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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Economic Alternatives

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Тип Заглавие
Статия "Magic diamond" in a macroeconomic performance: an empirical assessment of selected EU countries
Статия A Behavioral Research Approach to Sustainable Household Consumption in Three Bulgarian Cities
Статия A study of the yield of honey in farms from North-Eastern Bulgaria
Статия About The Main Social Effects From Application of the European Union`s Environmental Protection Policy in Bulgaria by Using the Cohesion Funds
Списание Access to debt financing - Opportunities for improvement of the investment capacity of Bulgarian municipalities
Статия An Analysis of Equalizing Capacity of Sate Transfers for Local Government Activities in Bulgaria
Статия An analysis of the socio-economic measures for preserving employment in hotels and restaurants during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bulgaria
Статия An approach to assess the governance efficiency of Bulgarian farms
Статия An Institutional Theory of Tax Non-Compliance in Bulgaria: a Tax Morale Approch
Статия Analysis of real estate taxation in the European Union's countries
Статия Analysis of the Potential of the Events for Turning the Winter Resorts of Bulgaria into Year-Round Tourist Destination
Статия Anthropological and religious dimension, ecological transition and integral development
Статия Antun Saadeh's social-nationalist doctrine. Presenting and reconstructing an original economic and social theory
Статия Approaches for building information systems for monitoring the realization of students
Статия Assessing the resilience of fintechs to epidemic crises from a monetary stability perspective: Evidence from Africa
Списание Bank Lending Dynamics in Bulgaria
Статия Banking innovations: Marketing support in the financial market of Ukraine
Списание Big data analysis architecture
Статия Bulgaria and Italy as migration gates to Europe: Comparative analysis
Списание Bulgaria in the EU Cohesion Process
Списание Bulgarian export of consumption goods and intermediate goods since the outbreak of the corona-virus
Статия Bulgarian NUTS2 regions' Beta- and Sigma- convergence towards the eurozone
Статия Business management and methods of predictive financial analysis of companies' activity
Статия CAMEL evaluation of the banks in Bulgaria
Списание Capital Pension Funds: the Changing Role in South and Eastern European Countries
Статия China's rising household debt: A new debt trap?
Списание Comparative Testing of Products as a Source of Reliable Information for Clients
Списание Comperative Study on Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Eurozone and Bulgaria
Списание Conceptual approach for development of web scraping application for tracking information
Списание Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Статия Consumer Assessment of the Quality of Transport Services and Guidelines to Increase Their Competitiveness
Статия Contemporary Challenges to Personnel Development in the Industrial Company
Статия Cooperation of financial institutions and facilities of nature reserve fund: Basic economy - theoretic aspects
Статия Corporate Culture Change Management
Списание Corporate Governance and Global Supply Chains:How Self-regulation Replaces the Lack of Regulatory Initiatives or Do Regulatory Initiatives Add Value to Corporate Governance
Статия Corporate indebtedness of non-financial corporations in Bulgaria
Списание Corporate social capital - prerequisite for effective bonding
Статия Correlation of monetization with macroeconomic development indicators
Статия CSR Strategies Applied in Terms of Circular Economy
Статия DCF valuation of companies: exploring the interrelation between revenue and operating expenditures
Статия Defining Energy Poverty in Implementing Energy Efficiency Policy in Bulgaria
Статия Democracy and Democratic Values in Bulgaria: The Outlook of the Students of Economics
Статия Dependent monetary regimes in the Balkans
Статия Determinants of capital structure in the banking sector: Lessons from the Western Balkans
Статия Dietary Supplements Consumer Protection in a Global Market
Статия Digital technologies in health services
Статия Does financial development affect the economic growth gains from trade openness?
Статия Dominating Attributes Of Professed Firm Culture Of Holding Companies - Members Of The Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association
Списание Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investments in Bulgaria for the Period 1999 - 2011
Списание Eco-Tourism as a Tool for Ensuring Sustainable Tourism Goals
Статия Ecological aspects of urban agriculture in the context of sustainability
Списание Ecological Marketing, Green Marketing, Sustainable Marketing: Synonyms or an Evolution of Ideas?
Статия Economic and Social Effects of Higher Education in the European Union
Статия Economic entrepreneurial growth: Bulgarian case
Статия Economics - 2020
Статия Education, income, wealth inequality and business cycles in a general equilibrium growth model
Статия Effect of Policy Measures Supporting the Agricultural Sector in Bulgaria After EU Membership
Статия Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management Programs
Статия Effects of digitalization on labor market development in transport sector in post-Covid environment
Списание Efficiency of public administration management in cultural heritage protection
Списание Efficiency of tertiary education expenditure in CEE countries
Списание Energy Dependency and Competitiveness
Статия Essential Characteristics And Market of The Creative Industries` Product
Списание Establishing Human Resources Management in Large-Scale Business Organizations in Bulgaria
Статия Estimation of bank profitability using vector error correction model and support vector regression
Статия Explaining consumers` motives for purchasing from the informal economy: some lessons from a study of Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR of Macedonia
Статия Exploring causality between domestic savings and economic growth: fresh panel evidence from BRICS countries
Статия Financial data processing in big data platforms
Статия Financial literacy: Determinants and impact on financial behaviour
Статия Fintechs, Banks, and Financial Re-Intermediation
Статия Flexible working and IT employees' job satisfaction before and during COVID-19
Статия Forecasting world food price volatility
Статия Foreign direct investment response to economic growth shocks
Списание Frankel and Rose's introduction to the endogeneity of optimality: A model limited to the European monetary experience
Статия From inception to alternative
Статия Genesis of branding
Статия How does the household economic status affect the quality of life of older people in the different EU countries
Статия How entrepreneurial management and continuous learning affect the innovation and competitiveness of companies
Статия How fiscal policy in Bulgaria may affect the transition to a low carbon economy
Списание How important is the contagion effect for the Romanian capital market
Списание How moderate was the great moderation and how destabilizing is secular stagnation
Статия Identifying strategies as a ploy for overcoming negative effects of COVIDization of economy
Статия Identity Theft and Internet Banking Protection
Статия Impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on economic growth during the Corona-virus pandemic
Списание Impact of Labour on Economic Growth in Bulgaria (1991 - 2013)
Статия Importance of Solar Business in the European Union and Bulgariq
Статия Improving reporting of infrastructure assets by using standardised models
Списание Index of the cycle of money - the case of Bulgaria
Списание Inequality, poverty and the commitment of the economists
Статия Innovative Activity of Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises
Статия Innovativeness and company innovation index - theoretical and methodological aspects
Списание Integration and Planning
Списание Investigation of Online Visual Merchandising (OVM) Elements of Apparel Web Stores
Списание It doesn't matter how we assess the competencies in accounting education?
Статия Key determinants of job creation: A comparative analysis between OECD countries and emerging economies
Статия Learning outcomes and the success of entrepreneurs: The case of Vietnam
Статия Legitimizing private land ownership in the Ottoman empire
Статия Liquidity of non-financial corporations: Evidence from Bulgaria
Статия Liquidity regulation and the transmission of lending shocks across borders
Списание Logistics in Manufacturing and Trading Companies in Bulgaria - State and Development in the Period 2000 - 2013
Статия Long-Term Impact of the European Funds on Bulgaria`s Economy
Статия M. Tuhan-Baranovsky's struggle for the success of Ukranian cooperation
Статия Macroeconomic challenges for life insurance market in the Baltic states
Статия Main Aspects of Enterprise Architecture Concept
Статия Manifestation of Intellectual Capital in Trade During Period 2008-2018
Статия Market mechanisms for risk management in energy
Статия Marketing in the context of small non-profit organisations
Статия Marketing technology in the context of digitalization
Статия Measuring IT sector innovations capabilities through the company innovative leadership model
Статия Mediating role of innovations as a factor of firm's competitiveness
Статия Meso-economics. The case of personal agrarian exchange
Статия Military expenditure and unemployment in South Africa
Списание Model of Effective Management of Bulgarian Public Administration Managing EU Funds
Статия Modeling the shadow economy. Why does the Bulgarian carry out undeclared employment
Статия Modelling wealth and wealth inequality in Bulgaria
Списание Monetary policy within a COVID-19 environment
Списание Nations and capitalism
Статия Neural network approximation in forecasting economic risks
Статия Obstacles to the Implementation of Management Control in Public Institutions
Статия On economic inequality and schools of economic thought
Списание On the relation between economics and religion
Статия Online survey data on economic effects of lockdowns and post-stratification data adjustment
Списание Optimization of Online Visual Merchandising Elements (OVME) on the Basis of Consumer Preferences
Статия Organizational leadership through the massive transformative purpose
Статия Otoman institutions and legal regulations in 19th century Bulgarian economy: A review based on institutional economics
Статия Personality Styles: Why They Matter in the Workplace
Статия Polemic of economic welfare in ASEAN-4
Статия Policy tools and supporting role of standards for sustainable consumption and production
Статия Portfolio optimization using an alternative approach
Списание Product Policy of Bulgarian Companies in Times of Economic Crisis
Списание Public-Private Partnership for Critical Industrila Infrastructure Protection
Статия Quality of education and economic growth - evidence from Southeast European countries
Статия Ratchet effect in import prices - intlation rate nexus
Статия Reaffirming stereotypes
Статия Refugee Integration in the EU: Challenges and Economic Impact
Списание Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans and Its Impact on Bulgaria
Списание Relationship between public expectations and financial market dynamics in South-East Europe capital markets
Списание Relative valuation and stock-market bubbles
Статия Remittances and economic growth in MENA countries
Статия Renewable energy and its importance on the international level
Статия Research of the Influence of the Innovations of the Business Models on the Economic Results of the Enterprises
Статия Research, Innovation and Development Strategic Planning for Intellectual Property Management
Статия Risk management for crypto assets: Towards volume-adjusted metrics
Статия Risk Management Strategies in Water Projects in Bulgaria
Статия Role of institutions in conservation of wetland along with maintaining sustainable livelihood to its locals - a review
Статия Safe haven currencies
Статия Sectoral output gaps - estimates for Bulgaria
Статия Significance of the Online Publicized Corporate Culture of Industrial Enterprises in Bulgaria (Beer Manufacturers)
Списание Sino-Bulgarian economic relations in the post pandemic world
Статия Smart Budget Concept
Статия Social Enterpreneurship And Digital Technologies
Статия Social Responsability of the Universities in Europe - Research of Diversity of Practices
Статия Socio-economic aspects of the crisis caused by COVID-19: Effects of the change in the work regime
Статия Spatial analysis of high-tech export performance of the Eastern European member states of the EU
Статия Sports university education and entrepreneurial intentions: findings from Kosovo
Статия Stakeholders analysis for building in green infrastructure objects
Списание Study of the social audit and standards for social and environmental responsibility
Статия Subtractive versus multiplicative habits in environmental economics
Статия Support for Improving the International Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Списание Tackling falsely-declared salaries in Bulgaria
Списание Tackling undeclared self-employment in South-East Europe: from deterrents to preventative policy measures
Статия Tax models in the EU: a cluster analysis
Статия Technological Opportunities for the Digitization of the Career Development Processes
Статия Technology, Innovations and Industrial Development
Статия The Beginning of Independent Financial Control in Bulgaria - from the Influences of the Modern World towards a National Model
Списание The Bulgarian Flat Tax
Статия The causal probabilistic relationship between economic development and democracy
Списание The Contemporary Deposit Insurance Through the Perspective of Bank Resolution and Moral Hazard
Статия The Covid-19 pandemic and the new age of higher education: the experience of Bulgaria
Статия The Development of Private Banking & Wealth Management Industry from the Beginning of the 21 Century Till the Covid-19 Pandemic
Статия The ECB's unconventional monetary policy effects on the economies of Bulgaria and Ireland
Статия The effect of stock market literacy on individual investor's investment decisions
Статия The effect of the level of education on employment
Списание The Effect of the World Economic Crisis on the Countries of the Balkan Region
Статия The effects of the qualitative parameters of internal auditing works on the preferences of investment funds' analysts
Статия The Failures of Credit Rating Agencies during the Global Financial Crisis - Causes and Possible Solutions
Статия The Forth Industrial Revolution and CSR
Списание The gender-biased fertility behavior
Статия The IM (possible) transition towards the digital economy in Bulgaria
Статия The motives and benefits of environmental management systems - the case of Bulgarian companies
Списание The Multiannual Financial Framework and European Union Budget in Theory and Practice
Статия The professed culture of the business organizations in the defense industry in Bulgarira. What does it look like? And do they need it?
Списание The real convergence of THE NMS-10 to THE EU-15
Статия The recruiting process of human capital in SMEs in Kosovo
Статия The Role of Household Consumption in Relationship Between Economic Growth and Foreigh Direct Investment in Bulgaria
Статия The Role of Internal Audit in Corporate Social Responsability Strategies
Статия The role of internal audit in credit risk management in commercial banks
Списание The Role of Project Office for Project Portfolio Management
Статия The Size of the Government Expenditure and the Rate of Economic Growth in Bulgaria
Статия The Treynor-Mazuy conditional model: Overview of market timing and stock selection of equity mutual funds performance
Статия The Western Balkans stock exchanges unification in response to the pandemic crisis
Статия Transformation of the theory of value as a necessity for the formation of the newest paradigm
Списание Understanding public debt from a political economy perspective
Статия Web practices for sustainable development of logistics systems in Bulgarian enterprises
Статия Williamson's institutional analysis of investments: A case study of Bulgarian forestry
Статия Еconomic Impact of Eldery Migration and Pension Transfers
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 19
Хранилище - периодика 1
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2024 1-
2023 3-4
2023 1-2
2022 4
2022 1-2
2021 3-4
2021 1-2
2020 1-4
2019 3-4
2019 1-2
2018 3-4
2018 1-2
2017 2-4
2016 1-4
2015 1-4
2014 3-4
2014 1-2
2013 3-4
2013 1-2
2012 1-2
