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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Financial Analysts Journal

ПС 1004


Charlotesville, Virg
Ключови думи
финансови анализи
Обществени науки
Тип Заглавие
Списание A Behavioral Framework for Time Diversification
Списание A Case for Theory-Driven Experimental Enquiry
Списание A Derivative Alternative Executive Compensation
Списание A Fundamental Analysis of Korean Stock Returns
Списание A Global Perspective on Pension Fund Asset Allocation
Списание A Multidimensional Framework for Risk Analysis
Списание A New Method for Credit-Enhancement Standards
Списание A Portfolio Performance Index
Списание A Reexamination of the Market-Timing and Security-Selection Performance of Mutual Funds
Списание A Simple Valuation Model and Growth Expectations
Списание A Study of Financial Analysts
Списание After Bankruptcy
Списание Allocating between Active and Passive Management
Списание An Anatomy of Morningstar Ratings
Списание An Empirical Study of Bond Market Transactions
Списание Analyst Forecasting Performance in Seven Countries
Списание Analysts and Information Gaps
Списание Approximating the Confidence Intervals for Sharpe Style Weights
Списание Are Industry Stock returns Predictable ?
Списание Are Risk Premium Anomalies Caused by Ambiguity ?
Списание Asset-Pricing Anomalies in Global Industry Indexes
Списание Assigning a Duration to Inflation-Protected Bonds
Списание Behavioral Bias, Valuation, and Active Management
Списание Behavioral Finance
Списание Behavioral Finance and Its Implications for Stock-Price Volatility
Списание Beyond Mean-Variance
Списание Bulls, Bears, and Market Bubbles
Списание Co-Movements in Bid-Ask Spreads and Market Depth
Списание Commercial Real Estate Prices and Stock Market Returns
Списание Company Cross-Holdings and Investment Analysis
Списание Comparisons and Combinations of Long and Long/Short Strategies
Списание Contrarian and Momentum Strategies in Germany
Списание COOPERATION versus Competition
Списание Corporate Credit-Risk Dynamics
Списание Corporate Monitoring
Списание Credit Swap Valuation
Списание Credit-Risk Measurement and Management
Списание Crises in Developed and Emerging Stock Markets
Списание Crossovers, Dividents, and the Size Effect
Списание Default Risk and the Effective Duration of Bonds
Списание Demographics and International Investments
Списание Determinants of Spreads on New High-Yield Bonds
Списание Dispersion as Cross-Sectional Correlation
Списание Do All-Stars Shine ? Evaluation of Analyst Recommendations
Списание Do Equity Markets Respond to Earnings Paths?
Списание Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, or 100 Percent or Performance?
Списание Does Size Really Matter in Japan ?
Списание Does Size Really Matter?
Списание Does the "Dow-10 Investment Strategy" Beat the Dow Statistically and Economically?
Списание Earnings Surprise Research
Списание Economic Integration and Country Allocation in Europe
Списание Equity Mispricing
Списание Equity REIT Beta Estimation
Списание Equity Style Timing
Списание Estimating and Pricing Credit Risk
Списание Ethics and the Finansial Analyst
Списание Ethics in Finance II
Списание European Equity Markets and the EMU
Списание Evidence on the Usefulness of Alternative Earnings per Share Measures
Списание Finding Firm Value without a Pro Forma Analysis
Списание Firm Valuation and Accounting for Employee Stock Options
Списание Fischer's Files
Списание Foreign Stocks in Behavioral Portfolios
Списание Franchise Labor
Списание Franchise Valuation under Q-Type Competition
Списание Fund Management Changes and Equity Style Shifts
Списание Global Sector Rotation
Списание Globalization of Performance Presentation Standards
Списание Going to Extremes
Списание Grading the Performance of Market-Timing Newsletters
Списание Growth in Alternative Investments
Списание Growth versus Value and Large-Cap versus Small-Cap Stocks in International Markets
Списание How "Foolish" Are Internet Investors?
Списание How Many Mutual Funds Constitute a Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio?
Списание How Much Is a Tulip Worth ?
Списание Improving Analysts' Negative Earnings Forecasts
Списание Improving Pension Fund Performance
Списание Industry Momentum and Sector Mutual Funds
Списание Insider Ttading Laws and the Role of Securities Analysts
Списание Interest Rate Sensitivities of Bond Risk Measures
Списание Investment Risk
Списание Investment with Downside Insurance and the Issue of Time Diversification
Списание Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns
Списание Investors' Asset Allocations versus Life-Cycle Funds
Списание Irrational Exuberance and Option Smiles
Списание Is it Time to Split the S&P 500 Futures Contract ?
Списание Is Shareholder Wealth Maximization Immoral ?
Списание Is There a Neglected-Firm Effect?
Списание Leads, Lags, and Trading in Global Markets
Списание Maintaining Consistent Global Asset Views (with a Little Help from Euclid)
Списание Management Forecasts
Списание Market Efficiency in an Irrational World
Списание Market Reactions to Messages from Brokerage Ratings Systems
Списание Market Timing
Списание Mining Fool's Gold
Списание Misconceptions about Optimal Equity Allocation and Investment Horizon
Списание Monetary Conditions and International Investing
Списание Morningstar's Risk-Adjusted Ratings
Списание Multiple-Benchmark and Multiple-Portfolio Optimization
Списание Mutual Fund Misclassification
Списание Mutual Fund Share Classes and Broker Incentives
Списание Naive Diversification
Списание New Directions in Index-Based Management
Списание New Equity Funds
Списание New Evidence on Size and Price-to-Book Effects in Stock Returns
Списание New Paradigm or Same Old Hype in Equity Investing?
Списание On ABS, Short Sellers, and Global Investing
Списание On the Optimality of Long-Short Strategies
Списание On the Performance of Hedge Funds
Списание OPTIMAL Portfolios in Good Times and Bad
Списание P/E Forwards and Their Orbits
Списание Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets
Списание Personal Investing
Списание Pricing of Domestic versus Multinational Companies
Списание Problems with Health Insurance
Списание Put Prices and PEN Participation Rates at Longer Horizons
Списание Rational Pricing of Internet Companies
Списание Rationaly of Negative Stock-Price Responses to Strong Economic Activity
Списание Real-Options Valuation for a Biotechnology Company
Списание Reclaiming Shareholder Power
Списание Reconsidering the Affirmative Obligation of Market Makers
Списание Restrictive Guidelines and Pressure to Outperform
Списание Revisiting the October 1987 Crash
Списание Risk Management in Complex Ogranizations
Списание Risk, Rationality, and Time Diversification
Списание Risk-Adjusted Performance
Списание Russia's True Economy
Списание Saving Social Security
Списание Science and Technology as Predictors of Stock Performance
Списание Search for the Best Financial Performance Measure
Списание Securities Houses and Earnings Forecasts in Japan
Списание Senior Secured Floating-Rate Bank Loans for Life Insurance Company Investment Portfolios
Списание Sensible Return Forecasting for Portfolio Management
Списание Small Slam !
Списание Socially Responsible Mutual Funds
Списание Spread-Driven Discount Models
Списание Stockholder - Manager Conflicts and Firm Value
Списание Stocks versus Bonds
Списание Stocks, Bonds, the Sharpe Ratio, and the Investment Horizon
Списание Stripping the S&P 500 Index
Списание Symmetrical Information and Credit Rationing
Списание The CFA Charter
Списание The Cost of Institutional Equity Trades
Списание The Courage of Misguided Convictions
Списание The Detection of Earnings Manipulation
Списание The Early History of Portfolio Theory
Списание The Effect of Bond-Rating Changes on Bond Price Performance
Списание The Effect of Potentially Dilutive Securities on P/Es
Списание The Effects of Blending Primary and Diluted EPS Data
Списание The Efficiency Gains of Long-Short Investing
Списание The End of Behavioral Finance
Списание The Finite Horizon Expected Return Model
Списание The Increasing Importance of Industry Factors
Списание The Information Ratio
Списание The Interaction of Value and Momentum Strategies
Списание The Investment Value of Brand Franchise
Списание The Long-Term Expected Rate of Return
Списание The Mean-Variance Framework and Long Horizons
Списание The Mean-Variance-Optimization Puzzle
Списание The Optimal Amount of Assets under Management in the Mutual Fund Industry
Списание The Performance, Risk, and Diversification of Sector Funds
Списание The Probability of Limit-Order Execution
Списание The Profitability of Momentum Strategies
Списание The Relative Performance of Five Alternative Warrant Pricing Models
Списание The Rise of Sector Effects in Major Equity Markets
Списание The Search of the Best Financial Performance Measure
Списание The Structure of the Investment-Management Industry
Списание The Three P's of Total Risk Management
Списание The Value Creation Potential of High-Tech Mergers
Списание The Value Premium for Small-Capitalization Stocks
Списание Three Classic Errors in Statistics, from Baseball to Investment Research
Списание Time Diversification and Estimation Risk
Списание U.S. REITs as an ASSET Class in International Investment Portfolios
Списание Understanding and Monitoring the Liquidity Crisis Cycle
Списание Using Asset Allocation to Protect Spending
Списание Valuation and Hedging of Risky Lease Payments
Списание Value at Risk
Списание Value of the CFA Destination to Public Pensions
Списание Valuing the Dow
Списание Volatility, Sentiment, and Noise Traders
Списание What P/E will the U.S. Stock Market Support?
Списание What Rate of Return Can You Reasonably Expect... or What Can the Long Run Teii Us about the Short Run ?
Списание What Really Happened to U.S. Bond Yields
Списание When Is "Bad News" Viewed as "God News"?
Списание Why So Much Error in Analysts Earnings Forecasts ?
Списание Will Stocks Continue to Outperform Bonds in the Future?
Списание Wranchise Margins and the Sales-Driven Franchise Value
Списание Zero Sum
Статус Брой
Липсва 3
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2002 1-5 58
2001 1-6 57
2000 1-6 56
