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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Journal of Economic Literature

ПВ 2133


Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономически науки, икономическа литература
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A review essay on Alvin Roth's Who Gets What - and Why
Списание A Review of Angus Deaton's The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality
Списание A review of Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Conceptualizing Capitalism: Institutions, Evolution, Future
Списание A Review of William Easterly's The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the forgotten Rights of the Poor
Списание Assessing the energy-efficiency gap
Списание Capitalism and socialism: A review of Kornai's Dynamism, Rivalry, and the Surplus Economy
Списание Classifying economics: A history of the JEL codes
Списание Comments on economic models, economics, and economists: Remarks on economics rules by Dani Rodrik
Списание Communicating Uncertainty in Official Economic Statistics
Списание Economics of the pharmaceutical industry
Списание Envirodevonomics: A Research Agenda for an Emerging Field
Списание Estimating risk preferences in the field
Списание Family economics writ large
Списание Game theory and cold war rationality: A review essay
Списание Global firms
Списание Group selection: A review essay on does altruism exist? by David Sloan Wilson
Списание Health and the Economy in the United States from 1750 to the Present
Списание How successful was the New Deal? The microeconomic impact of New Deal spending and lending policies in the 1930s
Списание Identifying and estimating neighborhood effects
Списание Ideology, economic policy, and economic history: Cohen and DeLong's concrete economics
Списание Immigration in American economic history
Списание Inequality and globalization
Списание Information Avoidance
Списание Learning from Failure
Списание Liquidity: A new monetarist perspective
Списание Medieval origins: A review essay on Campbell's "The great transition"
Списание On economic interdependence and war
Списание On measuring multidimensional deprivation
Списание Opportunities, welfare, and social justice: A review of Fishkin's Bottlenecks
Списание Public economics and history: A review of fiscal regimes and the political economy of premodern states edited by Andrew Monson and Walter Scheidel
Списание Review of The Age of Sustainable Development by Jeffrey Sachs
Списание Robert E. Lucas Jr.'s Collected Papers on Monetary Theory
Списание Sorting through search and matching models in economics
Списание Static and intertemporal household decisions
Списание The Beveridge Curve
Списание The decentralized Central Bank: A review essay on The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve by Peter Conti-Brown
Списание The Economic Consequences of Social-Network Structure
Списание The economics of the climate
Списание The gender wage gap
Списание The Great Recession in the shadow of the Great Depression: A review essay on Hall of Mirrors
Списание The intellectual legacy of progressive economics
Списание The political economy of dynamic elections
Списание The Science, Economics, and Politics of Global Climate Change
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 31
Хранилище - периодика 44
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2018 4 56
2018 3 56
2018 2 56
2018 1 56
2017 4 55
2017 3 55
2017 2 55
2017 1 55
2016 4 54
2016 3 54
2016 2 54
2016 1 54
2015 3 53
2015 4 53
2015 2 53
2015 1 53
2014 4 52
2014 3 52
2014 2 52
2014 1 52
2013 3 51
2013 2 51
2013 1 51
2013 4 51
2012 4 50
2012 3 50
2012 2 50
2012 1 50
2011 4 49
2011 3 49
2011 2 49
2011 1 49
2010 4 48
2010 3 48
2010 2 48
2010 1 48
2009 4 47
2009 3 47
2009 2 47
2009 1 47
2008 1 46
2008 4 46
2008 3 46
2008 2 46
2007 3 45
2007 1 45
2007 4 45
2007 2 45
2006 3 44
2006 1 44
2006 4 44
2006 2 44
2005 4 43
2005 3 43
2005 2 43
2005 1 43
2004 4 42
2004 3 42
2004 2 42
2004 1 42
2003 4 41
2003 3 41
2003 2 41
2003 1 41
2002 1-4 40
2001 1-4 39
2000 1-4 38
1999 1-4 37
1998 1-4 36
1997 1-4 35
1996 1-4 34
1995 1-4 33
1994 1-4 32
1993 1-4 31
1992 1-4 30
