Статия |
(Re) Integration of returning migrants into the economic life in Bulgaria |
Студия |
A Model for Assessing Economic Risk in Financing Innovation Project of Venture Capital Funds |
Списание |
A model of natural interest rate: the case of Bulgaria |
Статия |
A nexus between sustainability, openness, development, and urbanisation: Panel data evidence from QUAD nations |
Статия |
Absolute and conditional convergence: A story about convergence clubs and divergence in the EU |
Статия |
Academia-business cooperation in Bulgaria: Problems and progress possibilities |
Статия |
Academic background of Nobel laureates and their main contribution to economic science |
Статия |
An analysis of Albania's banking sector: |
Списание |
An assessment of cetscale in liberalised economy |
Списание |
Analysing CFD retail investors' performance in a post MIFID II environment |
Статия |
Analysis of the effects of the service quality on client satisfaction in the tourism sector in Kosovo |
Статия |
Analysis of the influence of assets structure, earning volatility, and financial flexibility on capital structure and corporate performance in manufacturing sector companies on the IDX |
Статия |
Analyzing credit risk factors |
Статия |
Anti-crisis macroeconomic policy in the conditions of Covid-19 in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the conduct of monetary policy by central banks |
Статия |
Are the New Member States Ready to Join the Euro Area? A Business Cycle Perspective |
Статия |
Arrangement of digital leadership strategy by corporate structures: A review |
Списание |
Assessing integrated back and forth relationship in Bulgarian cluster supply chains |
Статия |
Assessing the Significance of Intellectual Capital in Retail Trade through Conjoint Analysis |
Статия |
Assessment of challenges and risks for the banking sector in the transition to a green economy through a sample survey |
Списание |
Assessment of technological competitiveness of Ukraine in terms of association with the EU |
Списание |
Assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on people's lives in North Macedonia |
Списание |
Bankruptcy prediction of Indian banks using advanced analytics |
Статия |
BRICS countries in a period of uncertainty and turbulence |
Статия |
Bulgarian and foreign patent activity in Bulgaria and Bulgarian patent activity abroad by technological areas |
Статия |
Bulgarian and foreign trademark activity in Bulgaria and Bulgarian trademark activity abroad for the period 2000-2019 |
Статия |
Bulgarian economy in 2023 - structural challenges and medium-run perspectives |
Статия |
Bulgarian economy on the verge of Euro area - current challenges and medium-term projections |
Статия |
Business management: communication as a key competence |
Статия |
Buyer behaviour in the case of organic agricultural products |
Списание |
Captured energy market operation and liberalisation efforts |
Статия |
Cargo Flows Management Model of Network Air Carrier |
Статия |
Challenges in setting the municipal waste fee tariff in Bulgarian municipalities |
Статия |
Challenges of Bulgaria's fiscal policy towards green transition in the European Union |
Статия |
Changes in determinants of life satisfaction of people aged 50 and over before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 |
Статия |
Characteristics of Successful Company in the Modern Business Environment |
Статия |
Circular use of materials: Drivers of the circularity rate in the European Union |
Статия |
Civilisation principles of transformation of values of economic and society development under the conditions of artificial intelligence expansion |
Студия |
Company Competitiveness through Intellectual Property |
Статия |
Competitiveness of farming structures in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Comprehensive bibliometric mapping of publication trends in earnings management |
Статия |
Consequences of global firm domination in the post-democratic European Union (and its member states) |
Списание |
Contribution of SMEs to the Bulgarian export |
Статия |
Convergence determinants and club formation in the EU over 1999-2021 |
Статия |
Corporate Culture as Factor for Organizations`s Resilience |
Статия |
Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in state-owned enterprises |
Статия |
COVID-19 and labour market in Kosovo |
Статия |
Covid-19 impact on the capital structure of commercial banks |
Статия |
DCF valuation: The interrelation between the dynamics of operating revenue and gross investments |
Списание |
DEA efficiency approach in comparing macroeconomic performance of EU and Balkan countries |
Статия |
DEA in performance measurement of two-stage processes: comparative overview of the literature |
Статия |
Debt dynamics under uncertainty: Evidence from the republic of Moldova |
Статия |
Deconstruction of management control systems and the role of culture in traditional banking institutions |
Статия |
DEFI - potential, advantages and challenges |
Списание |
Demographic development and labour force: dependencies and key changes |
Статия |
Dependence of the company's reputation and the quality of customer relations |
Статия |
Determinants affecting consumer acceptance and adoption of internet banking in developing countries |
Списание |
Determinants and models of competitive performance of SMES in an international business environment |
Списание |
Determinants of economic city size |
Статия |
Development of government regulation on investment activities in agriculture of Ukraine |
Статия |
Development trends and innovative approaches in agricultural waste management in Bulgaria and the European Union |
Статия |
Diagnostics of corporate culture on machine-building enterprises in Ukraine |
Статия |
Digital financial literacy and its impact on financial skills and financial goals in Indonesia's digital payment ecosystem |
Статия |
Digital transformation and innovation in business: The impact of strategic alliances and their success factors |
Статия |
Digital transformation for digital competitiveness at a micro level |
Статия |
Digital transformation in the Middle East: directions, outcomes and challenges |
Статия |
Digital transformation perspectives in warehousing - initial steps and projections |
Статия |
Digitalisation as a Challenge for Enterprises in 21-st Century |
Статия |
Do regional macroeconomic variables influence the income inequality in Indonesia |
Статия |
Does internal organization communication enhance employee engagement |
Статия |
Double-edged sword of controlling shareholders on politically connected group business |
Статия |
Drivers of shadow banking system: A panel empirical approach for developed countries |
Статия |
Dynamic measures of sovereign systemic risk |
Статия |
Dynamics of economic complexity in Canada |
Статия |
Economic and social challenges, risks and consequences in overlapping crises conditions |
Статия |
Economic and social drivers of renewable energy consumption in the European Union |
Статия |
Economic Aspects of Demographic Changes in the European Union and in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Economic Aspects of Migration Processes in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Economic aspects of transfer of educational technologies at context of appropriation of intellectual product |
Статия |
Economic growth and carbon emissions |
Списание |
Economic growth and development of the concept of convergence - theoretical basis |
Статия |
Economic growth and trade openness: A case of ASEAN 9 |
Статия |
Economic growth, income disparity and greenhouse gas emissions: The case of Bulgaria |
Списание |
Education and migration: the (non)return of better educated migrants to Bulgaria |
Списание |
Effect of the application of IFRS 15: evidence from Bulgaria |
Статия |
Effects of COVID-19 in the financial statements for a year of global pandemic - evidence from Bulgaria |
Статия |
Efficiency of electronic government systems |
Статия |
Energy Consumption in the Transport in Bulgaria in the Contemporary Conditions |
Статия |
Energy poverty in Bulgaria - status and policies review |
Статия |
Estimation of the value, distribution and concentration of wealth in Bulgaria, 1995 - 2020 |
Статия |
Ethical Infrastructure in the Post-Socialist Bulgaria |
Статия |
Evaluating the "Bastau business" program: |
Статия |
Event tourism development in Bulgaria: Key factors and main goals |
Статия |
Expected Effects of the Euro adoption in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Explanations of economic rationality challenged: contemporary return migration to Bulgaria |
Статия |
Exploring the impact of technology acceptance model constructs on consumer behavior in SMEs: with a focus on e-marketing strategies |
Статия |
Factors determining the undeclared work in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Factors for boosting the green transition of the European micro, small and medium-sized enterprises |
Статия |
Factors for reducing the global gender gap |
Списание |
Factors influencing information sharing intention for human resource analytics |
Статия |
Farmers' attitudes to implementation of CAP greening practices in both the Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil regions in Bulgaria |
Списание |
Features of creative clusters formation in Ukraine |
Статия |
Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and financial statements on MSMEs' performance and sustainability with business length as a moderating variable |
Статия |
Financial reporting quality, ESG and prosperity disclosure, and investment efficiency |
Статия |
Fiscal consolidation and growth effects of the EU funding during 2021-2027 in Central and Eastern Europe |
Статия |
Fiscal Discipline Assessment Model for Bulgarian Municipalities |
Статия |
Fiscal multipliers in Bulgaria and Central and Eastern Europe countries |
Статия |
Fiscal policy and economic growth: Evidence from European union countries |
Статия |
Food security of the republic of Kazakhstan |
Статия |
Forestry enterprises diagnostic audit of compliance with the social responsibility principles |
Статия |
Formation and use of the system of financial incentives for the development of partnership between the state and business |
Статия |
Fuzzy logic decision-making model for technology foresight |
Статия |
Government public spending efficiency: A comparative analysis between Kosovo and EU countries, especially Western Balkan countries |
Статия |
Green accounting, CSR disclosure, firm value, and profitability mediation |
Списание |
Green deal's impact on energy poverty in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Households' consumption pattern and saving - evidence for the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria |
Статия |
How to apply digitization in the tourism and hospitality |
Статия |
Human capital for sustainable regional development |
Статия |
Human capital formation in Bulgaria - lessons from the pandemic |
Статия |
Hungarian gas market trends in a risky and unpredictable environment |
Статия |
Impact of fiscal policy on economic growth: Evidence from South East European countries |
Списание |
Impact of GST on handicraft exporters |
Статия |
Impact of taxes on economic growth: an empirical study in the Eurozone |
Статия |
Import substitution or just "catching the wave"? Evidence from the Greek manufacturing exports |
Статия |
Improvement of financial instruments of the agricultural sector and food security efficiency increasing |
Статия |
Inclusive development - nature, aspects, measurement |
Списание |
Industrial and trade policy in agricultural engineering: Russian specifics and problems of harmonization |
Статия |
Industrial relations - past and present |
Статия |
Inflation, inflation instability and nominal uncertainty in the Bulgarian economy |
Статия |
Innovation as a success key for manufacturing SMEs: Empirical insights from Kosovo |
Статия |
Innovative Methods and Tools for Personnel International Marketing Development |
Статия |
Innovative nature of social enterpreneurship at the present stage |
Статия |
Institutional environment of the land resources and land use management in Ukraine: problems of coordination of the institutional structure, functions and authorities |
Статия |
Insurance of environmental risks in the context of the corporate security of the industrial enterprise |
Статия |
Intellectual-Informational Good: Value and Market Price |
Статия |
Introducing educational reforms in the neoclassical model |
Статия |
Is tax moral homogeneous in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Is the corporate solvency conundrum primarily a Balkan issue or a broader European continental misunderstanding |
Статия |
Key Characteristics and Scope of the Bulgarian Corporate Bond Market |
Статия |
Labour Intensiveness of Economic Growth in Bulgaria: Estimates, Impact of the Global Crisis and Drivers |
Статия |
Labour productivity convergence of CEE countries with the euro area - evidence at aggregate and sectoral level |
Статия |
Land use in Bulgarian agricultural holdings and the common agricultural policy |
Статия |
Leadership, adaptability and performance of Bulgarian organizations - cultural reflections on empirical data |
Списание |
Life cycle: formation, structure, management |
Статия |
Macroeconomic factors that generate fiscal risk in Romania |
Статия |
Main pillars building up the risk frame of industry 4.0 implementation in the enterprises in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Market, Freedom and Justice |
Статия |
Marketing Communication Practices in Bulgarian Higher Education |
Списание |
Measuring the business cycle in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Misunderstanding of corporate insolvency and solvency assessment methodology - how did the logic run away |
Статия |
Modeling migration changes according to alternative scenarios in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic |
Списание |
Modeling the relation of financial integration - economic growth with GMM and QR methods |
Списание |
Modern transformation in the economic activity |
Списание |
Modes of governance for ecosystem services in Bulgarian farms |
Статия |
Motivation of Human Capital in the Business Organization |
Статия |
Natural gas and the dynamics of the energy market - Eastern Europe |
Статия |
Navigating theory and practice |
Статия |
Next generation EU and fiscal integration in Europe |
Статия |
Nexus between macroeconomic factors and financial development: Empirical evidence from transition countries |
Статия |
Non-financial information disclosures by Bulgarian listed companies |
Статия |
On the effect of measures for compensation on the end consumers of electricity on the free market |
Статия |
On the issue of compliance of the resourcing of the security and defence sector of Ukraine with the characteristics of the system |
Статия |
On viruses and humans: psychological and cultural challenges to human resources management in remote working conditions |
Статия |
Open entrepreneurial academic centres |
Статия |
Opportunities and Prospects for Japan`s Investments in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Organizational and financial support of investment project management in the economic development of the regions of Ukraine |
Статия |
Participation of Returning Migrants in the Labour Market in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Performance of 109 machine learning tasks: Employee behaviour modeling, online communication, house pricing, IT support and demand planning |
Статия |
Policies for limitation of the regional disparities differences in the educational infrastructure |
Статия |
Political skill and transactional leadership on employee performance |
Списание |
Positioning of bee products from the Ruse region |
Статия |
Pre-financing oil imports with gold |
Списание |
Professional mobility of youth: trends, problems and prospects |
Статия |
Propensity of youth to migrate: Evidence from Kosovo |
Статия |
Prospects for the development of small agricultural business entities in the market environment |
Статия |
Public sector impact on income inequality in CEE countries |
Статия |
Quadratic model for assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the HR soft skills |
Статия |
Quantitative analysis of the interaction of the labour market and the higher education market (on the expample of Kazakhstan) |
Списание |
Quasi-risk and fraudulent financing models: The case of firms with negative equity in Ukraine |
Статия |
Reduction of poverty and material deprivation in the EU countries: what matters the most |
Статия |
Regional Electricity Trade in South East Europe - Findings from a Panel Structural Gravity Model |
Статия |
Relationship between leadership behaviour and employee satisfaction in an organisation (based on the example of the sector of trade) |
Статия |
Retargeting customers using uplift modeling |
Списание |
Return migration and institutional change: the case of Bulgaria |
Списание |
Return migration and remittances: recent empirical evidence for Bulgaria |
Статия |
Returning migrants - Effects on the Labour Market in Bulgaria |
Списание |
Returning migrants - success or failure |
Статия |
Sectoral growth impacts of bank credit allocation |
Статия |
Segmentation of Returning Migrants |
Статия |
Shadow economy and production factors: Results from an empirical analysis with a panel data set |
Статия |
Small firms capital structure and performance |
Статия |
Social assistance for social flexsecurity |
Статия |
Social Cohesion (Bulgaria - EU - Western Balkans) |
Статия |
Social design as technology of social management |
Статия |
Social responsibility of higher education under martial law |
Статия |
Socio-psychological determinants of food security in Ukraine: causal aspect |
Статия |
Stock indices as indicators of market efficiency and interaction |
Списание |
Stock price dynamics surrounding company - specific shocks |
Статия |
Stock returns under different market regimes: An application of Markov switching models to 24 European indices |
Списание |
Strategic directions for ensuring food security of Ukraine in the context of economic integration |
Статия |
Strategic entrepreneurship as a main factor for the development of economic zones in Bulgaria |
Списание |
Strategic patterns of national postal operators'' internationalization: a network and resource-based view approach |
Статия |
Structural Changes by Main Sectors in EU Countries |
Списание |
Structural convergence of Bulgarian foreign trade and exports to the euro area |
Статия |
Study of the current state and development of sharing economy in Bulgaria |
Статия |
Sustainability of production and export of main cereal and oil crops from Bulgaria |
Списание |
Sustainable development model for mountain tourist territories in Bulgaria after the crisis period |
Списание |
Talent management philosophy in pubic sector: A key for managing conflicts and contradictions |
Статия |
The Company Digital Competitiveness Focused on Intellectual Property Rights - Concept, Assessment and Strategy |
Статия |
The discount rate in the assessment of EU-funded investment projects |
Статия |
The effect of financial risk management on the financial performance of commercial banks in Western Balkans before and during COVID-19 |
Статия |
The effect of fiscal deficits on economic growth |
Статия |
The effect of international migrant remittances on employment patterns: Evidence from Kosovo |
Статия |
The effect of service quality on recertification mediated by customer satisfaction and relationship commitment |
Статия |
The effect of tourism revenues and inflation on economic growth in Balkan countries |
Статия |
The effect on green accounting implementation and corporate social responsibility on company profitability |
Списание |
The effects of the crisis on convergence between the Eastern Partnership and EU-15 states |
Списание |
The energy strategy and energy policy of the European Union |
Статия |
The Euro and Bulgaria - fears and hopes |
Списание |
The European union facing the challenges of globalisation |
Статия |
The geography of trade among the European Union and the European neighborhood policy countries |
Статия |
The grain market of Ukraine: Actual state, current problems, and development prospects |
Статия |
The green transition of small and medium business in Bulgaria - current overview and outlooks |
Статия |
The impact of COVID-19 on the philosophy of doing business in a sustainable environment |
Статия |
The impact of gender and age on earnings management practices of public enterprises - a case study of Belgrade |
Статия |
The impact of innovation on the structure of the assets of the enterprises |
Статия |
The impact of refugee startups on host country economies: Business models and economic adaptation |
Статия |
The impact of social media on the performance indicators (product development, market development and customer loyalty) in the gastronomy sector |
Статия |
The influence of external factors and modern management accounting techniques adoption on organizational performance |
Списание |
The influence of uncertainty on market efficiency: Evidence from selected European financial markets |
Статия |
The informal employment - factors and public policies for its limitation |
Студия |
The Labor Market - National and Regional Problems |
Статия |
The National Culture Effects on the Adoption of Internet-Banking |
Статия |
The National Culture Effects on the Adoption of Internet-Banking |
Списание |
The performance of hedge fund industry during the COVID-19 crisis - theoretical characteristics and empirical aspects |
Статия |
The Potential of Bulgarian Agriculture in the Community Agricultural Policy |
Списание |
The relationship between environmental quality and economic growth |
Статия |
The relationship between financial inclusion and financial stability banking industry in G20 emerging market countries |
Статия |
The relative nature of success and failure - function of time and context |
Статия |
The Remigration: Causes and Sustainability (the Bulgarian Case) |
Статия |
The role of gas interconnections in the energy security of South-East Europe |
Статия |
The role of global digitalisation in the strategic development of the enterprise |
Статия |
The role of institutions in energy transition and economic growth in west Balkan countries |
Статия |
The role of management/manager practices in the process of internationalization of SMEs |
Статия |
The shadow economy in Bulgaria diring the period 2006-2019 |
Статия |
The System of Evaluation Efficiency of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Enterprise in the Decentralisation Conditions |
Статия |
The trademark application activity in Bulgaria according to the NICE classification and economic sectors for the period 2010-2020 |
Статия |
The use of university research products in entrepreneurial practice: Specifics according to size class of enterprises and sectors of economic activities |
Статия |
The value relevance of accounting information |
Статия |
Theoretical foundations of stakeholder theory |
Списание |
Theoretical frameworks of responsible innovations |
Статия |
Three Eastern cases of youth unemployment trends - Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia |
Статия |
Through circular to low carbon economy - concept and evidences in the EU members |
Статия |
Tourism in COVID-19 pandemic: consequences and the way forward |
Статия |
Trade relations between Vietnam and Bulgaria: performance and its determinants |
Статия |
Transport and logistics market transformation: Prospects for Russian-Chinese integration under sanctions restrictions |
Статия |
Trends in the development of the structure of the agricultural holdings in Bulgaria |
Списание |
Ukranian financial system development: the path to EU |
Списание |
Unravelling the EU debt knot over 2000-2019: an injection leakage approach |
Статия |
Unveiling national competiveness |
Статия |
Use of state support levers for small and medium-sized enterprises within the dynamic environment |
Статия |
Value Assessment of Natural Mineral Springs Water Used in Spa Facilities |
Статия |
Vegetable production as a part of Bulgarian agriculture |
Статия |
Volatility spillover effects among gold, oil and stock markets: empirical evidence from the G7 countries |
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Wealth inequality determinants in the EU members from the CEE region, 1995-2021 |
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Why start-ups struggle to secure venture capital funding |
Списание |
Will the BRICS be the leaders in Central Bank digital currencies |
Статия |
Work motivation of bank employees in case of implementing AI and robots in the bank activities: comparative analysis of Russia and Kazakhstan |
Статия |
Workplace conflict: Evidence from Bulgaria |