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Намерени са 972 резултата
B 78036
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
Новият орган за провеждане на политиката в областта на електронното управление, информационното общество и информационните технологии, и мрежовата и информационна сигурност
= The New Governing Authority to be Conducted in the Field of E-Governance, Information Society, and IT, and Network and Information Security (2023)
Живка Матеева

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B 77905
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
How the World Became Rich
The Historical Origins of Economic Growth (2022)
Mark Koyama; Jared Rubin

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EK 16
Каталог "Книги" | Сборник с доклади
Investments in the Future - 2021
Thirteenth Scientific Conference "Economy Development in the Terms of COVID-19", 8th October 2021, Online : Proceedings : [Електронен ресурс] (2021)
Stefan Vachkov

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B 77219
Каталог "Книги" | Сборник с доклади
Information and Communication Technologies in Business and Education
Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Informatics (2019)

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C 7551
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Innovation for Sustainable Development
Review of Kyrgystan (2019)

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B 77211
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Economic Development in Africa Report 2019
Made in Africa - Rules of Origin for Enhanced Intra-African Trade (2019)

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C 7582
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Redesigning the Uranium Resource Pathway
Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources for Planning and Implementing Sustainable Uranium Projects (2019)

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C 7614
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Practice
Findings and Lessons Learned from the Work on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation under the Protocol on Water and Health in the Pan-European Region (2019)

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C 7512
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
World Investment Report
Investment and New Industrial Policies (2018)

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C 7527
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
TIR Handbook
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets. (TIR Convention, 1975) (2018)

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C 7519
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Wood Energy in the ECE Region
Data, Trends and Outlook in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and North America (2018)

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C 7534
Каталог "Книги" | Доклад
Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation under the Water Convention
Report on Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (2018)

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C 7407
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Trade and Development Report 2017
Beyond Austerity : Towards a global new Deal (2017)

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C 7473
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Management Accounting
Paper P1 : CIMA : Study Text (2017)

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C 7456
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Best Policy Practices for Promoting Energy Efficiency
A structured Framework of best Practices in Policies to promote energy Efficiency for Climate change mitigation and sustainable Development (2017)

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C 7474
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Management Accounting
Subject P1 : CIMA : Exam Practice Kit (2017)

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CDR 205
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
An Integrating Approach for Studying Tourist Destination Competitiveness in Higher Education
Todor Dyankov; Viliyan Krastev

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C 7373
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
European Agreement : Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road : Appl. as from 1 Jan. 2017 : Vol. 1 - 2 (2016)
Vol. 1

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C 7373
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
European Agreement : Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road : Appl. as from 1 Jan. 2017 : Vol. 1 - 2 (2016)
Vol. 2

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B 76109
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Being Fair, Faring Better
Promoting Equality of Opportunity for Marginalized Roma (2016)
Roberta Gatti; et al.

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