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Намерени са 619 резултата
ПВ 2377
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Incentives for quality in friendly and hostile informational environments
Pierre Fleckinger; Matthieu Glachant
ПВ 2375
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Incentives, Commitments, and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company
Heather Royer; Mark Stehr; Justin Sydnor
B 69316
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
B 70253
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Incentives to Improve Teaching
Lessons from Latin America : [Сборник] (2005)
Emiliana Vegas
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
Monetary Incentives of Tax Whistleblower Programs: On Their Design and Implementation
Svetlana Gercheva
ПВ 2017
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Статия
Formation and use of the system of financial incentives for the development of partnership between the state and business
Vasyl Demianyshyn; Bohdana Shuliuk
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Статия
Non-Material Incentives Motivating the Behavior of Bulgarian IT Specialists
Velina Koleva
C 4938
Каталог "Книги" | Книга
Incentives for Joint Forest Management in India
Analytical Methods and Case Studies (1998)
I. Hill; D. Shields
ПС 1086
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Determinants of alliance partner choice: Network distance, managerial incentives, and board monitoring
Ribuga Kang; Akbar Zaheer
ПВ 2134
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Compensation and incentives in the workplace
Edward Lazear
ПВ 2134
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Nonmonetary incentives and the implications of work as a source of meaning
Lea Cassar; Stephan Meier
ПВ 2376
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Can small incentives have large effects? The impact of taxes versus bonuses on disposable bag use
Tatiana Homonoff
ПВ 2376
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Moral suasion and economic incentives
Field experimental evidence from energy demand (2018)
Koichiro Ito; Takanori Ida; Makoto Tanaka
ПВ 2376
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Cheating and incentives
Learning from a policy experiment (2018)
Cesar Martinelli; et al.
ПВ 2376
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Consumption responses to temporary tax incentives
Evidence from state sales tax holidays (2017)
Sumit Agarwal; Nathan Marwell; Leslie McGranaham
ПС 1023
Каталог "Статии, стандарти, автореферати" | Списание
Fostering incentives for research, development, and delivery of interventions for neglected tropical diseases: lessons from malaria
Mikel Berdud; Adrian Towse; Hannah Kettler
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ" | Доклад
Стимулите на данъчно планиране = The Incentives of Tax Planning
Светослав Борисов
Каталог "Публикации на автори от ИУ"
Non-material Incentives Motivating hte Behavior of Bulgarian IT-specialists
Velina Koleva