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Каталог "Периодични издания" | Списание

Trakia Journal of Sciences : The Scientific Serial of Trakia University

ПС 1083


Trakia University
Stara Zagora
Година на издаване
Ключови думи
биотехнологии, сравнителна медицина, социология
1313-7050 ; 1313-7069
ISSN (ел. издание)
Прил. науки. Медицина. Техника. Селско стопанс
От 2003 - свободно в интернет; От 2020 - само онлайн; До 2009 = ISSN 1312-1723; v. 7, бр. 2/2009 = ISSN 1312-1723
Тип Заглавие
Доклад A Methodology for Analyzing Whole Tree Logging in Bulgaria
Статия Accounting Treatment of Intellectual Property in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Статия Agri-environmental Practices for Land Use as a Prerequisite for Building a Sustainable Agri-Food System
Статия An Approach for Determining Hospital Competitiveness and its Implications for Improving Integrated Health Care
Статия Assessing Changes in Land Rent Costs and Their Impact on the Financial Performances of Agricultural Holdings in Bulgaria
Статия Beef Markets - State, Trends and Policy
Статия Behavioural Finance : An Overview
Статия Building Cooperative Business Models in Agriculture
Статия Business and Regional Models for the Application of the Circular Economy
Статия Challenges to the Development of Employment in Rural Areas
Статия Climate Risk Assessment for Wheat Producers in Bulgaria
Статия Competitiveness of the Universities: Measurement Capabilities
Статия Craftsmanship, Opportunity and Perspective for Development of non agricultural Activities in Rural Areas in Bulgaria
Статия Customer Equity Management
Статия Determinants of Growth of Small Tour-Operator Companies in Bulgaria
Статия Directions and Priorities for Sustainable Development of Grape-wine Sector in Bulgaria
Статия Effects of Residual Biomass Use in Agriculture
Статия Employment in the Agrarian Sector: Demand VS Supply
Статия Entrepreneurship as an Economic Factor of Development in the Rural Areas
Статия ERP Systems as a Tool for Increasing Competitiveness of Modern Organisations
Статия Global and Domestic Bulgarian Production of Cocoa and Chocolate Articles for the Period 2013 - 2016
Статия Impact of Bulgaria's Accession to the EU on Trade in Agricultural Goods
Статия Impact of External and Internal Circumstances on Food Safety Management
Статия Improving Access to Finance for Agricultural Holdings as a Factor for the Sustainability of Agricultural Financing in Bulgaria
Статия Information Flows With the Integrated Model for the Development of Rural Areas
Статия Labour Market Situation and Tendencies in the Planning Regions in Bulgaria
Статия Methods for Assessing the Propensity for Risk in Agriculture
Статия Opportunities for Cross-border Cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania: The Case of the Interreg Programe
Статия Opportunities for Distribution of Agricultural Products Through Short Supply Chains
Статия Preconditions for Implementation of Conservation Technologies in the Cultivation of intensive Crops in Bulgaria
Статия Problems and Reasons that Make Shopping Over the Internet Difficult
Статия Problems of Protection of Ecosystems in Areas With Intensive Agriculture
Статия Production Function Application in Determining the Optimal Parameters in the Development of Hospitals
Статия Regional Aspects of Entrepreneurial Capital
Статия Regional Development and Spatial Planning in the Base of Business
Статия Regional Development, through Rural and Historical Tourism, of the Regions Pliska and Preslav
Статия Research on the Sources of Risk for Agricultural Cooperatives in Northeastern Bulgaria
Статия Semi-subsistence Farms in Europe - Challenge to the EU and The National Agrarian Policies
Статия Social Enterprises‘ Position in Regional Sustainable Development
Статия Stages Upon Elaborating the Accounting Policy of the Establishment
Статия Sustainability of Rural Finance: Problems and Prospects
Статия Sustainable Management of Land Resources and Organic Farming
Статия The Challenges of Offshoring and Outsourcing
Статия Trends and Prospects for the Viticulture Business in Bulgaria
Статия Wireless Technologies in the Commercial Business
Статия Working Conditions in Agriculture as an Element of the Quality of Employment in the Sector
Статия World Production of Coffee Imports and Exports in Europe, Bulgaria and USA
Статус Брой
Хранилище - периодика 23
Година на издаване Обхват Том
2019 1-4 17
2018 1-4 16
2017 1-4 15
2017 15 Supplement 1
2016 1-4 14
2015 1-4 13
2015 13 Supplement 2
2015 13 Supplement 1
2014 12 Supplement 1
2014 1-4 12
2013 1-4 11
2013 11 Supplement 1
2012 1-4 10
2011 1-4 9
2011 9 Supplement 2
2010 1-4 8
2009 1-4 7
2008 1-4 6
2006 1-2 4
2005 1-8 3
2005 1-3 3 Supplement
2004 1-4 2
2003 1-4 1
