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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

European Journal of Tourism Research

ПВ 2345


Varna University of Management
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
туризъм, туристически анализ
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
От 2008 - свободно в интернет; От 2020 - само онлайн
Тип Заглавие
Списание A customer feedback sentiment dictionary: Towards automatic assessment of online reviews
Списание A game theory approach to Airbnb and hotels competition
Списание A realistic value-based approach to interpreting e-rating and e-complaining behaviour in the hospitality sector
Списание A study of expected and perceived service quality in Croatian and Slovenian hotel industry
Списание An Importance-Performance analysis of Tourist Satisfaction at Destination Level: Evidence from Campania (Italy)
Списание An insight into cultural heritage management of tourism destinations
Списание Analysis of tourism destination management organizations in Hungary
Списание Antecedents and outcomes of a City's Global Image: the impact of a tourist staple
Списание Are there economic benefits from marine protected areas? An analysis of scuba diver expenditure
Списание Assessing Destination Images of an Olympic Host City Using Social Media
Списание Backpackers' contribution to development and poverty alleviation
Списание Benchmarking service delivery for sports tourism and events: Lessons for Gorski Kotar, Croatia from Pokljuka, Slovenia
Списание Biosecurity risk and tourist communication in Ireland
Списание Brand value attributable to affiliation (BVAA) - a method for measurement in a consortium context
Списание Challenges and obstacles for the first digital repository for tourism studies in Greece
Списание Chinese Tourism to Scandinavia - understanding tourism distribution
Списание Climate change and ski industry in Pamporovo resort, Bulgaria: An exploratory study on the tourists' perceptions
Списание Climate change in low mountain ranges: Opportunities in sustainable Black Forest tourism
Списание Combining Tourism Economic Account and Tourism Employment Module for a best measurement of tourism at a sub-national level
Списание Commodified volunteer tourism and consumer culture
Списание Community involvement and sustainable rural tourism development perspectives from the local communities
Списание Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in Belarus
Списание Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in Russia
Списание Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in the Czech Republic
Списание Corporate Twitter use and stakeholder engagement: An empirical analysis of the Spanish hotel industry
Списание Correlation between tourists' perceptions/evaluations of destination attributes and their overall satisfactions
Списание Dawning of the age of robots in hospitality and tourism
Списание Determinants of tourist arrivals in European Mediterranean countries
Списание Does quality standards certification truly matter on operational and business of firms? Evidence from resort hotels
Списание Effects of tourism development on surface area of main lakes of Shchuchinsk-Burabay resort area, Kazakhstan
Списание Entrepreneurs' self-perception of skills in rural tourism
Списание Erasmus students in Portugal: from students to tourists and advocates
Списание Examining the effects of personal factors and travel characteristics on tourist's perceived crowding
Списание Examining the tourism-led growth hypothesis, agricultural-led growth hypothesis and economic growth in top agricultural producing economies
Списание Exchange rate volatility and tourism - revisiting the nature of the relationship
Списание Exploring retraction in tourism and hospitality journals
Списание Exploring the Motivation and Personality traits of Adventure Travelers
Списание Exploring the potential of an air transport eco-label
Списание Factors for the E-business Adoption by Small Tourism Firms and the Role of Shadow Economic Practices
Списание Family tourism: the importance of tourism for low-income families
Списание Food souvenirs and their influence on tourist satisfaction and behavioural intentions
Списание Food tourism and regional development: A systematic literature review
Списание Frequency domain causality analysis of tourism and economic activity in Turkey
Списание From Sum and Sea Tourism to Cultural Tourism - the Case of Split-Dalmatia Country
Списание Geotourism Potential of the Islands of the Western Mediterranean: Case Study of Elba Island
Списание Governance for Sustainable Tourism: A Review and Directions for Future Research
Списание Host-guest relationship in the context of volunteer tourism
Статия Impact of E-commerce on Travel Intermediaries in Bulgaria
Списание Impact of the attributes of private tourist accommodation facilities onto prices
Списание Investigating Tourists' Destination Choices - An Application of Network Analysis
Списание Key destination attributes of behavioural intention: An application of neural networks
Списание Key Success Factors for Fan Zones (public viewings) Covering Mega Sport Events - the Case of UEFA EURO 2008 in Austria
Списание Location-based services in tourism: An empirical analysis of factors influencing usage behaviour
Списание Maritime tourism: Modelling consumer behaviour and its managerial implications
Списание Marketing perceptions of national and nature parks managers - the case of Croatia
Списание Moroccan tourist portfolio efficiency with the mean-variance approach
Списание Mountain tourism research. A review
Списание Nature sports participation
Списание Perspectives on foreign training
Списание Political stability and tourism sector development in Mediterranean countries: a panel cointegration and causality analysis
Списание Pre-smoke-ban cafe staff job satisfaction and attitudes in transition countries
Списание Predicting effects of demographics and moderating power of engagement on residents' perceptions of tourism development
Списание Profile of practice, travel behaviour and motivations for geocaching
Списание Profiling airport travellers based on their perceptions, satisfaction and intention to recommend food and beverage
Списание Reflections over the Past and Present Research and Higher Education on Tourism in Czechoslovakia and Slovakia
Списание Residents' views on cruise tourism in Naples
Списание Restaurant assessment of local food and the Global Sustainable Tourism criteria
Списание Segmenting protected area visitors by activities: A case study in Paklenica National Park, Croatia
Списание Show your teeth and tilt your head! Customer preferences towards a service with a smile
Списание Sixty years of tourism higher education and research in Bulgaria
Списание Social capital as cause and consequence of rural touristic development
Списание State of the art research in the sector of thermalism, thalassotherapy and spa
Списание Study abroad: the influence of city and university attractiveness factors
Списание Subnational Tourism Competitiveness Performance. The Canary Islands vs. German Lander
Списание Surfing tourism plan
Списание Sustainable tourism and the emergence of new environmental norms
Списание Testing the Relationship Between Product Innovation and Process Innovation. A Comparative Analysis of Tourism and Manufacturing Sectors
Списание The 2010 Ryder Cup, Images of Wales and Tourism Development
Списание The development of winter sports tourism in Romania
Списание The Effects of Formal Networks on Territorial Tourism Offers. Current Usage of Network Contracts in Italy
Списание The importance of different culinary aspects when travelling - the case of international tourists to South Africa
Списание The influence of airport security procedures on the intention to re-travel
Списание The influence of risk perception on destination choice processes
Списание The influence of tourism experience self-congruity on the use of virtual social networks
Списание The Perception of Tourism Product quality and Tourist Satisfaction: the Case of Polish Tourists Visiting Bulgaria
Списание The relation between sport and tourism at the beginning of tourism development - the case of Croatia
Списание The relation between work stress, work-family life conflict and worker performance: A research study on hospitality employees
Списание The relationship between personality, customer participation, customer value and customer satisfaction in tourism service
Списание The relationship between tourism and residents' quality of life
Списание The roles of subjective vitality, involvment, experience quality, and satisfaction in tourists' behavioral
Списание The spatial distribution and relationship of tourist flow in Turkey
Списание The transition of governance approaches to rural tourism in Southern Morocco
Списание The wrong way: An alternative critique of the Camino de Santiago
Списание Tourism destination image as an antecedent of destination loyalty
Списание Tourism innovation networks
Списание Tourism research in the German Democratic Republic
Списание Tourism surveying from social media: The validity of user-generated content (UGC) for the characterization of lodging rankings
Списание Tourism tertiary education and research in Poland
Списание Understanding Canadian and US tourists
Списание Understanding the relation between serious surfing, surfing profile, surf travel behaviour and destination attributes preferences
Списание Understanding the role of destination imagery in mountain destination choice. Evidence from an exploratory research
Списание Using quality function deployment for environmentally sustainable hotels
Списание Virtual reality in the hotel industry: assessing the acceptance of immerse hotel presentation
Списание What influences tourists' overall holiday experience? Tourism company products versus destination products
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 14
Хранилище - периодика 4
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2019 21
2019 22
2019 23
2018 18
2018 19
2018 20
2017 15
2017 16
2017 17
2016 12-14
2015 9-11
2014 7-8
2013 1-2 6
2012 1-2 5
2011 1-2 4
2010 1-2 3
2009 2 2
2008 1-2 1
