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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

The American Economic Review

ПВ 2132


Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономическа теория
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A Spatial Knowledge Economy
Списание Ambiguous Business Cycles
Списание An economic analysis of privacy protection and statistical accuracy as social choices
Списание Are low interest rates deflationary? A paradox of perfect-foresight analysis
Списание Asset bubbles and credit constraints
Списание Auctions, Actions, and the Failure of Information Aggregation
Списание Bad investments and missed opportunities: Postwar capital flows to Asia and Latin America
Списание Behavioral Implementation
Списание Behavioural Economics and Public Policy
Списание Beyond Happiness and Satisfaction
Списание Bias in cable news
Списание BKK the EZ way: International long-run growth news and capital flows
Списание Climate Clubs: Overcoming Free-riding in International Climate Policy
Списание Commuting, migration, and local employment elasticities
Списание Competition and Ideological Diversity
Списание Competitive Policy Development
Списание Compulsory Education and the Benefits of Schooling
Списание Consumer Search and Double Marginalization
Списание Consumption and Labour Supply with Partial Insurance
Списание Correlation Neglect, Voting Behaviour, and Information Aggregation
Списание Culture, ethnicity, and diversity
Списание Demand Side Secular Stagnation
Списание Dynamic Adverse Selection
Списание Dynamic Free Riding with Irreversible Investments
Списание E-lections
Списание Efficiency, Equality, and Labeling: An Experimental Investigation of Focal Points in Explicit Bargaining
Списание Efficient Entry in Competing Auctions
Списание Elite colleges and upward mobility to top jobs and top incomes
Списание Endogenous Liquidity and the Business Cycle
Списание Equal but inequitable: Who benefits from gender-neutral tenure clock stopping policies
Списание Estimating group effects using averages of observables to control for sorting on unobservables: School and neighborhood effects
Списание Evaluating strategic forecasters
Списание Evolutionary Origins of the Endowment Effect
Списание Explaining Job Polarization
Списание Fertility and Childlessness in the United States
Списание Financial Globalization, Inequality, and the Rising Public Debt
Списание Financial intermediation, international risk sharing, and reserve currencies
Списание Financial Networks and Contagion
Списание Firm sorting and agglomeration
Списание Fiscal foundations of inflation: Imperfect knowledge
Списание Forward guidance without common knowledge
Списание Fraudulent Claims and Nitpicky Insurers
Списание German Jewish Emigres and US Invention
Списание Gift Exchange versus Monetary Exchange
Списание Government Policy with Time Inconsistent Voters
Списание Has the US Finance Industry Become Less Efficient? On the Theory and Measurement of Financial Intermediation
Списание Health care access, costs, and treatment dynamics: Evidence from in vitro fertilization
Списание Heterogeneity in the Impact of Economic Cycles and the Great Recession: Effects within and across the Income Distribution
Списание Housing booms and busts, labor market opportunities, and college attendance
Списание How are SNAP benefits spent: Evidence from a retail panel
Списание How do firms form their expectations? New survey evidence
Списание How do patents affect follow-on innovation? Evidence from the human genome
Списание How Elastic Are Preferences for Redistribution? Evidence from Randomized Survey Experiments
Списание How local are labor markets
Списание How Much Would You Pay to Resolve Long-Run Risk
Списание Human Capital and the Wealth of Nations
Списание Identifying industry margins with price constraints: Structural estimation on pharmaceuticals
Списание Importers, Exporters, and Exchange Rate Disconnect
Списание In search of labor demand
Списание Incidental bequests and the choice to self-insure late-life risks
Списание Industry Compensation under Relocation Risk
Списание Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth
Списание International reserves and rollover risk
Списание Learning from others' outcomes
Списание Mafia and Public Spending
Списание Making moves matter: Experimental evidence on incentivizing bureaucrats through performance-based postings
Списание Man-Bites-Dog Business Cycles
Списание Mandatory versus Discretionary Spending
Списание Market integration, demand, and the growth of firms: Evidence from a natural experiment in India
Списание Measuring and bounding experimenter demand
Списание Measuring the Effect of the Zero Lower Bound on Medium- and Longer-Term Interest Rates
Списание Media bias in China
Списание Medical care spending and labor market outcomes: evidence from workers' compensation reforms
Списание Medicare Part D: Are Insurers Gaming the Low Income Subsidy Design
Списание Mismatch of talent: Evidence on match quality, entry wages, and job mobility
Списание Moved to opportunity: The long-run effects of public housing demolition on children
Списание Multiproduct Search and the Joint Search Effect
Списание Narrative sign restrictions for SVARs
Списание Near-feasible stable matchings with couples
Списание New evidence on the aftermath of financial crises in advanced countries
Списание Optimal regulation of financial intermediaries
Списание Pass-Through of Emissions Costs in Electricity Markets
Списание Patent Laws, Product Life-Cycle Lengths, and Multinational Activity
Списание Peer Effects in Program Participation
Списание Policy uncertainty, trade, and welfare
Списание Productivity Losses from Financial Frictions
Списание Promotional Reviews
Списание Punishment and Deterrence: Evidence from Drunk Driving
Списание Relational knowledge transfers
Списание Secular Stagnation: A Supply-Side View
Списание Secular Stagnation: The Long View
Списание Some causal effects of an industrial policy
Списание Speculative Asset Prices
Списание Speed, accuracy, and the optimal timing of choices
Списание Steering the climate system
Списание Strategic patient discharge: The case of long-term care hospitals
Списание Taking a financial position in your opponent in litigation
Списание Temporary protection and technology adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic blockade
Списание The Anatomy of a Credit Crisis: The Boom and Bust in Farm Land Prices in the United States in the 1920s
Списание The costs of patronage: Evidence from the British empire
Списание The costs of sovereign default
Списание The cyclicality of sales, regular and effective prices
Списание The cyclicality of sales, regular and effective prices: Business cycle and policy implications: Reply
Списание The Effect of Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits: Evidence from the 2012-2013 Phase-Out
Списание The Effect of Mergers in Search Markets
Списание The Effect of Third-Party Funding of Plaintiffs on Settlement
Списание The fundamental surplus
Списание The growth potential of startups over the business cycle
Списание The logic of insurgent electoral violence
Списание The long-run effects of disruptive peers
Списание The long-term effects of management and technology transfers
Списание The margins of global sourcing
Списание The market for used capital: Endogenous irreversibility and reallocation over the business cycle
Списание The nexus of monetary policy and shadow banking in China
Списание The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya
Списание The wind of change
Списание Time versus state in insurance: Experimental evidence from contract farming in Kenya
Списание Trade liberalization and regional dynamics
Списание Trafficking Networks and the Mexican Drug War
Списание Two Pillars of Asset Pricing
Списание Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in a Dynamic Context
Списание US Food Aid and Civil Conflict
Списание Virtual classrooms
Списание Wages and Informality i Developing Countries
Списание Wall Street and the Housing Bubble
Списание Why did the democrats loose the South: Bringing new data to an old debate
Списание Why do defaults affect behavior: Experimental evidence from Afghanistan
Списание Why is pollution from US manufacturing declining? The roles of environmental regulation, productivity, and trade
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 70
Хранилище - периодика 61
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2019 1 109
2018 9 108
2018 7 108
2018 6 108
2018 4-5 108
2018 3 108
2018 2 108
2018 8 108
2018 12 108
2018 11 108
2018 10 108
2017 10 107
2017 1 107
2017 12 107
2017 11 107
2017 9 107
2017 8 107
2017 7 107
2017 6 107
2017 5 107
2017 4 107
2017 3 107
2017 2 107
2016 9 106
2016 8 106
2016 7 106
2016 6 106
2016 5 106
2016 4 106
2016 3 106
2016 2 106
2016 12 106
2016 11 106
2016 10 106
2016 1 106
2015 6 105
2015 5 105
2015 4 105
2015 3 105
2015 2 105
2015 12 105
2015 11 105
2015 10 105
2015 1 105
2015 9 105
2015 8 105
2015 7 105
2014 2 104
2014 12 104
2014 11 104
2014 10 104
2014 1 104
2014 9 104
2014 8 104
2014 7 104
2014 6 104
2014 5 104
2014 4 104
2014 3 104
2013 7 103
2013 6 103
2013 5 103
2013 4 103
2013 3 103
2013 2 103
2013 1 103
2012 4 102
2012 3 102
2012 2 102
2012 1 102
2012 7 102
2012 6 102
2012 5 102
2011 7 101
2011 6 101
2011 5 101
2011 4 101
2011 3 101
2011 2 101
2011 1 101
2010 2 100
2010 1 100
2010 5 100
2010 4 100
2010 3 100
2009 1 99
2009 5 99
2009 4 99
2009 3 99
2009 2 99
2008 1 98
2008 5 98
2008 4 98
2008 3 98
2008 2 98
2007 1 97
2007 5 96
2007 4 96
2007 3 96
2007 2 96
2006 5 96
2006 4 96
2006 3 96
2006 2 96
2006 1 96
2005 5 95
2005 4 95
2005 3 95
2005 2 95
2005 1 95
2004 4 94
2004 3 94
2004 2 94
2004 5 94
2004 1 94
2003 5 93
2003 4 93
2003 3 93
2003 2 93
2003 1 93
2002 1-5 92
2001 1-5 91
2000 1-5 90
1999 1-5 89
1998 1-5 88
1997 1-6 87
1996 1-5 86
1995 1-4 85
1994 1-4 84
1993 1-6 83
1992 1-5 82
