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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Strategic Management Journal

ПС 1086


Wiley Publishing
Medford, MA
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
мениджмънт, стратегически мениджмънт
ISSN (ел. издание)
Управление 65-69
Тип Заглавие
Списание A basic theory of inheritance: How bad practice prevails
Списание A practical guide for making theory contributions in strategic management
Списание A property rights theory of competitive advantage
Списание Activist-impelled divestitures and shareholder value
Списание An economic case for CSR: The comparative efficiency of for-profit firms in meeting consumer demand for social goods
Списание An examination of the effects of venture capitalists on the alliance formation activity of entrepreneurial firms
Списание An identity perspective on coopetition in the craft beer industry
Списание Attacking your partners: Strategic alliances and competition between partners in product markets
Списание Being too good for your own good
Списание Big splash, no waves? Cognitive mechanisms driving incumbent firms' responses to low-price market entry strategies
Списание CEO career horizon, corporate governance, and real options: The role of economic short-termism
Списание CEO equity risk bearing and strategic risk taking
Списание Competing for government procurement contracts
Списание Competing with complementors: An empirical look at Amazon.com
Списание Competition-cooperation interplay during multifirm technology coordination: The effect of firm heterogeneity on conflict and consensus in a technology standards organization
Списание Corporate venture capital as a real option in the markets for technology
Списание Creating and taming discord: How firms manage embedded competition in alliance portfolios to limit alliance termination
Списание Cross-border mergers and acquisitions amid political uncertainty
Списание Dancing with the stars: Benefits of a star employee's temporary absence for organizational performance
Списание Demand variation, strategic flexibility and market entry
Списание Demand-side strategy, relational advantage, and partner-driven corporate scope: The case for client-led diversification
Списание Determinants of alliance partner choice: Network distance, managerial incentives, and board monitoring
Списание Discontinuities, competition, and cooperation: Coopetitive dynamics between incumbents and entrants
Списание Do new entrants sustain, destroy, or create guaranteed profitability?
Списание Does market competition dampen environmental performance? Evidence from China
Списание Drilled to obey? Ex-military CEOs and financial misconduct
Списание Entangled decisions: Knowledge interdependencies and terminations of patented inventions in the pharmaceutical industry
Списание Executive succession: The importance of social capital in CEO appointments
Списание Experience matters: The role of academic scientist mobility for industrial innovation
Списание Exploring the affective underpinnings of dynamic managerial capabilities
Списание Firm non-market capabilities and the effect of supranational institutional safeguards on the location choice of international investments
Списание Follow the leader (or not): The influence of peer CEOs' characteristics on interorganizational imitation
Списание Give it to us straight (most of the time): Top managers' use of concrete language and its effect on investor reactions
Списание High on creativity: The impact of social liberalization policies on innovation
Списание How and when do conglomerates influence the creativity of their subsidiaries?
Списание How firms navigate cooperation and competition in nascent ecosystems
Списание Increased non-family ownership in family-owned firms: How does it affect CEO turnover-performance sensitivity
Списание Is regulatory adoption ceremonial?
Списание Knowledge complexity and the performance of interunit knowledge replication structures
Списание Knowledge diversity and coordination
Списание Knowledge sourcing by multidivisional firms
Списание Leveraging who you know by what you know: Specialization and returns to relational capital
Списание Loosing by winning: The danger zone of adverse competitor replacement
Списание Multinational investment and the value of growth options
Списание On the effects of authority on peer motivation: Learning from Wikipedia
Списание Outside CEOs and innovation
Списание Pay inequality and corporate divestitures
Списание Performance feedback as a cooperation "switch": A behavioral perspective on the success of venture capital syndicates among competitors
Списание Performance persistence in the presence of higher-order resources
Списание Pro bono as a human capital learning and screening mechanism
Списание Reaching through the fog: Institutional environment and cross-border giving of corporate foundations
Списание Revisiting the imitation assumption
Списание Right on the money? The contingent effects of strategic orientation and pay system design on firm performance
Списание Role of search for domain knowledge and architectural knowledge in alliance partner selection
Списание Scale matters: The scale of environmental issues in corporate collective actions
Списание Stakeholder value appropriation: The case of labor in the worldwide mining industry
Списание Status in a strange land? Context-dependent value of status in cross-border venture capital
Списание Strategic concepts as micro-level tools in strategic sensemaking
Списание Strategic human capital management in the context of cross-industry and within-industry mobility frictions
Списание Surrendering control to gain advantage: Reconciling openness and the resource-based view of the firm
Списание The best of both worlds: Can founder-CEOs overcome the rich versus king dilemma after IPO
Списание The changing rationale for governance choices: Early vs. late adopters of global services sourcing
Списание The contingent effects of political strategies on firm performance: A political network perspective
Списание The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms
Списание The dark side of institutional intermediaries: Junior stock exchanges and entrepreneurship
Списание The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility
Списание The ethnic migrant inventor effect
Списание The growth of the firm: An attention-based view
Списание The impact of earnings expectations on corporate downsizing
Списание The interplay of competition and cooperation
Списание The interplay of competitive and cooperative behavior and differential benefits in alliances
Списание The limits of relational governance
Списание The power and limits of modularity
Списание The relational view revisited: A dynamic perspective on value creation and value capture
Списание The role of senior management in opportunity formation
Списание The sources of dynamism in dynamic capabilities
Списание The survival of firms founded by immigrants
Списание Time compression (dis)economies: An empirical analysis
Списание Toward a dynamic notion of value creation and appropriation in firms
Списание Toward an integrated theory of strategy
Списание Towards a theory of ecosystems
Списание Trade secrets and innovation
Списание Transaction surplus superiority in canonical market segments
Списание Under the radar
Списание Using cooperative game theory to contribute to strategy research
Списание Value creation and value capture in governing shareholder relationships
Списание What's the value of being different when everyone is? The effects of distinctiveness on performance in homogeneous versus heterogeneous categories
Списание Why resource-based theory's model of profit appropriation must incorporate a stakeholder perspective
Списание Winning us with trifles: Adverse selection in the use of philanthropy as insurance
Списание Мотиви за сливането на фирми и препоръки за осъществяването му
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 8
Хранилище - периодика 17
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2019 1-2 40
2018 1-3 39
2018 10-13 39
2018 7-9 39
2018 4-6 39
2012 9-13 33
2012 5-8 33
2012 1-4 33
2011 9-13 32
2011 5-8 32
2011 1-4 32
2010 5-13 31
2010 1-4 31
2009 5-13 30
2009 1-4 30
2008 5-13 29
2008 1-4 29
2007 5-13 28
2007 1-4 28
2006 1-4 27
2006 5-13 27
2005 5-13 26
2005 1-4 26
2004 11-13 25
2004 1-7 25
