Kohli, Harinder, Mody, Ashoka, Walton, Michael Choices for Efficient Private Provision of Infrastructure in East Asia,
The World Bank, 1997, V, 104 p., )-8213-4053-0.
Kohli, Harinder, Mody, Ashoka, Walton, Michael .
Choices for Efficient Private Provision of Infrastructure in East Asia.
Washington: The World Bank, 1997, V, 104 p., )-8213-4053-0.
Kohli, Harinder, Mody, Ashoka, Walton, Michael (1997)
Choices for Efficient Private Provision of Infrastructure in East Asia,
Washington: The World Bank, V, 104 p., )-8213-4053-0
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.