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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Economic Studies

ПВ 2017


Година на издаване
Ключови думи
икономическа наука
Обществени науки
До бр. 5/2017 - под загл. Икономически изследвания; От бр. 5/2017 - само на англ. ез.; 1989-1998 - не излиза
Тип Заглавие
Статия (Re) Integration of returning migrants into the economic life in Bulgaria
Студия A Model for Assessing Economic Risk in Financing Innovation Project of Venture Capital Funds
Списание A model of natural interest rate: the case of Bulgaria
Статия A nexus between sustainability, openness, development, and urbanisation: Panel data evidence from QUAD nations
Статия Absolute and conditional convergence: A story about convergence clubs and divergence in the EU
Статия Academia-business cooperation in Bulgaria: Problems and progress possibilities
Статия Academic background of Nobel laureates and their main contribution to economic science
Статия An analysis of Albania's banking sector:
Списание An assessment of cetscale in liberalised economy
Списание Analysing CFD retail investors' performance in a post MIFID II environment
Статия Analysis of the effects of the service quality on client satisfaction in the tourism sector in Kosovo
Статия Analysis of the influence of assets structure, earning volatility, and financial flexibility on capital structure and corporate performance in manufacturing sector companies on the IDX
Статия Analyzing credit risk factors
Статия Anti-crisis macroeconomic policy in the conditions of Covid-19 in Bulgaria
Статия Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the conduct of monetary policy by central banks
Статия Are the New Member States Ready to Join the Euro Area? A Business Cycle Perspective
Статия Arrangement of digital leadership strategy by corporate structures: A review
Списание Assessing integrated back and forth relationship in Bulgarian cluster supply chains
Статия Assessing the Significance of Intellectual Capital in Retail Trade through Conjoint Analysis
Статия Assessment of challenges and risks for the banking sector in the transition to a green economy through a sample survey
Списание Assessment of technological competitiveness of Ukraine in terms of association with the EU
Списание Assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on people's lives in North Macedonia
Списание Bankruptcy prediction of Indian banks using advanced analytics
Статия BRICS countries in a period of uncertainty and turbulence
Статия Bulgarian and foreign patent activity in Bulgaria and Bulgarian patent activity abroad by technological areas
Статия Bulgarian and foreign trademark activity in Bulgaria and Bulgarian trademark activity abroad for the period 2000-2019
Статия Bulgarian economy in 2023 - structural challenges and medium-run perspectives
Статия Bulgarian economy on the verge of Euro area - current challenges and medium-term projections
Статия Business management: communication as a key competence
Статия Buyer behaviour in the case of organic agricultural products
Списание Captured energy market operation and liberalisation efforts
Статия Cargo Flows Management Model of Network Air Carrier
Статия Challenges in setting the municipal waste fee tariff in Bulgarian municipalities
Статия Challenges of Bulgaria's fiscal policy towards green transition in the European Union
Статия Changes in determinants of life satisfaction of people aged 50 and over before and after the outbreak of COVID-19
Статия Characteristics of Successful Company in the Modern Business Environment
Статия Circular use of materials: Drivers of the circularity rate in the European Union
Статия Civilisation principles of transformation of values of economic and society development under the conditions of artificial intelligence expansion
Студия Company Competitiveness through Intellectual Property
Статия Competitiveness of farming structures in Bulgaria
Статия Comprehensive bibliometric mapping of publication trends in earnings management
Статия Consequences of global firm domination in the post-democratic European Union (and its member states)
Списание Contribution of SMEs to the Bulgarian export
Статия Convergence determinants and club formation in the EU over 1999-2021
Статия Corporate Culture as Factor for Organizations`s Resilience
Статия Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in state-owned enterprises
Статия COVID-19 and labour market in Kosovo
Статия Covid-19 impact on the capital structure of commercial banks
Статия DCF valuation: The interrelation between the dynamics of operating revenue and gross investments
Списание DEA efficiency approach in comparing macroeconomic performance of EU and Balkan countries
Статия DEA in performance measurement of two-stage processes: comparative overview of the literature
Статия Debt dynamics under uncertainty: Evidence from the republic of Moldova
Статия Deconstruction of management control systems and the role of culture in traditional banking institutions
Статия DEFI - potential, advantages and challenges
Списание Demographic development and labour force: dependencies and key changes
Статия Dependence of the company's reputation and the quality of customer relations
Статия Determinants affecting consumer acceptance and adoption of internet banking in developing countries
Списание Determinants and models of competitive performance of SMES in an international business environment
Списание Determinants of economic city size
Статия Development of government regulation on investment activities in agriculture of Ukraine
Статия Development trends and innovative approaches in agricultural waste management in Bulgaria and the European Union
Статия Diagnostics of corporate culture on machine-building enterprises in Ukraine
Статия Digital financial literacy and its impact on financial skills and financial goals in Indonesia's digital payment ecosystem
Статия Digital transformation and innovation in business: The impact of strategic alliances and their success factors
Статия Digital transformation for digital competitiveness at a micro level
Статия Digital transformation in the Middle East: directions, outcomes and challenges
Статия Digital transformation perspectives in warehousing - initial steps and projections
Статия Digitalisation as a Challenge for Enterprises in 21-st Century
Статия Do regional macroeconomic variables influence the income inequality in Indonesia
Статия Does internal organization communication enhance employee engagement
Статия Double-edged sword of controlling shareholders on politically connected group business
Статия Drivers of shadow banking system: A panel empirical approach for developed countries
Статия Dynamic measures of sovereign systemic risk
Статия Dynamics of economic complexity in Canada
Статия Economic and social challenges, risks and consequences in overlapping crises conditions
Статия Economic and social drivers of renewable energy consumption in the European Union
Статия Economic Aspects of Demographic Changes in the European Union and in Bulgaria
Статия Economic Aspects of Migration Processes in Bulgaria
Статия Economic aspects of transfer of educational technologies at context of appropriation of intellectual product
Статия Economic growth and carbon emissions
Списание Economic growth and development of the concept of convergence - theoretical basis
Статия Economic growth and trade openness: A case of ASEAN 9
Статия Economic growth, income disparity and greenhouse gas emissions: The case of Bulgaria
Списание Education and migration: the (non)return of better educated migrants to Bulgaria
Списание Effect of the application of IFRS 15: evidence from Bulgaria
Статия Effects of COVID-19 in the financial statements for a year of global pandemic - evidence from Bulgaria
Статия Efficiency of electronic government systems
Статия Energy Consumption in the Transport in Bulgaria in the Contemporary Conditions
Статия Energy poverty in Bulgaria - status and policies review
Статия Estimation of the value, distribution and concentration of wealth in Bulgaria, 1995 - 2020
Статия Ethical Infrastructure in the Post-Socialist Bulgaria
Статия Evaluating the "Bastau business" program:
Статия Event tourism development in Bulgaria: Key factors and main goals
Статия Expected Effects of the Euro adoption in Bulgaria
Статия Explanations of economic rationality challenged: contemporary return migration to Bulgaria
Статия Exploring the impact of technology acceptance model constructs on consumer behavior in SMEs: with a focus on e-marketing strategies
Статия Factors determining the undeclared work in Bulgaria
Статия Factors for boosting the green transition of the European micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Статия Factors for reducing the global gender gap
Списание Factors influencing information sharing intention for human resource analytics
Статия Farmers' attitudes to implementation of CAP greening practices in both the Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil regions in Bulgaria
Списание Features of creative clusters formation in Ukraine
Статия Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and financial statements on MSMEs' performance and sustainability with business length as a moderating variable
Статия Financial reporting quality, ESG and prosperity disclosure, and investment efficiency
Статия Fiscal consolidation and growth effects of the EU funding during 2021-2027 in Central and Eastern Europe
Статия Fiscal Discipline Assessment Model for Bulgarian Municipalities
Статия Fiscal multipliers in Bulgaria and Central and Eastern Europe countries
Статия Fiscal policy and economic growth: Evidence from European union countries
Статия Food security of the republic of Kazakhstan
Статия Forestry enterprises diagnostic audit of compliance with the social responsibility principles
Статия Formation and use of the system of financial incentives for the development of partnership between the state and business
Статия Fuzzy logic decision-making model for technology foresight
Статия Government public spending efficiency: A comparative analysis between Kosovo and EU countries, especially Western Balkan countries
Статия Green accounting, CSR disclosure, firm value, and profitability mediation
Списание Green deal's impact on energy poverty in Bulgaria
Статия Households' consumption pattern and saving - evidence for the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria
Статия How to apply digitization in the tourism and hospitality
Статия Human capital for sustainable regional development
Статия Human capital formation in Bulgaria - lessons from the pandemic
Статия Hungarian gas market trends in a risky and unpredictable environment
Статия Impact of fiscal policy on economic growth: Evidence from South East European countries
Списание Impact of GST on handicraft exporters
Статия Impact of taxes on economic growth: an empirical study in the Eurozone
Статия Import substitution or just "catching the wave"? Evidence from the Greek manufacturing exports
Статия Improvement of financial instruments of the agricultural sector and food security efficiency increasing
Статия Inclusive development - nature, aspects, measurement
Списание Industrial and trade policy in agricultural engineering: Russian specifics and problems of harmonization
Статия Industrial relations - past and present
Статия Inflation, inflation instability and nominal uncertainty in the Bulgarian economy
Статия Innovation as a success key for manufacturing SMEs: Empirical insights from Kosovo
Статия Innovative Methods and Tools for Personnel International Marketing Development
Статия Innovative nature of social enterpreneurship at the present stage
Статия Institutional environment of the land resources and land use management in Ukraine: problems of coordination of the institutional structure, functions and authorities
Статия Insurance of environmental risks in the context of the corporate security of the industrial enterprise
Статия Intellectual-Informational Good: Value and Market Price
Статия Introducing educational reforms in the neoclassical model
Статия Is tax moral homogeneous in Bulgaria
Статия Is the corporate solvency conundrum primarily a Balkan issue or a broader European continental misunderstanding
Статия Key Characteristics and Scope of the Bulgarian Corporate Bond Market
Статия Labour Intensiveness of Economic Growth in Bulgaria: Estimates, Impact of the Global Crisis and Drivers
Статия Labour productivity convergence of CEE countries with the euro area - evidence at aggregate and sectoral level
Статия Land use in Bulgarian agricultural holdings and the common agricultural policy
Статия Leadership, adaptability and performance of Bulgarian organizations - cultural reflections on empirical data
Списание Life cycle: formation, structure, management
Статия Macroeconomic factors that generate fiscal risk in Romania
Статия Main pillars building up the risk frame of industry 4.0 implementation in the enterprises in Bulgaria
Статия Market, Freedom and Justice
Статия Marketing Communication Practices in Bulgarian Higher Education
Списание Measuring the business cycle in Bulgaria
Статия Misunderstanding of corporate insolvency and solvency assessment methodology - how did the logic run away
Статия Modeling migration changes according to alternative scenarios in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic
Списание Modeling the relation of financial integration - economic growth with GMM and QR methods
Списание Modern transformation in the economic activity
Списание Modes of governance for ecosystem services in Bulgarian farms
Статия Motivation of Human Capital in the Business Organization
Статия Natural gas and the dynamics of the energy market - Eastern Europe
Статия Navigating theory and practice
Статия Next generation EU and fiscal integration in Europe
Статия Nexus between macroeconomic factors and financial development: Empirical evidence from transition countries
Статия Non-financial information disclosures by Bulgarian listed companies
Статия On the effect of measures for compensation on the end consumers of electricity on the free market
Статия On the issue of compliance of the resourcing of the security and defence sector of Ukraine with the characteristics of the system
Статия On viruses and humans: psychological and cultural challenges to human resources management in remote working conditions
Статия Open entrepreneurial academic centres
Статия Opportunities and Prospects for Japan`s Investments in Bulgaria
Статия Organizational and financial support of investment project management in the economic development of the regions of Ukraine
Статия Participation of Returning Migrants in the Labour Market in Bulgaria
Статия Performance of 109 machine learning tasks: Employee behaviour modeling, online communication, house pricing, IT support and demand planning
Статия Policies for limitation of the regional disparities differences in the educational infrastructure
Статия Political skill and transactional leadership on employee performance
Списание Positioning of bee products from the Ruse region
Статия Pre-financing oil imports with gold
Списание Professional mobility of youth: trends, problems and prospects
Статия Propensity of youth to migrate: Evidence from Kosovo
Статия Prospects for the development of small agricultural business entities in the market environment
Статия Public sector impact on income inequality in CEE countries
Статия Quadratic model for assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the HR soft skills
Статия Quantitative analysis of the interaction of the labour market and the higher education market (on the expample of Kazakhstan)
Списание Quasi-risk and fraudulent financing models: The case of firms with negative equity in Ukraine
Статия Reduction of poverty and material deprivation in the EU countries: what matters the most
Статия Regional Electricity Trade in South East Europe - Findings from a Panel Structural Gravity Model
Статия Relationship between leadership behaviour and employee satisfaction in an organisation (based on the example of the sector of trade)
Статия Retargeting customers using uplift modeling
Списание Return migration and institutional change: the case of Bulgaria
Списание Return migration and remittances: recent empirical evidence for Bulgaria
Статия Returning migrants - Effects on the Labour Market in Bulgaria
Списание Returning migrants - success or failure
Статия Sectoral growth impacts of bank credit allocation
Статия Segmentation of Returning Migrants
Статия Shadow economy and production factors: Results from an empirical analysis with a panel data set
Статия Small firms capital structure and performance
Статия Social assistance for social flexsecurity
Статия Social Cohesion (Bulgaria - EU - Western Balkans)
Статия Social design as technology of social management
Статия Social responsibility of higher education under martial law
Статия Socio-psychological determinants of food security in Ukraine: causal aspect
Статия Stock indices as indicators of market efficiency and interaction
Списание Stock price dynamics surrounding company - specific shocks
Статия Stock returns under different market regimes: An application of Markov switching models to 24 European indices
Списание Strategic directions for ensuring food security of Ukraine in the context of economic integration
Статия Strategic entrepreneurship as a main factor for the development of economic zones in Bulgaria
Списание Strategic patterns of national postal operators'' internationalization: a network and resource-based view approach
Статия Structural Changes by Main Sectors in EU Countries
Списание Structural convergence of Bulgarian foreign trade and exports to the euro area
Статия Study of the current state and development of sharing economy in Bulgaria
Статия Sustainability of production and export of main cereal and oil crops from Bulgaria
Списание Sustainable development model for mountain tourist territories in Bulgaria after the crisis period
Списание Talent management philosophy in pubic sector: A key for managing conflicts and contradictions
Статия The Company Digital Competitiveness Focused on Intellectual Property Rights - Concept, Assessment and Strategy
Статия The discount rate in the assessment of EU-funded investment projects
Статия The effect of financial risk management on the financial performance of commercial banks in Western Balkans before and during COVID-19
Статия The effect of fiscal deficits on economic growth
Статия The effect of international migrant remittances on employment patterns: Evidence from Kosovo
Статия The effect of service quality on recertification mediated by customer satisfaction and relationship commitment
Статия The effect of tourism revenues and inflation on economic growth in Balkan countries
Статия The effect on green accounting implementation and corporate social responsibility on company profitability
Списание The effects of the crisis on convergence between the Eastern Partnership and EU-15 states
Списание The energy strategy and energy policy of the European Union
Статия The Euro and Bulgaria - fears and hopes
Списание The European union facing the challenges of globalisation
Статия The geography of trade among the European Union and the European neighborhood policy countries
Статия The grain market of Ukraine: Actual state, current problems, and development prospects
Статия The green transition of small and medium business in Bulgaria - current overview and outlooks
Статия The impact of COVID-19 on the philosophy of doing business in a sustainable environment
Статия The impact of gender and age on earnings management practices of public enterprises - a case study of Belgrade
Статия The impact of innovation on the structure of the assets of the enterprises
Статия The impact of refugee startups on host country economies: Business models and economic adaptation
Статия The impact of social media on the performance indicators (product development, market development and customer loyalty) in the gastronomy sector
Статия The influence of external factors and modern management accounting techniques adoption on organizational performance
Списание The influence of uncertainty on market efficiency: Evidence from selected European financial markets
Статия The informal employment - factors and public policies for its limitation
Студия The Labor Market - National and Regional Problems
Статия The National Culture Effects on the Adoption of Internet-Banking
Статия The National Culture Effects on the Adoption of Internet-Banking
Списание The performance of hedge fund industry during the COVID-19 crisis - theoretical characteristics and empirical aspects
Статия The Potential of Bulgarian Agriculture in the Community Agricultural Policy
Списание The relationship between environmental quality and economic growth
Статия The relationship between financial inclusion and financial stability banking industry in G20 emerging market countries
Статия The relative nature of success and failure - function of time and context
Статия The Remigration: Causes and Sustainability (the Bulgarian Case)
Статия The role of gas interconnections in the energy security of South-East Europe
Статия The role of global digitalisation in the strategic development of the enterprise
Статия The role of institutions in energy transition and economic growth in west Balkan countries
Статия The role of management/manager practices in the process of internationalization of SMEs
Статия The shadow economy in Bulgaria diring the period 2006-2019
Статия The System of Evaluation Efficiency of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Enterprise in the Decentralisation Conditions
Статия The trademark application activity in Bulgaria according to the NICE classification and economic sectors for the period 2010-2020
Статия The use of university research products in entrepreneurial practice: Specifics according to size class of enterprises and sectors of economic activities
Статия The value relevance of accounting information
Статия Theoretical foundations of stakeholder theory
Списание Theoretical frameworks of responsible innovations
Статия Three Eastern cases of youth unemployment trends - Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia
Статия Through circular to low carbon economy - concept and evidences in the EU members
Статия Tourism in COVID-19 pandemic: consequences and the way forward
Статия Trade relations between Vietnam and Bulgaria: performance and its determinants
Статия Transport and logistics market transformation: Prospects for Russian-Chinese integration under sanctions restrictions
Статия Trends in the development of the structure of the agricultural holdings in Bulgaria
Списание Ukranian financial system development: the path to EU
Списание Unravelling the EU debt knot over 2000-2019: an injection leakage approach
Статия Unveiling national competiveness
Статия Use of state support levers for small and medium-sized enterprises within the dynamic environment
Статия Value Assessment of Natural Mineral Springs Water Used in Spa Facilities
Статия Vegetable production as a part of Bulgarian agriculture
Статия Volatility spillover effects among gold, oil and stock markets: empirical evidence from the G7 countries
Статия Wealth inequality determinants in the EU members from the CEE region, 1995-2021
Статия Why start-ups struggle to secure venture capital funding
Списание Will the BRICS be the leaders in Central Bank digital currencies
Статия Work motivation of bank employees in case of implementing AI and robots in the bank activities: comparative analysis of Russia and Kazakhstan
Статия Workplace conflict: Evidence from Bulgaria
Статус Брой
Читалня - периодика 37
Хранилище - периодика 19
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2021 7 30
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2021 8 30
2020 5-6 29
2020 3-4 29
2020 1-2 29
2019 5-6 28
2019 3-4 28
2019 1-2 28
2018 1-2 27
2018 5-6 27
2018 3-4 27
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2010 1-3
2010 4
2009 3-4 18
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2003 1-3
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1998 1-2
