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ИФ WB 1079/2005
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
Using an Asset-Based Approach to Identify Drivers of Sustainable Rular Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America
A Conceptual Framework (2005)
Paul Siegel
ИФ WB 1112/2005
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
A Macroeconomic Framework for Quantifying Growth and Poverty Reduction Stategies in Niger
Emmanuel Moriera; Nihal Bayraktar
C 6075
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Agriculture, Trade Reform and Poverty Reduction
Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa (2004)
Kym Anderson
ИФ WB 1002/2004
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
Agricultural Trade Reform and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries
Kym Anderson
C 5939
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Restoring Fiscal Discipline for Poverty Reduction in Peru
A Public Expenditure Rev (2003)
B 68672
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction
Klaus Deininger
C 5687
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction
An Independent Evaluation of Fiscal Years 1994-2000 (2002)
Catherine Gwin
B 67786
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Empowerment and Poverty Reduction
A Sourcebook (2002)
Deepa Narayan
C 5799
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies
Т. 1. Core Techniques and Cross-Cutting Issues
Jeni Klugman
C 5799
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
A SOURCEBOOK for Poverty Reduction Strategies
Т. 2. Macroeconomic and Sectoral Approaches
Jeni Klugman
B 66656
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Evaluation and Poverty Reduction
Proceedings from a World Bank Conference (2000)
et al.
B 76987
Каталог "Книги" | Дисертация
The Brink of Poverty
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Targeted Social Assistance for Poverty Reduction in Rural China (2018)
Lena Kuhn

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C 5014
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
POVERTY in Transition
Assistance in the formulation and implementation of Bulgarian anti-poverty policies and strategies. Strengthening the national policies and strategies for poverty reduction (1998)
B 70550
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Reducing Poverty through Growth and Social Policy Reform in Russia
Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit Europe and Central Asia Region (2006)
Radwan Shaban; et al.
ИФ WB 1096/2005
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
Roads Out of Poverty?
Assessing the Links between Aid, Public Investment, Growth, and Poverty Reduction (2005)
Pierre-Richard Agenor; Nihal Bayraktar; Karim El Aynaoui
ИФ WB 521/2003
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Книга
The Integrated Macroeconomic Model for Poverty Analysis
A Quantitative Macroeconomic Framework for the Analysis of Poverty Reduction Strategies (2003)
Pierre-Richard Agenor; Alejandro Izquierdo; Hippolyte Fofack
C 5354
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Panama Poverty Assessment
Priorities a. Strategies for Poverty Reduction (2000)
B 77376(2)
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
Poverty Alleviation Through Sustainable Tourism: Challenges, Opportunities and Good Practices
Katina Popova

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B 76573 (2)
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
Poverty among Vulnerable People In Bulgaria for the Period 2006 - 2016
Cornelia Philipova

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