Havlik, Peter Trade and Cost Competitiveneses in the Szech Republic, and Slovenia,
The World Bank, 2000, IX, 63 с. : с табл., диагр, 0-8213-4796-9.
Havlik, Peter .
Trade and Cost Competitiveneses in the Szech Republic, and Slovenia.
Washington: The World Bank, 2000, IX, 63 с. : с табл., диагр, 0-8213-4796-9.
Havlik, Peter (2000)
Trade and Cost Competitiveneses in the Szech Republic, and Slovenia,
Washington: The World Bank, IX, 63 с. : с табл., диагр, 0-8213-4796-9
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.