Списание |
(Un) Democratic change and use of social sanctions for domestic politics: Council of Europe monitoring in Turkey |
Списание |
A global analysis of how losing an election affects voter satisfaction with democracy |
Списание |
A new approach to measuring legislators' activity |
Списание |
A Quasi-Proportional Electoral System 'Only for Honest Men'? The Hidden Potential for Manipulating Mixed Compensatory Electoral Systems |
Списание |
A reconciliation most desirable |
Списание |
A whole of nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team |
Списание |
Accountability through government alternation:Economic performance and the conditional role of political institutions in fifty countries, 1990 - 2015 |
Списание |
Agenda setting and the political economy of fear |
Списание |
Analyzing ethnographic interviews: Three studies on terrorism and nonviolent resistance |
Статия |
Are politically engaged citizens more democratic? |
Статия |
Attack politics from Albania to Zimbabwe: A large-scale comparative study on the drivers of negative campaigning |
Статия |
Attrition as a bottom-up pathway to subnational democratization |
Статия |
Authoritarian elections, state capacity, and performance legitimacy |
Списание |
Authoritarian emigration states: Soft power and cross-border mobility in the Middle East |
Списание |
Autocratic welfare programs, economic perceptions, and support for the dictator: Evidence from African autocracies |
Статия |
Back to Westminster model? The Brexit process and the UK political system |
Списание |
Better workers, better elections? Electoral management body workforces and electoral integrity worldwide |
Списание |
Big government sentiment and support for protectionism in East Asia |
Статия |
Breaking up is hard to do: The Neil Sedaka theory of independence referendums |
Статия |
Brexit and party change: The conservatives and labour at Westminster |
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Brexit and the future of the UK constitution |
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Brexit and the union: Territorial voice, exit and re-entry strategies in Scotland and Northern Ireland after EU exit |
Списание |
Bribes and Ballots |
Статия |
BRICS, G20 and global economic governance reform |
Списание |
Building impartial electoral management? Institutional design, independence and electoral integrity |
Статия |
Building the ship in dry dock: The case for pre-independence constitution-building in Scotland |
Статия |
Campaign expenditures and electoral outcomes in Israeli legislative primaries - A financial gender gap? |
Списание |
Can information campaigns impact preferences toward vote selling? Theory and evidence from Kenya |
Списание |
Can we reconcile |
Статия |
Can women dynasty politicians disrupt social norms of political leadership? A proposed typology of normative change |
Списание |
Capacity building for proportionate climate policy: Lessons from India and South Africa |
Списание |
Caught between nationalism and transnationalism |
Списание |
Causes and Contexts of Tax Morale |
Статия |
Changing responses to a frozen conflict: The republic of Cyprus soft balancing vis-a-vis Turkey |
Списание |
Citizens' media use and the accuracy of their perceptions of electoral integrity |
Списание |
Closer to the state, closer to the polls? The different impact of corruption on turnout among public employees and other citizens |
Статия |
Coalition-making under conditions of ideological mismathch: The populist solution |
Списание |
Cognitive Style and Foreign Policy: Margaret Thatcher's Black-and-White Thinking |
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Comics, comics studies, and political science |
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Competing Visions of Democracy and Development in the Era of Neoliberalism in Mexico and Chile |
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Conceptualizing Islamic Movements: The Case of Turkey |
Списание |
Conclusions: The new research agenda on electoral management |
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Conflict shapes in flux: Explaining spatial shift in conflict-related violence |
Списание |
Consensus and dissensus in comparative politics: Do comparativists agree on the goals, methods, and results of the field |
Статия |
Conservatism, social isolation and political context: Why East Europeans would leave the EU in Exit referendums |
Списание |
Corruption, fairness, and inequality |
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Courts and informal networks: Towards a relational perspective on judicial politics outside Western democracies |
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Crook!: The impact of perceived corruption on non-electoral forms of political behaviour |
Списание |
Dangerous (Internal) Foreigners and Nation-Building: The Case of Canada |
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Decentralization reforms in dictatorial regimes as a survival strategy: Evidence from Pakistan |
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Deliberative democracy in the age of serial crisis |
Статия |
Democracy in the prison of political science |
Списание |
Democracy, ethnoicracy and consociational demoicracy |
Списание |
Democrary in Croatia: From stagnant 1990s to rapid change 2000-2011 |
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Democratic Authority, public Islam, and Shi'i Jurisprudence in Iran and Iraq |
Списание |
Democratic disillusionment? Desire for democracy after the Arab uprisings |
Списание |
Democratic peace: Does ethnic inclusiveness reduce interstate conflict |
Списание |
Democratizing dictators? Non-democratic regime conditions and the allocation of US democracy assistance, 1975 - 2010 |
Статия |
Depleting democracy? The radical right's impact on minority politics in Eastern Europe |
Списание |
Dialogue or Compliance |
Статия |
Different types of deficient democracies |
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Direct democracy and equality: A global perspective |
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Disability, perceived discrimination and political participation |
Списание |
Discursive institutions in non-transitional societies |
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Disjunctured Narratives |
Списание |
Diversification and democracy |
Списание |
Do discussions in like-minded groups necessarily lead to more extreme opinions? Deliberate democracy and group polarization |
Списание |
Do perceptions of electoral malpractice undermine democratic satisfaction? The US in comparative perspective |
Списание |
Do sancton types affect the duration of economic sanctions? The case of foreign aid |
Списание |
Do the welfare benefits weaken the economic vote? A cross-national analysis of the welfare state and economic voting |
Списание |
Does democratization lower consumer prices? Regime type, prices, and the consumer-producer tradeoff |
Списание |
Does exposure to other cultures affect the impact of economic globalization on gender equality |
Списание |
Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change |
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Does the constitution matter? Semi-presidentialism and the origin of hegemonic personalist regimes |
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Domestic legal traditions and international cooperation: Insights from domestic and international qualification systems |
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Dynastic rule in Syria and North Korea: Nepotism, succession, and sibling rivalry |
Списание |
Eclecticism and the future of the burden-sharing research programme: Why Trump is wrong |
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Economic Development and Mass Political Participation in Contemporary China |
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Economic development: How does it influence the survival of different types of autocracy |
Списание |
Economic governance: Does it make or break a dominant party equilibrium? The case of India |
Статия |
Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and during the Great Recession |
Списание |
Education and trust: A tale of three continents |
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Education, democratic governance, and satisfaction with democracy: Multilevel evidence from Latin America |
Списание |
Electing women to new Arab assemblies: The roles of gender ideology, Islam, and tribalism in Oman |
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Electoral authoritarianism and economic control |
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Electoral management and the organisational determinants of electoral integrity: Introduction |
Списание |
Electoral reform and partisan dealignment in Indonesia |
Списание |
Endorsers, challengers or builders? Political parties' diaspora outreach in a post-conflict state |
Списание |
Ethnic diviersity and social welfare provision in non-democracies: Evidence from China |
Списание |
Ethnicity and religiosity-based prejudice in Turkey: Evidence from a survey experiment |
Списание |
Ethnonationalism and attitudes towards same-sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland |
Списание |
Evaluating electoral management body capacity |
Списание |
Explaining Attitudes toward Genetically Modified Foods in the European Union |
Списание |
Explaining disappearances as a tool of political terror |
Списание |
Explaining high rates of political participation among Chinese migrants to Australia |
Списание |
Explaining variation in the implementation of global norms: Gender mainstreaming of security in the OSCE and the EU |
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Fear, hope and disappointment |
Статия |
Female leaders and gendered laws |
Списание |
Feminist reflections on discourses of (power) plus (sharing) in power-sharing theory |
Fiscal Federalism and Soft Budget Constraints |
Списание |
Four worlds of productivity growth |
Статия |
Free market capitalism and societal inequities: Assessing the effects of economic freedom on income inequality and the equity of access to opportunity, 1990 - 2017 |
Списание |
Freedom of the press and perceptions about government corruption |
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From Insurgency to Democracy: The Challenges of Peace and Democracy-Building in Nepal |
Списание |
From polarisation to pluralisation |
Статия |
From poverty to trust |
Списание |
From State Feminism to Market Feminism? |
Статия |
Gender and political financing |
Списание |
Gender equality in politics at home and promotion of gender equality in politics abroad: The role of bilateral official development assistance |
Статия |
Gender gaps in political participation in Asia |
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Gendered patterns in candidates' campaign fundraising: The case of Italy |
Списание |
Globalization and Human Well-being |
Списание |
Got political Islam? Are politically moderate Muslims really different from radicals |
Списание |
Hanging together or not? Impacts of social media use and organisational membership on individual and collective political actions |
Списание |
Hegemonic Preservation or Horizontal Accountability |
Списание |
Help or hindrance? The role of humanitarian military interventions in human security NGO operations |
Списание |
Heterogeneity in voter perceptions of party competition in multidimensional space |
Статия |
High capacity, low resilience: The "developmental" state and military-bureaucratic authoritarianism in South Korea |
Списание |
How and why do political parties differ in their spending patterns? An empirical analysis of expenditure on party payroll staff |
Статия |
How can we trust a political leader? Ethics, institutions, and relational theory |
Списание |
How do countries of origin engage migrants and diasporas? Multiple actors and comparative perspectives |
Списание |
How do different sources of partisanship influence government accountability in Europe |
Списание |
How do radical right populist parties influence resurging debates over the stripping of citizenship |
Списание |
How perceptions and information about women's descriptive representation affect support for positive action measures |
Списание |
How power-sharing includes and excludes non-dominant communities: Introduction to the special issue |
Списание |
Informal networks and judicial decisions: Insights from the Supreme Court of the Philippines,1986 - 2015 |
Статия |
Institutional foundations of global well-being: Democracy, state capacity and social protection |
Списание |
Institutional interests and the politics of constitutional amendment |
Списание |
Institutions, contexts, and ethnic violence in comparative perspective |
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Integrating participatory institutions into the traditional representative and bureaucratic model of public governance |
Списание |
Internally displaced persons and the Cyprus peace process |
Статия |
Introduction: State capacity and elections in the study of authoritarian regimes |
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Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002-2016 |
Списание |
Islam, Jihadism, and Depoliticization in France and Germany |
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It's a rich man's world: How class and glass ceilings intersect for UK parliamentary candidates |
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It's a total no-no |
Списание |
Justices 'en Garde' |
Списание |
Justifying the constitutional regulation of political parties: A framework for analysis |
Списание |
Legitimation, regime survival, and shifting alliances in the Arab League: Explaining sanction politics during Arab Spring |
Списание |
Liberal Democracy and beyond |
Списание |
Life satisfaction and the conventionality of political participation |
Списание |
Local-national political trust patterns: Why China is an exception |
Списание |
Long-term impacts of parliamentary gender quotas in a single-party system: Symbolic co-option or delayed integration |
Списание |
Looking beyond the district |
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Majoritarian systems, rural groups, and (arrested) welfare state |
Списание |
Mapping the drivers of negative campaigning |
Статия |
Marginalized, but not demobilized |
Списание |
Measuring Effective Democracy |
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Measuring Presidential Powers |
Статия |
Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals |
Списание |
Minorities overlooked: Group based power sharing and the exclusion-amid-inclusion dilemma |
Списание |
Mismatch between lower performance and higher trust in the civil service: Can culture provide an explanation |
Статия |
Money matters: The impact of gender quotas on campaign spending for women candidates |
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Multi-bilateral aid for disease control |
Списание |
National interests and coalition positions on climate change: A text based analysis |
Статия |
Nationalism and the strength of secessionism in Western Europe: Static and dynamic autonomy |
Статия |
Natural resource wealth and the informal economy |
Списание |
Neither unitary nor federal: Did Bolivians invent something new |
Статия |
New insights into the psychology of individuals and large groups in a world of changing conflicts |
Списание |
Non-governmental organizations and economic sanctions |
Статия |
Off balance: Systematizing deformations of liberal democracy |
Списание |
On the construction of identities: An autoethnography from Turkey |
Статия |
On the volatility of transnational actor populations: What has access got to do with it |
Списание |
Origins of the Movement 's Strategy |
Статия |
Party competition on climate policy |
Списание |
Patronal politics, judicial networks and collective judicial autonomy in post-Soviet Ukraine |
Списание |
Personal vote, spatial registration rules, and party system nationalization in Latin America |
Списание |
Pick Your Poison: Economic Crises, International Monetary Fund Loans and Leader Survival |
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Policy styles, opportunity structures and proportionality |
Списание |
Political Attitudes and Political Participation |
Списание |
Political consumerism |
Списание |
Political consumerism: A comparative analysis of established and developing democracies |
Списание |
Political equality within the household? The political role and influence of mothers and fathers in a multi-party setting |
Списание |
Political institutions, state capacity, and crisis management: A comparison of China and South Korea |
Статия |
Political investorism: Conceptualising the political participation of shareholders and investors |
Списание |
Political militaries in popular uprisings |
Списание |
Political Participation and Regime Stability: A Framework for Analyzing Hybrid Regimes |
Списание |
Political reconciliation in postcolonial settler societies |
Списание |
Political values and extra-institutional political participation: The impact of economic redistributive and social libertarian preferences on protest behaviour |
Списание |
Popular conceptions of democracy and democratic satisfaction in China |
Списание |
Populism and political development in hybrid regimes |
Списание |
Populism in South America |
Списание |
Populism in world politics |
Статия |
Populist attitudes and challenges towards liberal democracy |
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Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain |
Списание |
Power-sharing: A gender intervention |
Списание |
Presidential survival in South America: Rethinking the role of democracy |
Списание |
Problems in Paradise? Challenges to Future Democratization in Democratic States |
Списание |
Psychological roots of political consumerism: Personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott |
Списание |
Public Confidence in Government |
Списание |
Public opinion in policy contexts. A comparative analysis of domestic energy policies and individual policy preferences in Europe |
Списание |
Public spending, corruption, and income inequality |
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Public Support for Regional Integration in Northeast Asia: An Empirical Test of Affective and Utilitarian Models |
Статия |
Pulled in and pushed out of politics: The impact of neoliberalism on young people's differing political consumerist motivations in the UK and Greece |
Списание |
Reassessing the relationship between elections and democratization |
Списание |
Reconciliation, transformation, struggle |
Списание |
Regime legitimation elite cohesion and the durability of autocratic regime types |
Списание |
Regional organizations and democratic conditionality: Family resemblances and shaming |
Списание |
Regional organizations and the politics of sanctions against undemocratic behaviour in the Americas |
Статия |
Regional patterns of multilateral treaty cooperation |
Списание |
Regional sanctions and the struggle for democrary |
Списание |
Regional sanctions as peer review: The African Union against Egypt (2013) and Sudan (2019) |
Списание |
Religion and foreign-policy views: Are religious people more altruistic and/or more militant |
Списание |
Resisting gendered change |
Списание |
Resonance of the Arab Spring: Solidarities and youth opinion in the Global South |
Списание |
Revisiting the Islamist-Secular divide: Parties and voters in the Arab world |
Списание |
Revisiting the semi-consociational model: Democratic failure in prewar Lebanon and post-invasion Iraq |
Статия |
Right-wing populism and feminist politics: The case of Law and Justice in Poland |
Статия |
Rule maker or rule taker? Brexit, finance and UK regulatory autonomy |
Статия |
Science walks on two legs, but social sciences try to hop on one |
Списание |
Selecting party leaders, reform processes and methods: Examining the Australian and New Zealand labour parties |
Списание |
Selective history and hegemony-making |
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Shaming and democracy: Explaining inter-state shaming in international organizations |
Статия |
Should we conduct correspondence study field experiments with political elites |
Списание |
Social life and political trust in China: Searching for machers and schmoozers |
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Social networkers and careerists: Explaining high-intensity activism among British party members |
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Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens' and MPs' support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal |
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State and regime capacity in authoritarian elections |
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State capacity and regime resilence in Putin's Russia |
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State capacity and the resilience of electoral authoritarianism |
Списание |
State-society relations in uncertain times: Social movement strategies, ideational contestation and the pandemic in Brazil and Argentina |
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States or parties? Emigrant outreach and transnational engagement |
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Strategic Anticipation and Adjustment: Ex Ante and Ex Post Information in Explaining Sanctions Outcomes |
Статия |
Strategies of right populists in opposing gender equality in a polarized European Parliament |
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Strong states, weak elections? How state capacity in authoritarian regimes conditions the democratizing power of elections |
Списание |
Sustaining and jeopardising a credible arbiter: Judicial networks in Benin's consolidating democracy |
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Taming self-determination: The trials of a political speech-act |
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Tensions between populist and feminist politics: The case of Spanish left populist party Podemos |
Списание |
The 'Uncle Tom' dilemma: Minorities in power-sharing arrangements |
Статия |
The Brexit effect: Political implications of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union |
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The Choice of Healthcare Models |
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The clean energy ministerial: Motivation for and policy consequences of membership |
Списание |
The contribution of Jean A. Laponce to political science |
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The cost of democracy: The determinants of spending on the public administration of elections |
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The creation of new states through interim agreements: Ambiguous compromises, intra-communal divisions, and contested identities |
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The democratic potential of political consumerism |
Статия |
The domestic democratic peace: How democracy constrains political violence |
Списание |
The dynamics of the winner - loser gap in satisfaction with democracy |
Списание |
The effects of party identification on perceptions of pledge fulfilment: Evidence from Portugal |
Списание |
The gender gap in political interest revisited |
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The global politics of human rights: From human rights to human dignity |
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The impact of the European union's policy towards China's intellectual property regime |
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The Influence of Societal Values on Attitudes towards Immigration |
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The internal and external institutionalization of the BRICS countries: The case of the New Development Bank |
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The legacy of military dictatorship: Explaining violent crime in democracies |
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The legislature as a gendered workplace: Exploring members of parliament's experiences of working in the Swedish parliament |
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The limits of inclusion: Representation of minority and non-dominant communities in consociational and liberal democracies |
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The limits of sending-state power |
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The moral economy of guanxi and the market of corruption: Networks, brokers and corruption in China's courts |
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The more concentrated, the better represented? The geographical concentration of immigrants and their descriptive representation in the German mixed-member system |
Списание |
The pandemic politics of existential anxiety: Between steadfast resistance and flexible resilience |
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The people in the 'here and now' |
Списание |
The perils of semi-presidentialism: Confidence in political institutions in contemporary democracies |
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The plight of civic parties in divided societies |
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The Political Economy of Fiscal Federalism and the Dilemma of Constructing a Developmental State in Nigeria |
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The political economy of state patronage of religion: Evidence from Thailand |
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The politics of authoritarian empowerment: Participatory pricing in China |
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The politics of climate change |
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The politics of climate change in a neo-developmental state |
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The politics of creating new states: A conceptual introduction |
Списание |
The Politics of Tripartite Cooperation in New Democracies: A Multi-level Analysis |
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The politics of voter presence |
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The rise of research on independence referendums |
Статия |
The structural power of the BRICS (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in multilateral development finance: A case study of the New Development Bank |
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Time is of the essence: Explaining the duration of European Union lawmaking under the co-decision procedure |
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To use the whip or not |
Списание |
To what extent is post-positivism 'practised' in international relations? Evidence from China and the USA |
Списание |
Too big to fault? Effects of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize on Norwegian exports to China and foreign policy |
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Towards inclusive peace: Analysing gender-sensitive peace agreements 2000-2016 |
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Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Reintroduction of a Multiparty System in Uganda |
Списание |
Two-level games and market constraints on politics in Europe |
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Unated Nations electoral assistance: More than a fig leaf? |
Списание |
Understanding ASEAN's approach to sanctions against norm breakers |
Списание |
Understanding the use of recall referendums: Evidence from Ecuador |
Списание |
Union structure, bounded solidarity and support for redistribution: Implications for building a welfare state |
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United we stand and divided we fall: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO negotiations |
Статия |
Vanguard or business-as-usual? "New" movement parties in comparative perspective |
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Voters' preferences for party representation: Promise keeping, responsiveness to public opinion or enacting the common good |
Списание |
Voting after change: A natural experiment on the effect of electoral reform on party system fragmentation |
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Weak by design? Diaspora engagement and institutional change in Croatia and Serbia |
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What Makes the Substantive Representation of Women Possible in a Westminster Parliament? The Story of RU486 in Australia |
Списание |
What should a Russian father be like? Exploring fatherhood norms and identifying norm patterns among inhabitants of Saint Petersburg |
Списание |
When do consultative referendums improve democracy |
Списание |
When good news backfires: Feelings of disadvantage in the corona crisis |
Статия |
When politics trumps strategy: UK - EU security collaboration after Brexit |
Списание |
When reality strikes: Opinion changes among citizens and politicians during a deliberation on school closures |
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When rotten apples spoil the ballot |
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Where does Religion Meet Democracy? A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes in Europe |
Списание |
Which Characteristics of Civil Society Organizations Support What Aspects of Democracy? Evidence from Post-communist Latvia |
Списание |
Which party members participate in direct political action |
Списание |
Which way from left to right? On the relation between voters' issue preferences and left-right orientation in West European democracies |
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Who are judicial decisions meant for? The "global community of law" in Southern Africa |
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Why do countries change the taxation of foreign-source income of multinational firms |
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Why do states change positions in the United Nations General Assembly? |
Статия |
Why states inform: Compliance with self-reporting obligations in universal treaty regimes |
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Worlds apart |