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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

ПС 1023


Oxford Univ. Press
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономическа политика
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание Are we fracked? The impact of falling gas prices and the implications for coal-to-gas switching and carbon emissions
Списание Can CCS and NET enable the continued use of fossil carbon fuels after CoP21?
Списание College wage premiums and skills: a cross country analysis
Списание Costs, efficiency, and economies of scale and scope in the English higher education sector
Списание Does infrastructure investment lead to economic growth or economic fragility? Evidence from China
Списание Economic evaluation of healthcare interventions: old and new directions
Списание Electricity in Europe: exiting fossil fuels?
Списание Financial Innovation and European Housing and Mortgage Markets
Списание Fossil fuel producers under threat
Списание Fostering incentives for research, development, and delivery of interventions for neglected tropical diseases: lessons from malaria
Списание Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality
Списание House Prices, Money, Credit, and the Macroeconomy
Списание Housing Markets and the Economy: the Assessment
Списание Infrastructure: why it is under provided and badly managed
Списание Linking local business with global growth opportunities: the role of infrastructure
Списание Measuring progress towards universal health coverage: with an application to 24 developing countries
Списание National accounting for infrastructure
Списание Planning Policy, Planning Practice, and Housing Supply
Списание Reorienting health aid to meet post - 2015 global health challenges: a case study of Sweden as a donor
Списание Should governments of OECD countries worry about graduate underemployment
Списание Sources and Uses of Equity Extracted from Homes
Списание Spatial Patterns of Development and the British Housing Market
Списание Technology-enhanced learning and higher education
Списание The challenge of infrastructure financing
Списание The cumulative carbon budget and its implications
Списание The economics of global health: an assessment
Списание The economics of health system design
Списание The economics of higher education
Списание The embodiment of knowledge: universities as engines of growth
Списание The future of fossil fuels - is it the end?
Списание Trans-boundary commons in infectious diseases
Списание Twenty-first century, the century of coal? CO2 prices to curb coal demand
Списание University funding and student funding: international comparisons
Списание Urban infrastructure for development
Списание Using economic analysis in health workforce policy-making
Списание Valuing School Quality, Better Transport, and Lower Crime: Evidence from House Prices
Списание Will more higher education improve economic growth
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 9
Хранилище - периодика 15
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2016 3-4 32
2016 1-2 32
2015 2-4 31
2014 3-4 30
2014 1-2 30
2013 3-4 29
2013 1-2 29
2012 1-2 28
2012 3-4 28
2011 3-4 27
2011 1-2 27
2010 3-4 26
2010 1-2 26
2009 1-4 25
2008 1-4 24
2007 1-4 23
2006 1-4 22
2005 1-4 21
2003 1-3 19
2002 1-4 18
2001 1-4 17
2000 1-4 16
1999 1-4 15
1998 1-4 14
