular divide: Parties and voters in the Arab world
Списание Revisiting the semi-consociational model: Democratic failure in prewar Lebanon and post-invasion Iraq
Статия Right-wing populism and feminist politics: The case of Law and Justice in Poland
Статия Rule maker or rule taker? Brexit, finance and UK regulatory autonomy
Статия Science walks on two legs, but social sciences try to hop on one
Списание Selecting party leaders, reform processes and methods: Examining the Australian and New Zealand labour parties
Списание Selective history and hegemony-making
Списание Shaming and democracy: Explaining inter-state shaming in international organizations
Статия Should we conduct correspondence study field experiments with political elites
Списание Social life and political trust in China: Searching for machers and schmoozers
Списание Social networkers and careerists: Explaining high-intensity activism among British party members
Статия Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens' and MPs' support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal
Статия State and regime capacity in authoritarian elections
Статия State capacity and regime resilence in Putin's Russia
Статия State capacity and the resilience of electoral authoritarianism
Списание State-society relations in uncertain times: Social movement strategies, ideational contestation and the pandemic in Brazil and Argentina
Списание States or parties? Emigrant outreach and transnational engagement
Списание Strategic Anticipation and Adjustment: Ex Ante and Ex Post Information in Explaining Sanctions Outcomes
Статия Strategies of right populists in opposing gender equality in a polarized European Parliament
Статия Strong states, weak elections? How state capacity in authoritarian regimes conditions the democratizing power of elections
Списание Sustaining and jeopardising a credible arbiter: Judicial networks in Benin's consolidating democracy
Статия Taming self-determination: The trials of a political speech-act
Статия Tensions between populist and feminist politics: The case of Spanish left populist party Podemos
Списание The 'Uncle Tom' dilemma: Minorities in power-sharing arrangements
Статия The Brexit effect: Political implications of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Списание The Choice of Healthcare Models
Списание The clean energy ministerial: Motivation for and policy consequences of membership
Списание The contribution of Jean A. Laponce to political science
Списание The cost of democracy: The determinants of spending on the public administration of elections
Статия The creation of new states through interim agreements: Ambiguous compromises, intra-communal divisions, and contested identities
Списание The democratic potential of political consumerism
Статия The domestic democratic peace: How democracy constrains political violence
Списание The dynamics of the winner - loser gap in satisfaction with democracy
Списание The effects of party identification on perceptions of pledge fulfilment: Evidence from Portugal
Списание The gender gap in political interest revisited
Списание The global politics of human rights: From human rights to human dignity
Списание The impact of the European union's policy towards China's intellectual property regime
Списание The Influence of Societal Values on Attitudes towards Immigration
Статия The internal and external institutionalization of the BRICS countries: The case of the New Development Bank
Списание The legacy of military dictatorship: Explaining violent crime in democracies
Списание The legislature as a gendered workplace: Exploring members of parliament's experiences of working in the Swedish parliament
Списание The limits of inclusion: Representation of minority and non-dominant communities in consociational and liberal democracies
Списание The limits of sending-state power
Списание The moral economy of guanxi and the market of corruption: Networks, brokers and corruption in China's courts
Списание The more concentrated, the better represented? The geographical concentration of immigrants and their descriptive representation in the German mixed-member system
Списание The pandemic politics of existential anxiety: Between steadfast resistance and flexible resilience
Списание The people in the 'here and now'
Списание The perils of semi-presidentialism: Confidence in political institutions in contemporary democracies
Списание The plight of civic parties in divided societies
Списание The Political Economy of Fiscal Federalism and the Dilemma of Constructing a Developmental State in Nigeria
Списание The political economy of state patronage of religion: Evidence from Thailand
Статия The politics of authoritarian empowerment: Participatory pricing in China
Статия The politics of climate change
Статия The politics of climate change in a neo-developmental state
Статия The politics of creating new states: A conceptual introduction
Списание The Politics of Tripartite Cooperation in New Democracies: A Multi-level Analysis
Статия The politics of voter presence
Статия The rise of research on independence referendums
Статия The structural power of the BRICS (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in multilateral development finance: A case study of the New Development Bank
Статия Time is of the essence: Explaining the duration of European Union lawmaking under the co-decision procedure
Списание To use the whip or not
Списание To what extent is post-positivism 'practised' in international relations? Evidence from China and the USA
Списание Too big to fault? Effects of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize on Norwegian exports to China and foreign policy
Списание Towards inclusive peace: Analysing gender-sensitive peace agreements 2000-2016
Списание Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Reintroduction of a Multiparty System in Uganda
Списание Two-level games and market constraints on politics in Europe
Списание Unated Nations electoral assistance: More than a fig leaf?
Списание Understanding ASEAN's approach to sanctions against norm breakers
Списание Understanding the use of recall referendums: Evidence from Ecuador
Списание Union structure, bounded solidarity and support for redistribution: Implications for building a welfare state
Статия United we stand and divided we fall: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO negotiations
Статия Vanguard or business-as-usual? "New" movement parties in comparative perspective
Списание Voters' preferences for party representation: Promise keeping, responsiveness to public opinion or enacting the common good
Списание Voting after change: A natural experiment on the effect of electoral reform on party system fragmentation
Списание Weak by design? Diaspora engagement and institutional change in Croatia and Serbia
Списание What Makes the Substantive Representation of Women Possible in a Westminster Parliament? The Story of RU486 in Australia
Списание What should a Russian father be like? Exploring fatherhood norms and identifying norm patterns among inhabitants of Saint Petersburg
Списание When do consultative referendums improve democracy
Списание When good news backfires: Feelings of disadvantage in the corona crisis
Статия When politics trumps strategy: UK - EU security collaboration after Brexit
Списание When reality strikes: Opinion changes among citizens and politicians during a deliberation on school closures
Списание When rotten apples spoil the ballot
Списание Where does Religion Meet Democracy? A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes in Europe
Списание Which Characteristics of Civil Society Organizations Support What Aspects of Democracy? Evidence from Post-communist Latvia
Списание Which party members participate in direct political action
Списание Which way from left to right? On the relation between voters' issue preferences and left-right orientation in West European democracies
Списание Who are judicial decisions meant for? The "global community of law" in Southern Africa
Списание Why do countries change the taxation of foreign-source income of multinational firms
Списание Why do states change positions in the United Nations General Assembly?
Статия Why states inform: Compliance with self-reporting obligations in universal treaty regimes
Списание Worlds apart
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 19
Хранилище - периодика 19
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2023 1-2 44
2023 3-5 44
2022 1-2 43
2022 3-5 43
2021 1-3 42
2021 4-5 42
2020 1-3 41
2020 4-5 41
2019 1-3 40
2019 4-5 40
2018 1-3 39
2018 4-5 39
2017 1-3 38
2017 4-5 38
2016 1-5 37
2015 1-5 36
2014 1-5 35
2013 1-5 34
2012 1-5 33
2011 1-5 32
2010 1-5 31
2009 1-5 30
2008 1-5 29
2007 1-5 28
2006 1-4 27
2005 1-4 26
2004 1-4 25
2003 1-4 24
2002 1-4 23
2001 1-4 22
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1999 1-4 20
1998 1-4 19
1997 1-4 18
1996 1-4 17
1995 1-4 16
1994 1-4 15
1993 1-4 14
