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Намерени са 862 резултата
C 5413
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
LIBERALISATION of International Insurance Operations
Cross-border Trade and Establishment of Foreign Branches (1999)
ПВ 1540
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Sensitivity Analysis of Insurance Risk Models via Simulation
Soren Asmussen; Reuven Rubinstein
ПВ 2190
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
The Effect of Health Insurance on Married female Labor Supply
Thomas Buchmueller; Robert Valletta
ПВ 2190
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
THE IMPORTANCE of Accommodation on the Timing of Disability Insurance Applications
ПВ 2190
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Health Insurance Availability at the Workplace
Alan Monheit; Jessica Vistnes
ПС 960
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
The Unsatisfactory affair of Insurance Accounting
Roger Whewell
ПС 1004
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Senior Secured Floating-Rate Bank Loans for Life Insurance Company Investment Portfolios
Mark Gold; Chad Leat; Michel Perrin
ПС 1004
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Investment with Downside Insurance and the Issue of Time Diversification
Liang Zou
ПВ 2190
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
The Effect of Premiums on the Small Firm's Decision to Offer Health Insurance
Roger Feldman; et al.
B 76773
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
A Guide to Insurance Management
Stephen Diacon
B 51599
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
On the Effects of Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance on Consumption and Savings
Patrick Coene
B 50694
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
State-Dependent Utility, the Demand for Insurance and the Value of Safety
Pierre Dehez; Jacques Drize
ПВ 2189
Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
B 76875
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Доклад
Изследване на връзките на застрахователните компании със застрахователните брокери на пазара за общозастраховане в България
= Analyzing the connection between insurance companies and insurance intermediaries on the non-life insurance market in Bulgaria (2018)
Десислава Рачева

Чети онлайн

B 72437
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Strengthening Community
Social Insurance in a Diverse America (2004)
et al.
B 78036
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
За някои актуални аспекти в здравното осигуряване и здравноосигурителния статут на бежанците, лицата с временна закрила и хуманитарен статут
[On Some Topical Aspects of Health Insurance and the Health Insurance Status of Refugees, Persons with Temporary Protection and Humanitarian Status] (2023)
Галина Йолова
ПВ 960
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Insurance companies (1999)
B 76780
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
The InsurTech Book
The Insurance Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and FinTech Visionaries (2018)
Sabine VanderLinden; Shan Millie; Nicole Anderson
ПВ 2378
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
The price of growth
Consumption insurance in China 1989-2009 (2018)
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis; Yu Zheng