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ПВ 404
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
За обществената реалност, теорията и обучението по икономика = On Social Reality, Theory and Economics Education
Методи Кънев
ПВ 1123
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
The Impact of Education on the Duration of Unemployment under Conditions of Imbalanced
Stanka Zhekova; Dobrina Dimova

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ПВ 1123
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
Understanding and Implementation of the Competency-based Approach to Financial Controls Education
Ruslana Dimitrova

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Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse Programs in Higher Education Institutions: Current Status and Recommendations for Improvement
[Електронен ресурс] (2016)
Olga Marinova

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B 67713
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Education and HIV/AIDS
A Window of Hope (2002)
C 5752
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Education and Training in Madagascar
Toward a Policy Agenda for Economic Growth a. Poverty Reduction (2002)
ПВ 2017
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Quantitative analysis of the interaction of the labour market and the higher education market (on the expample of Kazakhstan)
Oxana Bezler; Teodor Sedlarski
ПВ 2217
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Modern practice of using interactive forms and methods of preventive education of the student youth
Svitlana Surgova; Olena Faichuk
ПВ 2217
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Gender Differentiation in the Management of General Secondary Education Institutions
Nadiia Vientseva; Olga Starokozhko
ПВ 1552
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Digitalization and digital transformation in society and education
Valentina Milenkova
ПВ 2231
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Best E-Learning Platforms for Blended Learning in Higher Education
Kalin Dimitrov; Eugenia Kovatcheva
ПВ 2117
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Digitalization in financial education in the univiersities
Nadya Velinova-Sokolova
ПВ 2117
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
The evolution of media literacy in Bulgaria's formal and non-formal education
Svetla Tsankova; et al.
ПВ 2117
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Higher education for interdisciplinary studies in sustainable development
Tilcho Ivanov
ПВ 2430
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
The effect of the level of education on employment
Evidence from Western Balkans (2022)
Agron Hajdari; Besnik Fetai
ПВ 404
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Влияние на разходите за образование върху икономическия растеж = Economic Growth Effect of Government Expenditure on Education
Рая Драгоева
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Improving Higher Education Quality through Accreditation - Current Situation and Future Prospects
Stela Baltova; Lalka Borisova
B 75598 (4)
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
Economic Aspects of Education in Bulgaria Today - Results of an Empirical Study
Georgi Marinov Georgiev

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ПВ 1123
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
Investment Attractiveness and Development of a Higher Education Institution
Stoyan Stoyanov

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