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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Периодичен сборник

Yearbook of UNWE

ПВ 2117


UNWE Publishing Complex
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономическа наука, мениджмънт, световна икономика
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
До 2017 - загл. Годишник на УНСС; От 2017 - на англ. ез.; От 2017 годишнината се променя; 2017 и 2018 - годишнината се дублира; 2022, 2023 - Грешна годишнина; Кор. опис.
Тип Заглавие
Статия 100 years of foreingh languages teaching at the UNWE
Статия A model for using ChatGPT in attracting and selecting human resources
Статия A need for new energy capacities in the transition to electric vehicles in the period until 2030
Статия About the challenges of cybercrime in the digital age
Статия Accounting education in France
Статия Accounting education, accounting proffession and Covid-19
Статия Achievements, contributions and scientific legacy of the professors in the accounting and analysis department of UNWE dealing with economic activity analysis
Статия Analysis and evaluation provided by BDZ passengers LTD
Статия Brand effect on consumer preference (the case of olive oil in Albania)
Студия Bulgarian GDP expenditure structure: growth impact and convergence with Eurozone
Статия Choosing collaboration as a form of mechanism in the application of game theory
Статия Commodity market structure and risk factor analysis in Bulgaria
Статия Comparative analysis of the cyber security capabilities maturity models
Статия Contemporary Economic Sociology: towards Theoretical Synthesis of Sociological and Economic Knowledge
Статия Critical remarks on the implementation of the anti-tax avoidance directive in the Bulgarian legislation
Статия Cybersecurity in the transportation of energy resources
Статия Development of soft competencies through self-assessment
Статия DIGCOMP 2.1 - the case of Bulgaria
Статия Digitalization in financial education in the univiersities
Статия Digitalization in railway transport as a factor for improving the quality of the offered railway service
Статия Digitalization of the awarding process in Bulgaria during a pandemic
Статия Enhancing disaster resilience in cultural tourism
Статия EU strategic approaches to combating corruption
Статия Food in polycrisis: can tourism help for a sustainability transition
Статия Function and role of internal audit
Статия Future resilience of the grain farming system in North-East Bulgaria - alternatives and strategies for adaptation
Статия Gamification in business logistics training through evolutionary algorithms
Статия Green hydrogen - the missing piece in the European energy mix
Статия Higher education for interdisciplinary studies in sustainable development
Статия How to change customer mind - the difference between brand and trademark in tourism industry
Статия Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digitalization of the EU member states
Статия Improving Regional Governance through Public-Private Partnerships
Статия Influence of the Futsal Sport on the Social Status of Future Economists
Студия Institutional convergence of Bulgaria to the eurozone countries
Статия Intelligent development and connectedness in the context of the regional development
Статия Intensification of Macedonian ideology at the EU's door
Статия Internal audit in countering fraud - trends and perspectives
Статия Is Bulgaria ready to join the Euro area - income convergence of similarity of shocks criteria
Статия Nation branding: research approaches and models
Статия Pay-out phase for the universal pension funds in Bulgaria- new risk and opportunities for the insured individuals
Статия Potentialities of using travelogues as a resource in the ESP classroom
Студия Problematic aspects of regional development policy in Bulgaria
Статия Procedures for ascertainment of tax violation and imposition of sanctions
Статия Progress of renewable energy use in EU countries - Statistical analysis of trends and factors
Статия Quality assurance methods of sofware applications and online services in institutions of higher education
Статия Relevant and quasi-relevant management accounting information
Статия Risk management system in the marketing of the organization in the conditions of internationalization
Статия Risk-reward in economics: Academic career genealogy
Статия Searching for the roots of contemporary branding: Study of cylinder seals from the dawn of Ancient Egypt
Статия Social dimensions of political risk - SDPR: concept and index for risk impact on society
Статия Social innovations between politics and policy
Статия Social trust as an underlying substance of cultural preferences
Статия State Capture: from Theory to Piloting a Measurement Methodology
Статия Stewardship concept and G20/OECD principles of corporate governance 2023
Статия Sustainability, distributive justice, and law
Статия Sustainable corporate governance - the purpose of the company
Статия Sustainable growth and fair competition: the dark side of the digital revolution
Статия Synergy panorama of the doctoral process
Статия Tabacco Products Contarband & Counterfeit Risk Identification
Статия The advantages of the dynamic purchasing system in the context of the bulgarian reality
Статия The character on the Greek revolution of 1821
Статия The controversial relationship between economic growth and human dignity
Статия The distributed ledger technology for the art market
Статия The economic impact and significance of implementing new technologies in the power storage segment
Статия The economist's narrative on the end of the Afghanistan war and its implications for US global standing
Статия The effects of democratization on economy
Статия The end of the energy war in Europe
Статия The evolution of media literacy in Bulgaria's formal and non-formal education
Статия The gender inequality and participation of women in STEM fields
Статия The global framework for the regulation of artificial intelligence
Статия The Human Factor in Business Security
Статия The impact of pensions for insurance experience and age on the social insurance system
Статия The impact on consumer loan volume on gross fixed capital formation in Bulgaria
Статия The Market Model of Social Policy and Its Implementation in Bulgaria
Статия The positive and negative obligations of the state for the protection of wildlife and forest
Статия The relationship between organizational trust and organizational silence
Статия The statesman - a strategic leader
Статия Tourism resilience through social entrepreneurship and collaborative processes
Статия Towards a definition of ''partial universalism'': The objection of John Ferejohn and Debra Satz to the pathologies of rational choice theory
Статия Value added tax efficiency in the Western Balkan countries
Статия Vasil Levsky's personality and ideology
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 14
Хранилище - периодика 8
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2023 2
2023 1
2022 1
2022 2
2021 2
2021 1
2020 2
2020 1
2019 1
2014 За 2014
2013 За 2013
2012 За 2012
2011 За 2011
2010 За 2010
2009 За 2009
2008 За 2008
2007 За 2007
2006 За 2006
2005 За 2005
2004 За 2004
