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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Business Management

ПВ 2243


Tsenov Academic Publishing House
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
управление на стопанството
ISSN (ел. издание)
Обществени науки
От 2013 - свободно в интернет; До бр. 3/2022 - двуезично издание; До бр. 3/2022 - под загл. Бизнес управление; От бр. 3/2022 - само на англ. ез.; До бр. 4/2022 - без eISSN
Тип Заглавие
Статия Analysis of the behaviour of online consumers fro the European union: Relationships and extreme value
Статия Cyber threats modeling: An empirical study
Статия Determination of the efficiency of implementing blockchain technology into the logistics systems
Статия Development of a customer service system in electronic commerce
Статия Digital marketing in retail banking - analysis of managers' attitudes
Статия Electronic word-of-mouth behavior of passengers in the airport: The combination of SOR and commitment-trust theory
Статия Explaining the intention of software developers to perform entrepreneurial competencies
Статия From business organizations to judicial hierarchies
Студия Household Expenditure during a Pandemic: COVID-19 and the Case of Bulgaria
Статия HR management challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of the Lithuanian hospitality industry
Статия Human resource marketing - how to win the war for talents
Статия Impact of COVID-19 on the global economy = КОВИД ефектът върху глобалната икономика
Статия Innovative marketing technologies in the development of the tourism specialized types
Статия Integrating crisis management mechanisms in European cohesion policy
Статия Market capitalization factors of the Bulgarian pharmaceutical sector in pandemic environment
Студия Metadata Management Framework for Business Intelligence Driven Data Lakes
Статия Models for making decisions on purchase volumes depending on the assessment of upcoming retail sales
Статия Related party disclosures - a precondition for improving the transparency of the the financial statements of commercial banks in Bulgaria
Статия Socio-economic aspects and risks of urbanization in Kazakhstan
Статия Sofia city tourist image in selected social media
Статия The consumer choice of tourism products - sustainable criteria for market segmentation
Статия The EU policies as the public administration tool to increase the agricultural products exports
Статия The green and socially responsible business in the context of sustainable development
Статия The impact of tax harmonization process (on the example of VAT) on budget revenues in 25 selected EU countries - a comparative analysis
Статия The non-life insurance market in Bulgaria - 15 years after the country's accession to the European union
Статия The role of corporate tax, earnings and debt in determining dividend policy of firms
Статия The role of human capital for economic development in a digitalized world
Статия The role of internet resources and social media in the strategic development of tourism
Статия Предизвикателства пред асортиментното предлагане на ритейлърите в ерата на омниканалността = Challenges facing retailers' assortment supply in the omnichannel age
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 21
Хранилище - периодика 17
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2023 1-4
2022 3-4
2022 1-2
2021 3-4
2021 1-2
2020 3-4
2020 1-2
2019 3-4
2019 1-2
2018 1-2
2018 3-4
2017 3-4
2017 1-2
2016 3-4
2016 1-2
2015 3-4
2015 1-2
2014 3-4
2014 1-2
2013 3-4
2013 1-2
2012 1-4
2011 1-4
2010 1-4
2009 1-4
2008 1-4
2007 1-4
2006 1-4
2005 1-4
2004 1-4
2003 1-4
2002 1-4
2001 1-4
2000 1-4
1999 1-4
1998 2-4
1996 1
