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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

American Economic Journal. Microeconomics

ПВ 2377


Pittsburgh, PA
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A theory of organizational dynamics
Списание A theory of patent portfolios
Списание Accountability and information in elections
Списание Age-dependent payoffs and assortative matching by age in a market with search
Списание Call market experiments
Списание Cap and escape in trade agreements
Списание Cartels uncovered
Списание Centralized decision making and informed lobbying
Списание Choice and matching
Списание Choice, consideration sets, and attribute filters
Списание Collective self-control
Списание Conditional retrospective voting in large elections
Списание Designing matching mechanisms under general distributional constraints
Списание Disclosure and legal advice
Списание Disclosure to a psychological audience
Списание Discrimination via symmetric auctions
Списание Dynamic assignment of objects to queuing agents
Списание Efficient procurement auctions with increasing returns
Списание From peer pressure to biased norms
Списание How important can the non-violation clause be for the GATT/WTO
Списание Ideology as Opinion
Списание If many seek, ye shall find
Списание Incentives for quality in friendly and hostile informational environments
Списание Making case-based decision theory directly observable
Списание Management quality and firm hierarchy in industry equilibrium
Списание Partner uncertainty and the dynamic boundary of the firm
Списание Persistence and change in culture and institutions under autarchy, trade, and factor mobility
Списание Power dynamics in organizations
Списание Pricing institutions and the welfare cost of adverse selection
Списание Procurement design with corruption
Списание Public goods in endogenous networks
Списание Resale price maintenance with secret contracts and retail service externalities
Списание Satisfaction guaranteed
Списание Simultaneous search and efficiency of entry and search intensity
Списание Social status in networks
Списание Sophisticated bidders in beauty-contest auctions
Списание Strategic vote trading in power sharing systems
Списание The coevolution of segregation, polarized beliefs, and discrimination
Списание The double diamond paradox
Списание Trading across borders in online auctions
Списание Welfare consequences of information aggregation and optimal market size
Списание Wheat or strawberries? Intermediated trade with limited contracting
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 23
Хранилище - периодика 7
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2018 4 10
2018 3 10
2018 2 10
2018 1 10
2017 4 9
2017 2 9
2017 3 9
2017 1 9
2016 4 8
2016 3 8
2016 2 8
2016 1 8
2015 1 7
2015 4 7
2015 3 7
2015 2 7
2014 4 6
2014 3 6
2014 2 6
2014 1 6
2013 4 5
2013 3 5
2013 2 5
2013 1 5
2012 3-4 4
2012 1-2 4
2011 3-4 3
2011 1-2 3
2010 3-4 2
2010 1-2 2
2009 1-2 1
