Okolikj, Martin, Hooghe, Marc Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002-2016,
, 2022, pp. 240 - 258.
Okolikj, Martin, Hooghe, Marc .
Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002-2016.
: , 2022, pp. 240 - 258.
Okolikj, Martin, Hooghe, Marc (2022)
Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002-2016,
: , pp. 240 - 258
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.