Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати"
| Списание
Investments and long-term real interest rate in Poland. Study of investment structure, current account and their correlation with long-term real interest rates
Krawczyk, Jakub, Filipczak, Szymon Investments and long-term real interest rate in Poland. Study of investment structure, current account and their correlation with long-term real interest rates,
, 2015, pp. 130 - 148.
Krawczyk, Jakub, Filipczak, Szymon .
Investments and long-term real interest rate in Poland. Study of investment structure, current account and their correlation with long-term real interest rates.
: , 2015, pp. 130 - 148.
Krawczyk, Jakub, Filipczak, Szymon (2015)
Investments and long-term real interest rate in Poland. Study of investment structure, current account and their correlation with long-term real interest rates,
: , pp. 130 - 148
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.