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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

American Economic Journal. Applied Economics

ПВ 2375


Pittsburgh, PA
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
приложна икономика
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A short-run view of what computers do
Списание Are credit markets still local
Списание Can social information affect what job you choose and keep
Списание Conflict and the persistance of ethnic bias
Списание Dodging the taxman
Списание Expertise versus bias in evaluation
Списание Human capital persistence and development
Списание Job search periods for welfare applicants
Списание One mandarin benefits the whole clan
Списание Persuasion: A case study of Papal influences on fertility-related beliefs and behavior
Списание Politics and local economic growth
Списание Racial discrimination in the sharing economy
Списание Ready for boarding
Списание Saving Soviet Science
Списание Severe air polution and labour productivity
Списание Signing up new fathers
Списание Tax me, but spend wisely? Sources of public finance and government accountability
Списание Team production in international labour markets
Списание Technology and child development
Списание The big sort: College reputation and labor market outcomes
Списание The causal effect of competition on prices and quality
Списание The effect of labour migration on the diffusion of democracy
Списание The effect of pollution on worker productivity
Списание The effects of DNA databases on crime
Списание The use of violence in illegal markets
Списание Understanding the average impact of microcredit expansions
Списание Wealth heterogeneity and the income elasticity of migration
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 24
Хранилище - периодика 7
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2019 1 11
2018 4 10
2018 3 10
2018 2 10
2017 4 9
2017 3 9
2017 2 9
2017 1 9
2016 3 8
2016 2 8
2016 1 8
2016 4 8
2015 4 7
2015 3 7
2015 2 7
2015 1 7
2014 4 6
2014 3 6
2014 2 6
2014 1 6
2013 4 5
2013 3 5
2013 2 5
2013 1 5
2012 1-2 4
2012 3-4 4
2011 3-4 3
2011 1-2 3
2010 3-4 2
2010 1-2 2
2009 1-4 1
