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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Journal of General Management

ПВ 2007


SAGE Publ.
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
методи на управление, управление, стопанско управление, мениджмънт
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание 'It looked marvellous in the Prospectus'
Списание 'It was a shock when Boo went' The Legacy of the e-Bubble - Lessons for Managers
Списание 'Walking the Walk': the Nature and Role of Leadership Culture within Organisation Culture/s
Списание A Critique of Conventional CSR Theory
Списание A dynamic model of trust development and knowledge sharing in strategic alliances
Списание A model of supplier dissidence in flexible vertical partnerships
Списание A Reappraisal of HRM Models in Britain
Списание A Review of Compliance with Cadbury
Списание Accounting for Computer Software
Списание Achieving Competitive Advantage through the Use of Project Management under the Plan-do-check-act Concept
Списание Adapt to adapt
Списание Advances inthe management of sport sponsorship
Списание Agile Business Relationships and Technology
Списание An empirical study on the use of project management tools and techniques across project life-cycle and their impact on project success
Списание An investigation into the role, effectiveness and future of nonexecutive directors
Списание Are CSR and Corporate Governance Converging
Списание AS INEVITABLE as Death
Списание Assessing the impact of university reputation on stakeholder intentions
Списание Auditing after Enron
Списание Avoiding Business Divorce
Списание Balancing the Triple Bottom Line
Списание Barriers to Proactive Environmental Management in the United Kingdom
Списание Better Risk Management
Списание Beyond Shareholder Value - Reconciling the Shareholder and Stakeholder Perspectives
Списание Beyond talk: Creating Autonomous Motivation through Self-determination Theory
Списание Board involvement in strategy and organizational performance
Списание Board Theories and Governance Practices
Списание Britain's Managers over Twenty Years
Списание Business Performance and Family-Friendly Policies
Списание Can We Build 'Effective' Entrepreneurship Through Management Development ?
Списание Characteristics of UK International Joint Ventures with Triad and Non-Triad Partners
Списание Charismatic Leadership in Contemporary Management Debates
Списание Choice of market entry mode in China : The influence of firm-specific factors
Списание Choosing the Best Business Improvement Strategy: the Effects of Organisational Size and Sector on Management Decision-Making
Списание Collaborative Advantage of Strategic Alliances
Списание Comminicating Intangible Sources of Value
Списание Commitment in Sponsorship Relationships
Списание Competing in the Digital Age
Списание Concept and Evolution of Business Models
Списание Conflict resolution mechanisms, trust and perception of conflict in contractual agreements
Списание Consumers' intention to buy private label brands revisited
Списание Corporate Governance in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures in the PRC
Списание Corporate identity
Списание Corporate Response to Poor Performance
Списание CORPORATE Social Reporting Revisited
Списание Counteracting Forces to Industrial Friendship
Списание Creating Successful Partnership: the Importance of Sharing Knowledge
Списание Creating Value in the Multi-business Firm
Списание Creative Problem Solving Using Unrelated Stimuli
Списание Creativity - The New Imperative
Списание Cross-border acquisitions of European multinationals
Списание Customer experiences, interactions, relationships and corporate reputation
Списание Defections, Discourse and Devotion
Списание Design and Competitive Advantage
Списание Designing Strategic Innovation Networks to Facilitate Global NPD Performance
Списание Developing Strategy by Learning to Learn from Failure
Списание Developing TQM
Списание Development and Significance of Business Dispute Management to Managers
Списание Dislocation or Capitalization ? Critical Choices in Group Move Relocation
Списание Does it Need Emotional Intelligence to Lead Change?
Списание Does Multinationality Affect Profit Performance? An Empirical Study of US SMEs
Списание Doing Business on the Internet
Списание E-LEGACY
Списание Early Steps to Becoming a Multinational
Списание East and West Business Culture as Divergence and Convergence
Списание Embracing e-business
Списание Emotional Intelligence
Списание Employee Workplace Effectiveness
Списание Escape the Leadership Jungle - Try High-Profile Management
Списание Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Multinational Subsidiary Responses
Списание Expatriates' Contributions to Organizational Learning
Списание Explaining the Growth in UK Socially Responsible Investment
Списание Exploring IS Planning in High-Growth Medium-Sized Enterprises
Списание Factors affecting employees' job satisfaction in public hospitals
Списание Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in Transitional Economies
Списание Fighting Cybercrime
Списание Financial Services - Every Which Way But Quality ?
Списание Firm-Level Benefits of Radical Innovation
Списание Focusing on Value
Списание Foreign Direct Investment in China
Списание Formal Strategic Planning, Operating Environment, Size, Sector and Performance
Списание General Management Revisited
Списание Governance and Performance
Списание Hoshin Kanri at Hewlett-Packard
Списание How are Corporate Strategy and Human Resources Strategy Linked ?
Списание How Do Top Teams Succeed? Factors That Contribute to Successful Senior Management Team Performance
Статия How does geographical and legal proximity affect the performance of M&A transactions
Списание How Part-time Directors Create Exceptional Value
Списание How Risky are Brand Licensing Strategies in View of Customer Perceptions and Reactions
Списание How the Alignment of Business Strategy and HR Strategy Can Impact Performance
Списание How to Learn from the Environment - A Prerequisite for Organizational Well-Being
Списание How Trust, Dependence and Prior Ties Influence the Stability of Alliances
Списание Human Resource Management in International Joint Ventures in China
Списание Implications of Partnership Sourcing on Buyer-Supplier Relations
Списание Improving Product Development Performance
Списание Improving Sustainability Performance
Списание Improving the Performance of Corporate Boards
Списание In the Words: Managerial Approaches to Exploring Corporate Intended Image through Content Analysis
Списание Innovation adoption and implementation in organizations
Списание Innovation and the Established Organization
Списание Integrating Shared Services with the Strategy and Operations of MNEs
Списание Integrating Stakeholder Management and Relationship Management: Contributions from the Relational View of the Firm
Списание Internal Networking and Organisational Capability: towards a New Perspective of the Firm
Списание International Diverstment
Списание International HRM
Списание International joint ventures
Списание Is the French Model of Capitalism Becoming More Like the Anglo-Saxon Model?
Списание ISO 14001: Against the Tide of Modern Management ?
Списание ISO 9000 Series and Excellence Models
Списание Juggling Janus - Strategy for General Managers in an Age of Paradoxical Trends
Списание Key factors in the access of women to managerial posts
Списание Knowledge Management
Списание Knowledge Management from an Industry Perspective
Списание Knowledge-sharing in Cross-functional Virtual Teams
Списание Leadership and Strategy
Списание Leading Middle Management: Consequences of Organisational Changes for Tasks and Behaviours of Middle Managers
Списание Management Actions, Attitudes to Change and Perceptions ot the External Environment
Списание Management Perspectives of Awards for Creative Advertising
Списание Managers Leading Diversity For Business Excellence
Списание Managing Alliances in the Power Generation Industry
Списание Managing Brand Demise
Списание Managing Change by Abandoning Planning and Embracing Improvisation
Списание Managing External Pressures Through Corporate Diplomacy
Списание Managing Information Systems
Списание Managing Patents for Competitive Advantage
Статия Managing stakeholders for project management success
Списание Managing Strategy in Turbulent Environments
Списание Managing Strategy in Turbulent Environments
Списание Manufacturing Mobility? Internationalization, Change and Continuity
Списание Marketing - Orientated Pricing Strategies
Списание Measuring the Quality of Corporate Governance
Списание Merger Madness
Списание Middle Managers' Involvement in Strategic Planning: an Examination of Roles and Influencing Factors
Списание MNC Pharmaceutical Compensation in China
Списание Moving Centre Stage
Списание Moving Down the Line? The Shifting Boundary Between Middle and First-line Management
Списание Networks as a National Competitive Advantage
Списание Non-Executive Directors
Списание Northern European Leadership in Transition - a Survey of the Insurance Industry
Списание On the Appropriateness of Benchmarking
Списание On the Performance of Chinese State-Owned and Private Enterprises: the View from Foreign-Invested Enterprises
Списание Online communication of brand personality
Списание Organization and Competitiveness - Towards a New Perspective
Списание Organization and Competitiveness - Towards a New Perspective
Списание Organizational Learning in China, Germany and Israel
Списание Outsourcing
Списание Outsourcing and the Spin-off Arrangement: Lessons from a Utility Company
Списание Overcoming Constraints on Electronic Commerce - Internet Payment Systems
Списание Partner Misbehaviour in Strategic Alliances
Списание Partner Selection in Successful International Strategic Alliances
Списание Partnering With Suppliers for Customer Satisfaction
Списание Perceived Corporate Identity/Strategy Dissonance: Triggers and Managerial Responses
Списание Perceived Sources of Value in a Poorly Performing Business
Списание Permanent Discovery or Collective Caprice?
Списание Perspectives on Performance Measurement Conflicts in Service Businesses
Списание Positioning the Executive MBA product
Списание Post-Experience Management Education and Training in China
Списание Professionalizing Change
Списание Putting Positive Psychology to Work in Organisations
Списание Rearranging Risks and Rewards in a Supply Chain
Списание Rearranging Risks and Rewards in a Supply Chain
Списание Rebalancing the Board's Agenda
Списание Riding Out Corporate Turbulence
Списание Risk Management: the Five Pillars of Corporate Governance
Списание Scenarios for Improvisation
Списание Socially Responsible Investment in the UK
Списание Strategic Innovation and Organisational Identity
Списание Strategic Marketing Models for a Dynamic Competitive Environment
Списание Strategic Operations Management - The New Competitive Advantage?
Списание Strategy Mix and the Industry Mind-Set
Списание Stuck in the Middle: a Case Study Investigating the Gap between Top-down and Bottom-Up Change
Списание Successful Business Relationships
Списание Supplier relationship management as an investment
Списание supply chain management in SMEs - benchmarking best practice core competencies
Списание Sustaining Strategic Alliances
Списание Symbolic Functions of Consultants
Списание The "Americanization" of German Management
Списание The (real) management implications of e-procurement
Списание The 3 C's of Intranet Effectiveness
Списание The chameleon : A metaphor for the Chief Information Officer
Списание The Changing Patterns of International Strategic Alliance Activity by British Firms
Списание The Characteristics of the Creative Manager
Списание The Criminology of the Corporation
Списание The Determination of Top Executive Pay
Списание The Dialectic of Problem-Based Learning in Workplace Contexts
Списание The Ethics of Corporate Governance
Списание The Evolution of Directors Duties: Bridging the Divide Between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Списание The Evolution of FTSE 250 Boards of Directors: Key Factors Influencing Board Performance and Effectiveness
Списание The Field of Business Ethics in the United States
Списание The Five Stages of the Co-operative Venture Strategy Process
Списание The Future for Governance
Списание The impact of geographic expansion on intended identity of an organisation
Списание The Impact of Information Technology on Global Marketing Strategies
Списание The Importance of Organisational Structure for Collaboration between Sales and Marketing
Списание The Importance of Power in Partnership Relationships
Списание The influence of brand levels and associations on purchase intent
Списание The Internationalisation Process in Family Firms: Choice of Market Entry Strategies
Списание The Keys to Successful Knowledge - Sharing
Списание The Knowledge Advantage of Virtual Teams - Processes Supporting Knowledge Synergy
Списание The Knowledge Advantage of Virtual Teams - Processes Supporting Knowledge Synergy
Списание The Knowledge Work of General Managers
Списание The Link Between Culture, Strategy and Performance in Manufacturing SMEs
Списание The Management of External Resources
Списание The Medium is the Message
Списание The Organizational Change Implications of Outsourcing
Списание THE PSYCHOLOGY of Why Organizations Can Be Slow to Adapt and Change
Списание The Relationship between Performance as a Leader and Emotional Intelligence, Intellectual and Managerial Competences
Списание The relevance of emotional intelligence for leadership performance
Списание The Role of Corporate Identity in Merger and Acquisition Activity
Списание The Role of the International Manager in Facilitating Organizational Change through Workplace Learning with Chinese Employees
Списание The Second Digital Revolution
Списание The Shared Management and Ownership of Corporate Brands: the Case of Hilton
Списание The Shareholder Value Chain: Values, Vision and Shareholder Value Creation
Списание The Strategic Planning Process and Its Context: the role of psychological type
Списание The Strategic Planning Process in Growing Companies
Списание The Strategic Potential of a Firm's Knowledge Portfolio
Списание The Three Virtues and Seven Deadly sins of Corporate Brand Management
Списание THE US Takeover of the UK Electricity Supply Industry
Списание The US Takeover of the UK Electricity Supply Industry
Списание The Virtual General Manager
Списание The Virtual Organization
Списание The World's First 3G Mobile Phone Service
Списание Top Management Skills in a Context of Endemic Organizational Change
Списание Top managers' strategic cognitions of the strategy making process
Списание Total E-clipse
Списание Towards a manager's model for e-business strategy decision
Списание Triggers of Change in Information Security Management Practices
Списание Trusting Relationships and Personal Acquaintance: Implications for Business Friendships
Списание Types of Knowledge Gained by Expatriate Managers
Списание Understanding Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry: Lessons for Global Telecoms Firms
Списание Using Reputation Measurement to Create Value: An Analysis and Integration of Existing Measures
Списание Using Scenario Thinking to Make Real Options Relevant to Managers: a Case Illustration
Списание Value Chain Analysis and Competitive Advantage
Списание Valuing Tactical and Strategic Flexibility
Списание Virtually Borderless: an Examination of Culture in Virtual Teaming
Списание What Are the Key General Manager Issues in 'Supply Chain Management'?
Списание What Really Drives a Fast Company?
Списание Whatever Happened to the Excellent Marketers? A Study of Financial Performance and Excellent Marketing
Списание Working Hard and Playing Hard
Списание Working Hard and Playing Hard
Списание МЕЖДУНАРОДНИ съвместни предприятия
Списание Съвременният мениджмънт - стратегия и организация
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 7
Хранилище - периодика 37
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2014 1-2 40
2014 3-4 39
2013 1-2 39
2013 3-4 38
2012 1-2 38
2012 3-4 37
2011 1-2 37
2011 3-4 36
2010 1-2 36
2010 3-4 35
2009 1-2 35
2009 3-4 34
2008 1-2 34
2008 3-4 33
2007 1-2 33
2007 3-4 32
2006 1-2 32
2006 3-4 31
2005 1-2 31
2005 3-4 30
2004 1-2 30
2004 3-4 29
2003 1-2 29
2003 3-4 28
2002 1-2 28
2002 3-4 27
2001 1-2 27
2001 3-4 26
2000 1-2 26
2000 3-4 25
1999 1-2 25
1999 3-4 24
1998 1-2 24
1998 3-4 23
1997 1-2 23
1997 3-4 22
1996 1-2 22
1996 3-4 21
1995 1-2 21
1995 3-4 20
1994 1-2 20
1994 3-4 19
1993 1-2 19
1993 3-4 18
