Morisset, Jacques, Andrews-Johnson, Kelly The Effectiveness of Promotion Agencies at Attracting Foreign Direct Investment,
The World Bank, 2004, XIII, 108 p., 0-8213-5606-2.
Morisset, Jacques, Andrews-Johnson, Kelly .
The Effectiveness of Promotion Agencies at Attracting Foreign Direct Investment.
Washington: The World Bank, 2004, XIII, 108 p., 0-8213-5606-2.
Morisset, Jacques, Andrews-Johnson, Kelly (2004)
The Effectiveness of Promotion Agencies at Attracting Foreign Direct Investment,
Washington: The World Bank, XIII, 108 p., 0-8213-5606-2
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.