Delchev, Grozi, et al. Durum Wheat Grain Yield and Quality Influenced by Some Mixtures of Foliar Fertilizers and Combined Herbicides,
, 2015, p. 1205 - 1212.
Delchev, Grozi, et al. .
Durum Wheat Grain Yield and Quality Influenced by Some Mixtures of Foliar Fertilizers and Combined Herbicides.
: , 2015, p. 1205 - 1212.
Delchev, Grozi, et al. (2015)
Durum Wheat Grain Yield and Quality Influenced by Some Mixtures of Foliar Fertilizers and Combined Herbicides,
: , p. 1205 - 1212
* Моля, проверите цитатите за точност, преди да ги включите в работата си.