Статия |
"Whatever it takes" to change belief: evidence from Twitter |
Списание |
A consumer-suplus standard in foreign acquisitions, foreign direct investment, and welfare |
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A global look into stock market comovements |
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A provincial view of global imbalances: regional capital flows in China |
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A tale of two globalizations: gains from trade and openness 1800-2010 |
Списание |
Accumulation of reserves in emerging and developing countries: mercantilism versus insurance |
Списание |
An elementary model of export tax war |
Списание |
Antidumping as a signaling device under the WTO's ADA non-disclosure clause |
Списание |
Are all trade agreements equal? The role of distance in shaping the effect of economic integration agreements on trade flows |
Списание |
Are international capital flows really matter for achieving SDGs 1 and 2: ending poverty and hunger |
Списание |
Are stricter investment rules contagious? Host country competition for foreign direct investment through international agreements |
Списание |
Are workers more vulnerable in tradable industries? |
Списание |
Backward participation in global value chains and exchange rate driven adjustments of Swiss exports |
Статия |
Bank liquidity creation: A new global dataset for developing and emerging countries |
Статия |
Beyond tariff evasion: bypass effect of FTAs to circumvent technical barriers |
Списание |
Bilateral cross-border banking and macroeconomic determinants |
Списание |
Bilateral investment treaties as deterrents of host-country discretion |
Статия |
BREXIT referendum's impact on the financial markets in the UK |
Списание |
Can countries rely on foreign saving for investment and economic development |
Списание |
Can international coproduction promote the performance of cultural products in the global markets |
Списание |
Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: evidence based on a new credibility index |
Списание |
China-US trade flow behavior: the implications of alternative exchange rate measures and trade classifications |
Списание |
Chinese competition: intra-industry and intra-firm adaptation |
Статия |
Commodity price pass-through along the pricing chain |
Списание |
Competing liberalizations: tariffs and trade in the twenty-first century |
Списание |
Competitive effects of trade: theory and measurement |
Статия |
Composite global indicators from survey data: the global economic barometers |
Статия |
Containing Chinese state-owned enterprises? The role of deep trade agreements |
Списание |
Contingent trade policy and economic efficiency |
Списание |
Cross border banking in the EU since the crisis: What is driving the great retrenchment |
Статия |
Cross-border investment and the decline of exchange rate volatility: implications for Euro area bilateral investments |
Списание |
Cross-border mergers & acquisitions with financially constrained owners |
Списание |
Cultural change and the migration choice |
Списание |
Customs brokers as intermediaries in international trade |
Списание |
Determinants of direct cross-border public procurement in EU Member States |
Статия |
Determinants of services trade agreement mеmbership |
Списание |
Disentangling the impact of infrastructure on trade using a new index of infrastructure |
Списание |
Do data policy restrictions inhibit trade in services |
Списание |
Do links between banks matter for bilateral trade |
Списание |
Do regional trade agreements really boost trade? |
Статия |
Does backward participation in global value chains affect countries' current account position |
Списание |
Does corruption matter for sources of foreign direct investment |
Статия |
Does import competition drive productivity growth |
Списание |
Does the GATT/WTO promote trade? After all Rose was right |
Статия |
Domestic formal and informal institutions: their substitutability and comparative advantage |
Статия |
Domestic interest rate, foreign direct investment, and corruption |
Статия |
Domestic product standards, harmonization, and free trade agreements |
Списание |
Donor motives, public preferences and the allocation of UK foreign aid: a discrete choice experiment approach |
Списание |
Economic integration agreements, immigrants and trade costs |
Статия |
Economic missions and firm internationalization: evidence from the Netherlands |
Статия |
Economic preferences and trade outcomes |
Списание |
Estimating sectoral product quality under quality heterogeneity |
Списание |
Estimating the effect of spillovers on exports: a meta analysis |
Списание |
EU economic integration agreements, Brexit and trade |
Статия |
Eurasian economic integration |
Списание |
Exceptional performance of multinational suppliers: theory and evidence |
Списание |
Exchange rate pass-through to import prices: accounting for changes in the eurozone trade structure |
Списание |
Exchange rate risk and the skill composition of labor |
Списание |
Explaining the size differences of exporter premia: theory and evidence |
Списание |
Export and productivity in global value chains: comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia |
Списание |
Export characteristics and output volatility: comparative firm-level evidence for CEE countries |
Списание |
Export diversification and income differences reconsidered: The extensive product margin in theory and application |
Списание |
Export survival and the dynamics of experience |
Списание |
Exporters' agglomeration and the survival of export flows: empirical evidence from Colombia |
Списание |
Exports and domestic demand pressure: a dynamic panel data model for the euro area countries |
Списание |
Exports and labor costs: evidence from a French policy |
Статия |
FDI on the move: cross-border M&A and migrant networks |
Списание |
Firm export diversification and change in workforce |
Списание |
Firm level effects of offshoring of materials and services on relative labor demand |
Списание |
Fiscal devaluations: evidence using bilateral trade |
Списание |
Fiscal policy and economic growth: some evidence from China |
Списание |
Fiscal policy and growth forecasts in the EU: are official forecasters still misestimating fiscal multipliers |
Списание |
Foreign direct investment and firm performance: an empirical analysis of Italian firms |
Статия |
Genetic distance, cultural differences, and the formation of regional trade agreements |
Списание |
Global governance and gross capital flows dynamics |
Списание |
Global migration in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: the unstoppable force of demography |
Списание |
Global value chains and technology transfer: new evidence from developing countries |
Списание |
Global value chains participation and productivity gains for North African firms |
Списание |
Globalization, technological change and labor demand: a firm-level analysis for Turkey |
Списание |
Globalization, the skill premium, and income distribution: the role of selection into entrepreneurship |
Списание |
Has China replaced colonial trade |
Списание |
Heterogeneous country responses to the Great Recession: the role of supply chains |
Списание |
Heterogeneous effects of bilateral investment treaties |
Статия |
Higher frequency activity indicators and global bond portfolio adjustments |
Статия |
How preferences shape the welfare and employment effects of trade |
Статия |
How relevant are capital flows for house prices in emerging economies |
Списание |
ICT use by households and firms in the EU: links and determinants from a multivariate perspective |
Статия |
Immigrant workers and firm resilience on the export market |
Статия |
Immigration and offshoring: two forces of globalisation and their impact on employment and the bargaining power of occupational groups |
Списание |
Imported inputs, technology spillovers and productivity: firm level evidence from Uruguay |
Списание |
Income inequality and quality of imports |
Списание |
Income volatility: whom you trade with matters |
Списание |
Indirect exporters and importers |
Списание |
Indirect productivity effects from foreign direct investment and multinational firm heterogeneity |
Списание |
Information related service trade within firms: evidence from firm-level data in Germany |
Списание |
Interest rate spreads in the eurozone: Fundamentals or sentiments? |
Списание |
Interlinkages between external debt financing, credit cycles and output fluctuations in emerging market economies |
Статия |
Intermittent exporting: unusual business or business as usual |
Списание |
International capita mobility: regional versus global perspective |
Статия |
International trade and face-to-face diplomacy |
Списание |
International trade, quality sorting and trade costs: the case of Cognac |
Списание |
Internationalisation, innovation and productivity in services: evidence from Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom |
Статия |
Intra-African trade |
Статия |
Is international torism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands |
Списание |
Is the emergence of new sovereign wealth funds a fashion phenomenon |
Списание |
Is there a euro effect in the drivers of US FDI |
Списание |
Is there a trade-off between free capital mobility, financial stability and fiscal policy flexibility in the EMU |
Списание |
Izrael's open-secret trade |
Списание |
Learning by doing and business cycles in emerging economies |
Списание |
Limits to the independence of the ECB |
Статия |
Local-currency debt and currency internationalization dynamics |
Списание |
Looking into global value chains: influence of foreign services on export performance |
Списание |
Machine imports, technology adoption, and local spillovers |
Списание |
Macroprudential policy in a currency union |
Списание |
Market integration and institutional change |
Статия |
Measuring the relative development and integration of EU countries' capital markets using composite indicators and cluster analysis |
Списание |
Measuring the usage of preferential tariffs in the world |
Списание |
Microeconomic mechanisms behind export spillovers from FDI: evidence from Bulgaria |
Статия |
Mode 4 restrictiveness and services trade |
Статия |
Modeling complex network patterns in international trade |
Списание |
Modelling the volatility of commodities prices using a stochastic volatility model with random level shifts |
Статия |
Monetary policy in an oil-dependent economy in the presence of multiple shocks |
Списание |
Multinationals, competition and productivity spillovers through worker mobility |
Списание |
Natural resource extraction, corruption, and expropriation |
Списание |
Non-linear pattern of international capital flows |
Списание |
Non-tariff and overall protection: evidence across countries and over time |
Списание |
Non-tariff measures, preferential trade agreements, and prices: new evidence |
Списание |
On barriers to technology adoption, appropriate technology and European integration |
Статия |
One belt, one road, one way? Where European exporters benefit from the new silkroad |
Списание |
Out-migration and economic cycles |
Списание |
Patterns of vertical specialisation in trade: long-run evidence for 91 countries |
Списание |
Penny wise and pound foolish? On the income from Germany's foreign investments |
Списание |
Policies of a better-fed world |
Списание |
Political constraints and currency crises in emerging markets and less developed economies |
Списание |
Post-production services and optimal integration strategies for the multinational firm |
Списание |
Powerless: gains from trade when firm productivity is not Pareto distributed |
Списание |
Private labels and exports: trading variety for volume |
Статия |
Productive government expenditure and its impact on income inequality: evidence from international panel data |
Списание |
Public debt and relative prices in a cross-section of countries |
Статия |
Quantifying Brexit: from ex post to ex ante using structural gravity |
Списание |
Recent estimates of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the euro area |
Статия |
Remittance flows and US monetary policy |
Списание |
Sectoral allocation and macroeconomic imbalances in EMU |
Статия |
Sectoral reallocations, real estate shocks, and productivity divergence in Europe |
Списание |
Services versus goods trade: a firm-level comparison |
Списание |
Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty |
Статия |
Social ties and home bias in mergers and acquisitions |
Списание |
Sourcing product quality for foreign market entry |
Списание |
South-South FDI: is it really different |
Статия |
Sovereign contagion risk measure across financial markets in the eurozone: a bivariate copulas and Markov Regime Switching ARMA based approaches |
Списание |
Sovereign debt and bank fragility in Spain |
Списание |
Surges and stops in greenfield and M&A FDI flows to developing countries: analysis by mode of entry |
Статия |
Tariff diversity and FTA network |
Списание |
Tariff scheme choice |
Списание |
Technology transfer on a two-way street: R&D spillovers through intermediate input usage and supply |
Списание |
Temporary expats for exports: microlevel evidence |
Списание |
The "exorbitant privilege" and "exorbitant duty" of the United States in the international monetary system |
Статия |
The breadth of preferential trade agreements and the margins of exports |
Статия |
The contribution of immigration from Ukraine to economic growth in Poland |
Списание |
The contribution of multinationals to wage inequality: foreign ownership and the gender pay gap |
Списание |
The demand for foreign workers by foreign firms: evidence from Africa |
Списание |
The Diaspora and economic development in Africa |
Списание |
The effects of European integration and the business cycle on migration flows: a gravity analysis |
Списание |
The effects of globalization and technology on the elasticity of substitution |
Списание |
The effects of input tariffs on productivity: panel data evidence for OECD countries |
Списание |
The effects of Kyoto Protocol on the carbon trade balance |
Статия |
The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis |
Списание |
The employment and wage effects of export VAT rebates: evidence from China |
Списание |
The EU-Korea FTA: anticipation, trade policy uncertainty and impact |
Списание |
The Euro after 20 Years is a historic success |
Списание |
The euro after Meseberg |
Списание |
The financial costs of the United States-China trade tensions: evidence from East Asian stock markets |
Статия |
The geopolitics of international trade in Southeast Asia |
Статия |
The global impact of the US-China trade war: firm-level evidence |
Статия |
The importance of deep integration in preferential trade agreements: the case of a successfully implemented Ukraine - Turkey free trade agreement |
Списание |
The ladder of internationalization modes: evidence from European firms |
Списание |
The long-term impact of trade with firm heterogeneity |
Списание |
The main determinants of banking crises in OECD countries |
Статия |
The pro-export effect of subnational migration networks: new evidence from Spanish provinces |
Списание |
The reverse home-market effect in exports: a cross-country study of the extensive margin of exports |
Списание |
The role of coalitions at international tariff negotiations: a CGE perspective |
Списание |
The role of direct flights in trade costs |
Списание |
The role of information for international capital flows: new evidence from the SDDS |
Списание |
The tide that does not raise all boats: an assessment of EU preferential trade policies |
Статия |
The ties that bind |
Списание |
The variation of export prices across and within firms |
Статия |
The wage effects of offshoring to the East and West: evidence from the German labor market |
Списание |
Time zones and German exports: first evidence from firm-product level data |
Статия |
Total trade, cereals trade and undernourishment: new empirical evidence for developing countries |
Списание |
Trade agreements and international technology transfer |
Статия |
Trade and welfare effects of a potential free trade agreement between Japan and the United States |
Списание |
Trade costs and borders in global value chains |
Списание |
Trade creation and trade diversion of economic integration agreements revisited: a constrained panel pseudo-maximum likelihood approach |
Списание |
Trade creation, trade diversion, and the general equilibrium effects of regional trade agreements: a study of the European Community - Turkey customs union |
Статия |
Trade exposure and electoral protectionism: evidence from Japanese politician-level data |
Списание |
Trade liberalization and heterogeneous firms' adjustments: evidence from India |
Списание |
Trade liberalization and the wage gap: the role of vertical linkages and fixed costs |
Списание |
Trade liberalization and wage inequality: new insights from a dynamic trade model with heterogeneous firms and comparative advantage |
Списание |
Trade policies and growth in emerging economies: policy experiments |
Статия |
Trade policy and global value chains: tariffs versus non-tariff measures |
Списание |
Trade policy substitution: theory and evidence |
Списание |
Trade protection and the role of non-tariff barriers |
Списание |
Trade protection and the role of non-tariff barriers |
Списание |
Trade, FDI, migration, and the place premium: Mexico and the United States |
Списание |
Two worlds apart? Export demand shocks and domestic sales |
Статия |
Understanding economic openness: a review of existing measures |
Списание |
Unpacking services trade during the Great Trade Collapse: time series evidence for the US |
Списание |
Volatility spillover effects in interbank money markets |
Списание |
Volatility widens inequalilty. Could aid and remittances help |
Списание |
Wage response to global production links: evidence for wokers from 28 European countries (2005 - 2014) |
Статия |
Where has the rum gone? The impact of maritime piracy on trade and transport |
Статия |
Why does the WTO treat export subsidies and import tariffs differently |