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Автор да съдържа Pablo Fajnzylber
C 6815
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Low Carbon, High Growth
Latin American Responses to Climate Change : An Overview (2009)
Augusto Torre; Pablo Fajnzylber; John Nash
B 71691
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Remittances and Development
Lessons from Latin America : [Сборник] (2008)
J. Lopez
B 70266
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
Stylized Facts, Explanations, a. Forecasts (2005)
Norman Loayza; Pablo Fajnzylber; Cesar Calderon
ИФ WB 1031/2004
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
International Economic Activities and the Demand for Skilled Labor
Evidence from Brazil and China (2004)
Pablo Fajnzylber; Ana Fernandes
C 5139
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Determinants of Crime Rates in Latin America and the World
An Empirical Assessment (1998)
Pablo Fajnzylber; Daniel Lederman; Norman Loayza