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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Economics and Business Review

ПВ 2320


Poznan University of Economics Press
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономически изследвания, икономическа наука
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
До 2015 - под загл. Poznan University of Economics Review = ISSN1643-5877; 2001 = ISBN 83-88760-45-9; От 2022 - без продължаваща номерация на томовете
Тип Заглавие
Списание "Dark matter" in the external sector of the United States
Статия "Very strong" turnpike effect in a non-stationary Gale economy with investments, multilane turnpike and limit technology
Списание (Re)-structuring the CEO's compensation - the case of Israel
Списание (Un)finished transition. Stock of knowledge in Poland, 1924 - 2012
Списание A disequilibrium mechanism: When managerial decisions cause macroeconomic instability
Списание A perspective on leading and managing organizational change
Списание A side effect of a university boom: rising incidence of overeducation among tertiary educated workers in Poland
Списание A synthesis of evolutionary and behavioral economics
Списание Agency costs of overvalued equity and earnings management in companies listed on WSE
Списание Agricultural commodities: An integrated approach to assess the volatility spillover and dynamic connectedness
Списание Almost "very strong" multilane turnpike effect in a non-stationary Gale economy with a temporary von Neumann equilibrium and price constraints
Списание Alternative configurations of firm-level employment systems: evidence from American companies
Статия An analysis of causal relationship between economic growth and financial development for Turkey
Списание An analysis of the logistics performance index of EU countries with an integrated MCDM model
Статия An analysis of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis in the context of Turkey: a nonlinear approach
Статия An attempt to model the demand for new cars in Poland and its spatial differences
Списание An exploration of the cliometric relationship between gender equality and economic growth
Списание Analysis of the relationship between countercyclical capital buffer and performance and risk indicators of the banking sector
Статия Analyst herding - whether, why, and when? Two new tests for herding detection in target forecast prices
Статия Are cryptocurrencies safe havens during the COViD-19 pandemic? A threshold regression perspective with pandemic-related benchmarks
Статия Artificial intelligence - friend or foe in fake news campaigns
Списание Assessing the competitiveness of locations: A journey through the major theoretical insights
Статия Assessing the gender wage gap: Turkey in the years 2002 - 2019
Статия Assessing the long-term asymmetric relationship between energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Статия Assessment of immigrants' impact on the Slovak economy
Списание Benchmarking in the process of creating a culture of innovation in hotel companies
Списание Best practice in bank corporate governance: The case of Islamic banks
Статия Big data in monetary policy analysis - a critical assessment
Списание Board ethos and institutional work
Списание Boardroom leadership: The board of directors as a source of strategic leadership
Списание Bold vision: Gender diversity stuck in transition
Статия Capital structure and its determinants in companies originating from two opposite sides of the European Union: Poland and Portugal
Статия CEO pay ratio versus financial performance in Polish public companies
Статия Challenges for higher education in the era of widespread access to Generative AI
Списание Choosing the exchange rate regime - a case for intermediate regimes for emerging and developing economies
Списание Climate crisis, central banks and the IMF reform
Списание Cliometrics and general equilibrium: a pathbreaking analysis revisited
Списание Commercialization of the education of economists versus integrity of the university
Списание Comparative economics and the mainstream
Списание Competition and globalisation in economic sciences. Selected aspects
Списание Constitutional conflicts in the European Union: Court packing in Poland versus the United States
Статия Consumer perceived ethicality of banks in the era of digitalisation: The case of Poland
Списание Consumers' attitudes towards modern solutions in the retail trade
Списание Convergence in GDP per capita across the EU regions - spatial effects
Статия Corporate governance and risk management: An evaluation of board responsibilities in western and Islamic banks
Статия Corporate governance, excess-cash and firm value: Evidence from ASEAN-5
Списание Corporate governance, risk and crises in small companies
Статия CSR committees and their effect on green practices
Списание Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure: An economic perspective
Статия Determinants of central banks' financial strength: evidence from Central and Eastern European countries
Статия Determinants of consumer adoption of biometric technologies in mobile financial applications
Списание Determinants of social media's use in consumer behaviour
Списание Determinants of the non-performing loan ratio in the European Union banking sectors with a high level of impaired loans
Списание Determinants of under-representation of women on Boards of Directors: an exploratory study of African public and private firms
Списание Different sources of market information and product innovativeness
Списание Disruptive technology and the board
Списание Distortionary effects of economic crises on policy coordination in Turkey: Threshold GMM approach
Списание Do foreign direct investment and savings promote economic growth in Poland
Статия Do Polish non-financial listed companies hold cash to lend money to other firms
Списание Does a financial crisis affect operating risk? Evidence from Polish listed companies
Списание Does corporate governance influence firm performance? Evidence from India
Статия Does firm size improve firm growth? Empirical evidence from an emerging economy
Статия Does regional trade integration reinforce of weaken capital mobility? New evidence from four free trade areas
Списание Does the inclusion of exposure to volatility into diversified portfolio improve the investment results? Portfolio construction from the perspective of a Polish investor
Списание Economic fluctuations in a model with an overlapping structure of employment
Статия Effectiveness of environmental policies on carbon emissions
Списание Efficiency of services in CEE countries - case study of Poland and Belarus
Списание Empirical analysis of the relationship between trade wars and sea-air transportation
Списание Endogenous task-based technical change - factor scarcity and factor prices
Статия Energy tokens as digital instruments of financial investment
Статия Examining the effect of credit on monetary policy with Markov regime switching: Evidence from Turkey
Списание Exploring service quality of low-cost airlines in Europe: An integrated MCDM approach
Статия Factors influencing the use of trade credit in financing Polish listed companies
Статия Fertility, fiscal deficit and sustainability of public debt in an endogenous growth model
Списание Financial cooperation initiatives in Latin America:
Списание Financial sustainability: An annotated bibliography
Списание Fiscal consequences of the abolition of sugar levies
Статия Food security of Ukraine: National and global level
Списание Footnotes to organizational competitiveness
Статия Forecasting realized volatility through financial turbulence and neural networks
Статия Formulary apportionment in the European Union - future research agenda
Статия Fostering sustainable development through the European Digital Single Market
Списание Friends or foes? Activist hedge funds and other institutional investors
Списание From past to present born global phenomenon: a thematic analysis
Списание Gender diversity impact on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Greenhouse Gas emissions in the UK
Статия Germany's attitude towards the enlargement of the eurozone
Списание Globalization, inequality and economic policy
Статия Google search intensity and stock returns in frontier markets: Evidence from the Vietnamese market
Списание Governance and competitiveness in global value chains: A comparative study in automobile and textile industries
Списание Governance and financing of innovative very small business (VSB)
Статия Governance of director and executive remuneration in leading firms of Australia
Списание Growth-maximizing public debt in Turkey: An empirical investigation
Статия How Google trends can improve market predictions - the case of the Warsaw stock exchange
Списание How team leaders can improve virtual team collaboration through trust and ICT: A conceptual model proposition
Статия How to fly to safety without overpaying for the ticket
Списание Identification of financial and macroeconomic shocks in a VAR model of the Polish economy. A stability analysis
Списание Impact of broadband speed on economic outputs
Списание Importance and motives of preferential trade agreements in the EU's external trade
Списание Income gaps: Education and inequality
Списание Inequality and politics in Brazil: Bolsa Familia and beyond
Статия Innovation and Industry 4.0 in building the international competitiveness of food industry enterprises
Статия Institutional investors and real earnings management: A meta-analysis
Списание Insufficient data, short time spans, illusions and multiple pressures: designing the German Monetary Union in 1990
Списание Insurance and risk management systems in Russia
Списание Integration of immigrants and the role of policy in the OECD
Списание International trade in differentiated goods, financial crisis and the gravity equation
Списание Investigating the role of customer churn in the optimal allocation of offensive and defensive advertising: the case of the competitive growing market
Списание Investments and long-term real interest rate in Poland. Study of investment structure, current account and their correlation with long-term real interest rates
Статия Judgements of research co-created by Generative AI: Experimental evidence
Статия Labour productivity in Italian regions: A gravitational model approach
Списание Lessons from TARGET2 imbalances: The case for the ECB being a lender of last resort
Списание Long-term trends in international migration: lessons from macroeconomic model
Списание Longevity risk and the design of the Polish pension system
Списание Macroeconomic performance of the Israeli economy in the 21st century
Списание Mandatory audit rotation and audit market concentration - evidence from Poland
Статия Market risk, value-at-risk and exponential weighting
Статия Marriage, divorce and coronavirus - theoretical analysis of the influence of COVID-19 on family capital
Списание Methodology...?! Why? Some methodologival aspects of the controversy between mainstream economics and institutionalism
Списание Microeconomic and macroeconomic determinants of the profitability of the insurance sector in Macedonia
Статия New technologies in the financial industry: Case of Poland
Списание On some analogies between one-criterion decision making under uncertainty and multi-criteria decision making under uncertainty
Списание On the growing accountability of central banks for financial stability - the macroprudential perspective
Статия On the stability of a certain Keynes-Metzler-Goodwin monetary growth model
Списание Optimal growth processes in a non-stationary Gale economy with a multilane production turnpike
Статия Personal bankruptcy prediction using machine learning techniques
Списание Policyholder and insurance policy features as determinants of life insurance lapse - evidence from Croatia
Списание Polish farmers' perception of spring frost and the use of crop insurance against this phenomenon in Poland
Статия Political alignment and the allocation of the COViD-19 response funds - evidence from municipalities in Poland
Статия Price limit bands, risk-return trade-off and asymmetric volatility
Списание Prices of works of art by living and deceased artists auctioned in Poland from 1989 to 2012
Статия Pricing and data science: The tale of two accidentally parallel transitions
Списание Pricing correlation options: from the P. Carr and D. Madan approach to the new method based on the Fourier transform
Статия Privacy frontiers in customers' relations with banks
Статия Proposal for a comprehensive retirement insurance solution (CRIS) to mitigate retirement risk based on theory of change
Статия Repeated weighting in mixed-mode censuses
Статия Risk sharing markets and hedging a loan portfolio: a note
Статия Russian aggression against Ukraine and the changes in European Union countries' macroeconomic situation: Do energy intensity and energy dependence matter
Списание Sanctions and their role in preventing the appropriation of the creditor's property rights in bankruptcy proceedings - the case of Poland
Списание Searching for similarities in EU corporate income taxes for their harmonization
Статия Sectoral changes of employment in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic: Are reallocation shock effects applicable
Списание Shift to private pension system: The case of Poland and Israel
Списание Side effects of fiscal rules: a case of Polish local self-government
Статия Silver entrepreneurship: A golden opportunity for ageing society
Списание Small area quantile estimation based on distribution function using linear mixed models
Статия Social and economic development of Ukraine: Modeling the migration factor impact
Списание Socio-ecological innovations in marketing strategy - a comparative analysis of companies operating in Western European countries and Central-Eastern European countries
Статия Socio-economic determinants of environmental degradation: Empirical evidence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve
Статия Some implications of behavioral finance for international monetary analysis
Списание Sovereign external debt and private sector entry in international financial markets
Статия Spatial interactions in local public debt. Evidence from Polalnd
Статия Special state and measures during COVID-19 and corporate dividend policy: Early evidence from Polish public companies
Статия Stock price volatility and fundamental value: evidence from Central and Eastern European countries
Списание Strategic option pricing
Списание Strategic trade and FDI policies in a unionized industry
Списание Synthetic 'real socialism': a counterfactual analysis of political and economic liberalization
Статия Tariffs and welfare: A common, invalid anti-tariff argument
Списание Tax revenues and aging in ex-communist EU countries
Статия Taxation of public pensions in European Union countries
Списание Technological competitiveness of the EU member states in the era of the fourth industrial revolution
Статия The adaptive market hypothesis and the return predictability in the cryptocurrency markets
Списание The analysis of firms' involvement in internationalisation and determinants of its intensity - an analysis for developing and post-transition economies
Списание The analytics of the New Keynesian 3-equation Model
Статия The asset-backing risk of stablecoin trading: The case of Tether
Списание The changing architecture of the safety net in insurance worldwide: post crisis developments
Статия The choice of external financing source
Списание The cyber-insurance market in Poland and determinants of its development from the insurance broker's perspective
Списание The determinants of non-life insurance penetration in selected countries from South Eastern Europe
Статия The development of downside accounting beta as a measure of risk
Списание The dimensions of national competitiveness: The empirical analysis based on The World Economic Forum's data
Списание The dynamics of theories of economic growth: An impact of unified growth theory
Списание The effect of board of directors characteristics on risk and bank performance: Evidence from Turkey
Статия The effect of output on employment in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
Списание The EU member states' national healthcare systems compared using the single synthetic index
Списание The impact of environmental, social and corporate governance responsibility on the cost of short-and long-term debt
Списание The impact of mathematical competences and cognitive effort on the appearance of the framing effect
Списание The impact of private capital flows on economic growth in the MENA region
Списание The impact of the ROPO effect in the clothing industry
Списание The influence of Europeanization policies on immigrants' participation in Scandinavian higher education
Списание The journey of humanity: Roots of inequality in the wealth of nations
Статия The minimal-time growth problem and turnpike effect in the stationary Gale economy
Списание The monitoring role of multiple large shareholders and the catering effect of dividends: Evidence from Poland
Списание The motivation of business leaders in socialist and market-based systems
Списание The relationship between information and communication technologies and female labour force participation in Turkey
Статия The relationship between social capital and economic growth on a provincial and regional basis
Статия The rise of generative AI and possible effects on the economy
Списание The role of imitative mechanisms within the economic evolution
Списание Unpacking the provision of the industrial commons in Industry 4.0 cluster
Статия Unveiling financial well-being
Списание Virtual reality in marketing communication - the impact on the message, technology and offer perception - empirical study
Статия Wage determination, Global Valur Chains and role played by wage bargaining schemes: The case of Poland
Списание What determines the scale of state ownership in enterprises? Some evidence from post-socialist countries
Списание What did it take for Lucas to set up 'useful' analogue systems in monetary business cycle theory
Статия What drives the savings rate in the middle-income countries
Статия Who is talent? Implications of talent definitions for talent management practice
Списание Why did the knowledge transition occur in the West and not in the East? ICT and the role of governments in Europe, East Asia and the Muslim world
Списание Why did the knowledge transition occur in the West and not in the East? ICT and the role of governments in Europe, East Asia and the Muslim world
Статия World capital markets facing the first wave of COVID-19: Traditional event study versus sensitivity to new cases
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 11
Хранилище - периодика 17
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2024 1-2 10
2023 3-4 9
2023 1-2 9
2022 3-4 8(22)
2022 1-2 8(22)
2021 3-4 7(21)
2021 1-2 7(21)
2020 3-4 6(20)
2020 1-2 6(20)
2019 1-4 5(19)
2018 1-4 4(18)
2017 1-4 3(17)
2016 1-4 2(16)
2015 1-4 1(15)
2014 1-4 14
2013 1-4 13
2012 1-4 12
2011 1-2 11
2010 1-2 10
2009 1-2 9
2008 1-2 8
2007 1-2 7
2006 1-2 6
2005 1-2 5
2004 1-2 4
2003 1-2 3
2002 1-2 2
2001 1 1
