Galais, Carol, Perez-Rajo, Juan Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain,
, 2023, pp. 492 - 506.
Galais, Carol, Perez-Rajo, Juan .
Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain.
: , 2023, pp. 492 - 506.
Galais, Carol, Perez-Rajo, Juan (2023)
Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain,
: , pp. 492 - 506
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.