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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

ПВ 2336


Ohio State University Press
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
пари, кредит, банково дело
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A Core Inflation Indicator for the Euro Area
Списание A Dynamic Model of Money, Credit, and Consumption
Списание Aggregate Supply, Investment in Capacity, and Potential Output
Списание Are Two Heads Better Than One? Monetary Policy by Committee
Списание Assessing the Lucas Critique in Monetary Policy Models
Списание Asymmetric Information and Monetary Policy in Common Currency Areas
Списание Average Inflation Targeting
Списание Bank Asset Liquidation and the Propagation of the U. S. Great Depression
Списание BANK Lending to Small Business in Latin America
Списание Capital Subsidies versus Labour Subsidies: A Trade-off between Capital and Employment
Списание Conditional Time-Varying Interest Rate Risk Premium
Списание Courts and Banks
Списание Credit Scoring and the Availability, Price, and Risk of Small Business Credit
Списание Deposit Insurance and Financial Development
Списание Deregulation, Intensity of Competition, Industry Evolution, and the Productivity Growth of U. S. Commercial Banks
Списание Do Loan Commitments Cause Overlending
Списание Does Labor's Share Drive Inflation?
Списание Estimates of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy
Списание Evaluating the Predictability of Exchange Rates Using Long-Horizon Regressions
Списание Exchange Rate Predictability and Monetary Fundamentals in a Small Multi-Country Panel
Списание Famous Myths of "Fiat Money"
Списание Federal Funds Rate Prediction
Списание Fiscal Policy in the Afrermath of 9/11
Списание Forecasting Financial Volatilities with Extreme Values
Списание Forecasting Using Relative Entropy
Списание How Bad are Twins? Output Costs of Currency and Banking Crises
Списание How Well Do Mexican Banks Their Reserves?
Списание Identification Issues in Forward-Looking Models Estimated by GMM, with an Application to the Phillips Curve
Списание Inflation Dynamics, Marginal Cost, and the Output Gap: Evidence from Three Countries
Списание Is the Response of Output to Monetary Policy Asymmetric? Evidence from a Regime-Switching Coefficients Model
Списание Measuring the Default Risk of Small Business Loans: A Survival Analysis Approach
Списание Microfoundations of Macroeconomic Price Adjustment: Survey Evidence from Swedish Firms
Списание Money and Specialization in a Neoclassical Growth Model
Списание News and Noise in G-7 GDP Announcements
Списание Nonlinear Forecasting Analysis Using Diffusion Indexes: An Application to Japan
Списание Optimal Monetary Policy at the Zero-Interest-Rate Bound
Списание R&D, Implementation, and Stagnation
Списание Real Implications of the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates
Списание Regime Changes in International Real Interest Rates: Are They a Monetary Phenomenon?
Списание Some New Variance Bounds for Asset Prices
Списание Structural Distortions and Decentralized Fiscal Policies in EMU
Списание Tax Smoothing with Stochastic Interest Rates
Списание The Real Output Losses Associated with Modern Banking Crises
Списание The Reliability of Inflation Forecasts Based on Output Gap Estimates in Real Time
Списание The Success and Failure of Reforms in Transition Economies
Списание What Macroeconomic Risks Are (Not) Shared by International Investors
Статус Брой
Хранилище - периодика 2
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2006 1-8 38
2005 1-6 37
